Basic Hermit Crab Care - How to Have a Happy Hermit Crab | By Crab Central Station

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This video is about Basic Hermit Crab Care! It goes through ten easy things you need to know when learning to care for hermit crabs. However, these are only basic steps, and there is more detailed information to come! Please subscribe to know when these more in-depth videos come out. :)

In this video, we say that all things that say hermit crab on it are bad. While in general, this is true, there may be some items that are safe that say hermit crab. What we are talking about is items that have lots of preservatives and unsafe ingredients that aren’t pure. So, things like pellet food, painted shells, glow shells, calcium sand, hermit crab specific tanks that are tiny, things like that. When you see something that has Hermit Crab on it, check the ingredients and if you aren’t sure if it is safe then don’t use it. We should have clarified in the video, but we all make mistakes! You can also ask us if you have questions about a hermit crab specific item.

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Me seeing this after shopping at that exact petco hermit crab section and buying everything 👁👄👁


Im obsessed with “crabitat” I had never heard it before but I love it


I’m so glad channels like this exist! I work at Petco and I always write down a bunch of helpful channels to give to people when they get a hermit crab


I got a hermit crab a couple days ago, and I didn’t know there was so much care needed! I’m grateful this video gave me more information, I’ll be upgrading his enclosure today! His name is Sushi he’s so cute


I prefer natural shells, they show the beauty of their natural environment.


I work at a petstore and am trying to learn as much as i can about all the animals we carry because they teach us NOTHING!! Thank you so much for this video, it was so informative and your crabs look so happy!


When I was 13 my BFF bought me a hermit crab from a pet store and it was in one of those plastic bins but a little bigger and had a sponge and a dish! (I wouldn't today even call it very basic needs. It was a death trap for hermit crabs) They told her all I had to do was keep the sponge wet and feed it apples dipped in peanut butter oh an one extra shell. So that poor thing lived like that for about 3 years!!! When I turned 16 it was still alive, so not thinking of anything but my life and very irresponsible (only thinking a crab as nothing but a pesty fly) I took the crab and released it!! YES I know that is wrong and bad for our planet!!! I knew as I got older how wrong I was and felt bad but this is one reason these are not children or teen pets unless they are trained the right way to care for these animals. Plus I had no clue a crab would even live that long and my bff the same one that gave me the crab is still my bff today (Were in our 40s) and we talk about that poor crab and how much the pet store knew nothing about them and still don't to be honest!! Great video!!!


Damn I was expecting hermit crabs to be easy. My ball python takes way less space and equipment and she’s way larger lol


This video was such a huge help with getting my daughter's hermit crabs set up in an ideal habitat. We got two purple pincers from a beach shop in Galveston and I was stunned that under the right conditions these crabs can live up to 30 years! As soon as I could get to the pet store and got them out of that cramped plastic tank they give you and within the first few hours both hermit crabs ditched their painted shells for some natural ones and they seen quite happy and healthy.


I first got hermit crabs in 1987 and I wish we had had the internet back then. I had them all throughout my childhood and in early adulthood I finally learned proper hermit crab care. I haven't had them in many years now because I lived in such a dry climate and keeping proper humidity was so difficult. But I want to thank you for a very informative and educational video. Hermit crabs are not the "throwaway pets" people used to think they were.


The f I just bought my son one for his first pet to take care of cause it was suppose to be easy petsmart gave a bowl a bag of rocks and a sponge. And I asked if it was social and needed a partner she said no it will be fine on its own. Ugh now I feel bad for the poor thing.


I bought a crab not to long ago, I kept it in a small metal cage. Until I noticed that they were very uncomfortable, there was no room for the crab at all. So I got a 10 gallon tank. We filled it with EcoEarth sand, put a large food and water tub in it. After putting multiple decorations in the tank, we noticed the crab was lonely. So we got two! Now they are happy and living their best life! Thanks! ❤


Hi guys! Two things to note:
In this video we say that all things that say hermit crab are bad. While in general this is true, there may be some items that are safe that say hermit crab. What we are talking about is items that have lots of preservatives and unsafe ingredients that aren’t pure. So, things like pellet food, painted shells, glow shells, calcium sand, hermit crab specific tanks that are tiny, things like that. When you see something that has Hermit Crab on it, check the ingredients and if you aren’t sure if it is safe then don’t use it. We should have clarified in the video, but we all make mistakes! You can also ask us if you have questions about a hermit crab specific item.

One of our followers kindly pointed out that in one of our video clips there is a plant in the water. The type of plant is lucky bamboo and it is NOT safe for hermit crabs! Some of the video clips we used were from before we filmed this video and when we were still learning. The plant has since been taken out. We all make mistakes, but don’t repeat ours! Make sure the plants you put in your crabitat are safe! We are sorry we overlooked this!


I work at Petco and they train us for shit. Thanks for the great info, I’ll for sure be putting a hamster saucer in their tank and feeding them salads like the other little guys!


Thank you for making a video with correct information! The thing is, pet stores should know about all these things but they still keep them in a bad environment. This video was super helpful as I will soon be getting hermit crabs!


I work at PetSmart and we only do about half of this correctly. Thank you for the info I’ll be using this new knowledge to help educate and change our habitats! ❤️


Thank you so much for captioning your video! I was given a hermit crab and am learning how to take care of her from your channel. I am so happy the content is accessible, thanks again <3 !!


Just got my first hermit crab a few days ago from a beach store. I was not prepared to take care or it😭 so much more to them than I thought. Currently talking to my parents about getting a lot better set up bc he's currently living in a tiny round wire cage.😭 I wish I would have known! Not to mention he's in a painted shell. I bought a spare shell when I got him but it was also painted, I picked up a shell while I was on the beach and gave it to him as soon as I realized my mistake, I don't think it's a good size for him but until I go to the store it's all I have. I'm working to fix my mistakes, I want him to live a good life.


I got hermit crabs when i was young and didn't know what i was doing. I plan to get them again someday once I'm able and give them a great life! They are so cute and were wonderful pets!


thank you for this video! my younger brother got some hermies for his birthday but he hasn't been really enthusiastic about taking care of them. i was worried that our setup wasn't adequate and i was right :( now i'm planning to take over on the crab care, and set them up real nice like they deserve. thank you for the information!!
