I Changed 3 Basics and My Swing Was Never the Same Again

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This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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One of the reasons I love this channel is the Russell isn't set on everyone having the perfect "canned" swing.


This, 100%! I have spent my whole life struggling to get through impact with standard setup. But opening my stance gives me total freedom, I get a full rotation and release, and I'm even swinging faster because I can really drive my right shoulder through impact and extend the shaft down the line. I'm loving it. It has also eliminated the left side of the course. Even if I slightly pull one, it starts left but doesn't keep turning left, so it's only a few yards off target. And if I miss it right, it's just a high fade that doesn't get me into much trouble.


Standing in the traditional square stance always made me at the top of my backswing feel like it was a long long way back to the ball! Also made me rapidly move my hands through impact and hook. Now I stand open, swing upright like Couples..pause..and fire the club right down the target line. So easy now.


Love it. Reason I’m changing my setup is to shorten the backswing and get a more free release + I have mobility issues that I need to work around.


Brilliant vid.. all older players especially shud b doing this makes the swing so much easier 👏


I love how you differentiate between a fault and a characteristic. I lean towards looking at my swing faults first.


Sooo good…I’m definitely guilty of setting up my golf swing like I’m still in my 20s…which doesn’t necessarily work for my 43year old body now…for me the slightly open setup is a game changer…thanks!


Hi Russell; I made 1 very small adjustment at setup that has changed everything as well. I haven't had any problems with squaring the clubface but occasionally I lose a shot to the left, left handed player & an occasional driver slice. The problem I was having that with driver, my trajectory was too low so I was losing a lot of distance but the reason was that I wasn't staying behind the ball which I knew but couldn't fix it. I was tilting my spine as is being taught but when I did I was hitting pop-ups. Also, I was spinning my hips quickly on the downswing & too level to swing up on the ball. What I found is if I setup square but closed my hips it stopped me from spinning, kept me behind the ball & swinging from the inside & up & I've never hit my driver this well. Great launch angle & straight with at least 20-30 yard distance gain with more carry. It also works just as well for my irons. Higher & longer. I've taken lessons over the years but not on a continuing basis. I've had lessons with 3 different pros & none of them saw what I was doing wrong. Many years were wasted believing I wouldn't improve any more than I had. I'm now a senior & am striking the ball better than I have in my entire life. All of this from 1 minor setup tweak from a YouTube tip I saw 2 days ago. 1 other nice benefit is that setting up with closed hips makes it nearly impossible to come over the top & slice. I've never believed in a magic bullet swing tip but for me, it's exactly what this was.


Flaring out my front foot has been the single biggest improvement in my game to date. Used to push everything right cuz i dont have the upper body flexibility (back issues) to turn all the way while square to the target at address. Started flaring my front foot and now Im hitting fairways like never before. What a fickle game golf can be.


Yes, yes, & yes ! Number 3 for me. Getting my body to work easier is always a goal for me. I just love these videos and how you pull the concept(s) together so they make sense to me. Thanks from the States, Chris.


This is the absolutely by far THE BEST VIDEO ever for my golf swing. I've watch countless of golf swing videos with different ideas and feels, from modern to old and tried everything. But I've always hit the best when I swing naturally with my athleticism, but it has been pretty inconsistent and had no real technique, setup or swing thought. Im pretty young, 23YO and play tennis on a pretty high level. But these three keys, especially the OPEN STANCE and forward ball position (with every club, even pitch) is what revolutionized my swing and completely made it click for me. I play other sports, mostly tennis and being in a square stance on a forehand just feels wrong and no power (for me), just being a bit more open make a huge difference and feels much more free and natural. Same with golf swing and other sports like you mentioned. This way also creates a lot more torque and speed. You rotate your body one way and the club goes the opposite direction (if both goes goes the same direction, you get no speed... try it yourself) Body goes around to the left and the hands, arms and club out to the right, towards the target. It feels like i just rotate and spank the ball from the inside, square. Like you said, its so much easier to control impact and just guide the arms and club towards the target when you're open. This is how i would position myself if i would hit something very hard on the ground (e.g. like a impact bag) with a stick, bat etc. It all just makes so much sense and feels so good and natural. I also visually see my target better and feel more connected with it, and want to swing out and towards it. Just like fred couples, lee trevino, jack n, will wilcox and more. Btw, there are other good videos on open stance swing on youtube, I recommend to go watch others aswell to learn more. And the ball position forward is also key for me, it makes me feel like i need to move forward into the ball and strike it with shaft lean, It also just feels and looks better when i stand over the ball. I've always been better with my longer clubs, 5 wood, 5-6 iron, etc. But the shorter clubs, where the ball is in the middle i've always struggles and not hit as pure and consistency, also ball path was worse... it just feels wrong and im not confident over the ball. FYI I just started playing this summer, I've hit some balls on the range previous 2 years but I now hit my 5 wood with bad range balls, 220 yards CARRY. And its a pretty cheap, light weight club. And this is the first time I try this setup, my swing and weight transfer, etc can get alot better. Todays range session was magical, I hit EVERY ball pure and with insane compression and confident. This has happened before but normally when it does it slowly fades or sometimes goes away when you pick up others clubs etc and you start losing the feeling. But no, this was different. I went from 5 wood down to 8 iron and had the exact same setup and feel, perfect shots. For me what also helps before I start my swing is to feel my weight on the inside of my right foot. Then keep it there on the backswing, this keeps my centered over the ball and when i start my downswing im ready to push my weight forward and rotate. I'll keep on working on my swing, specially my right foot/hip not being to active and extension too early towards the ball. But that is just small improvements, if I keep hitting the ball like this... I really hope this sticks and keeps working, I'll go the range tomorrow. Thank you Russel, brilliant tips and explanation.


This happened to me. One day I decided to set up open and the rest is history. Like you said - it felt liberating. Like I was finally free. Hard to explain. And it did not cause a fade or slice for me. I can draw it from that position.


I am 65 years old and just had a left hip replacement. I like the idea of opening up the left side by the stance. Thank you for the tip I will try the new stance at the driving range. Love your videos.


When I played golf many eons ago. I was watching an interview with Sam Torrance. He was being asked various stuff and it got around to his stance. He said that his coach got him to flare his left foot to the left, so it would allow him to more easily rotate through the shot. His coach at the time was John Jacobs, who at the time I knew nothing about. As it turned out he was well known for his coaching. I did the same thing and it allowed me to rotate much more easily through the shot. And considering I have scoliosis of the spine, this was invaluable to me.


When you open up the stand, you automatically place the ball further back in your stand.. your swing reminds me of the eureka swing from Steve Johnston. Thanks for your explanations, they aid me on my way to scratch


Russell, obviously your excellent swing evolved gradually - this is what Steve Johnston PGA advocates on his channel also (open upper body, square lower body ?) so if two of the best coaches on Youtube do this, it's got to be worth experimenting !


Excellent content, what I really like in your videos is when you discuss what the fundamentals of a swing are Vs swing traits that may be different to others but not incorrect.
I think we can get caught up followimg you tube instructots to a T when it might not fit our swing.


Obvious, simple and just brilliant observations and instruction - well done Russ.


Standing square, I was bringing the club back too much on the inside and then coming accross my body. Causing a pull or hook. Opening the stance was a swing changer. Now my swing automatically comes straight back, and swings to right field.


have always used an open stance, just a more natural/comfortable position. makes it easy to move the ball around for different shots.
