Sony FX3 vs Canon R5C - Am I Leaving Sony ?

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The Canon R5C might be an 8k beast of a hybrid camera, but is it enough to steel me away from my beloved Sony FX3?

ig & tiktok @anthonylipani
Sony FX3 vs Canon R5C - Am I Leaving Sony ?
#sony #canon
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ I mis-titled the vlogging shot outside. The first scene was the FX3 & the shot where the Autofocus was hunting all over the place was the Canon R5C ⭐️⭐️⭐️


So basically this was a Sony biased review 😅


I love shooting on the R5C, it has made my life much easier with shutter angle and false colour! It's just Canon's decision on banning 3rd party RF lenses, that alone made me reconsider.


I found that R5C's autofocus is actually very stable once it "tracks". It's just working differently than other mirrorless that you just have to get used to how it works. It took some time for me to figure out tho...You have to switch to tracking mode, and click on the screen which tells the camera to lock the subject. Once the "square" became a "locked square", then it should track the subject pretty well. There are a lot of people that didn't spend their time with this device and didn't know how R5C's AF works and also how it's ISO setting works, saying it's AF is unusable or it's very noisy... well....they missed this's a work horse if you set it right.


At least in the comparison you made
Canon's image looks much more cinematic and deeper
I don't know, but in my eyes, the image of R5C is much closer to cameras like Alexa and Red
Even if it has less dynamic range on paper


For the R5C vlogging, you can switch the AF mode to Face Only. Face Priority AF mode will hunt for sure. It'll stick to you just fine if the focusing distance on the lens is sufficient.


Thank you for a thorough comparison. I’ve been comparing the R5C to the A7IV lately and my conclusions are the same as yours. Image quality wise, they are identical in my opinion. I am actually able to colour match them to the point that they are indistinguishable. The R5C is a great video camera, but not for a YouTuber. It requires its own camera operator. The unreliable autofocus and the lack of Wi-Fi control in video mode are dealbreakers. I’m sticking with the A7IV.


I never thought that a lack of EVF would make a significant difference. The ‘flippy screen’ on the FX3 is poorly constructed, easily weakened, floppy and low resolution (making it hard to pull focus). Having an EVF on the FX3 would allow me to pull focus easier, reduce my need for a field monitor (shinobi or ninja) and woud allow me to adjust settings in bright sunlight. Also… do not say, “cageless design” the screw mounts are poorly placed and limited in quantity. You still need a cage. Lastly.. good lord, can someone slap the engineers at Sony for not placing an on/off button on the XLR handle.. for fuk sakes.


Since I already have an A7S3, I went with the Sigma FP. Half the price of the Sony, but it’s a true cinema camera. No ibis, and terrible autofocus, but the colors look fantastic. Plus it’s tiny, but it’s not a vlogging camera, but I have plenty of those already.


You can tell the R5C sharpness makes the quality look better than the Sony fx3


There’s actually a way to put your own LUT on R5C, but it has spesific requirements and it is baked look you can’t use it as monitoring only


No, Sony fanboy, you're not leaving Sony.


Btw the reason it was like that for canon is cause canon doesnt have an auto-mode focus where it doesnt automatically know when to switch between focusing on your eyes, your whole face, a full object, you have to go into settings and manually select, eye, face, person, tracking, single point, or so-on-so-forth


I got the fx3 even though it's just outside my price range. The 5RC is several hundred dollars out of my range, which made it a pretty easy choice.


What was up with your FX3 autofocus at 3:38? it was all over the place.


r5c is more for a serious professional camera, fx3 is more compatible for youtube creator


Think a lot of people commented but it took me so long to figure out r5c autofocus but at this point I can set it up to work really well. Still sad that the r5 was just better without tinkering with setting all the time. And in photo mode it works just like the r5


I think this video is a lil bias I own both cameras and Even though I love my FX 3 the R5C I the better camera by far now I don't shoot lowlights even when I do I don't use the FX 3 over all if you're looking to part ways with Sony and just need a primary video Ill recommend the R5C just base of my experience ON A SIDE NOT the first shot look like a canon Shot and the second look like a Sony shot


Am pretty locked into the Sony eco system for my work these days, but Canon do have some very competitive cameras.


Now what’s really crazy for me watching this video obviously late, is the now soon to be released r5 mark2 I know it’s not a cinema but for the price point I’d honestly just go for the fx3 I just love how Sony uses one mount that you are able to use outside lenses. But I love the r5c since I currently own a canon camera. I’ve been a canon guy but everyone I know has went to Sony and gosh I’d prefer buying the trinity line of lenses g master 2 versions and the fx3 but just my opinion I think the fx3 is by far outweighing the r5c
