What Should You Carry In Your TOOL BELT?! (These Are The Best Tools For Carpentry / Construction!!)

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Check Out Our FREE GUIDE: *25 Must-Have Carpentry Tools...Under $25 Each!*

(These are Amazon affiliate links. When you shop these links, we receive a small commission at NO EXTRA CHARGE TO YOU!)
Stanley Powerlock 25':
Vaughan 16 oz. Fiberglass Hammer:
Dewalt 9-in-1 Painter's Tool:
6-in-1 Screwdriver:
Lutz 15-in-1 Screwdriver:
Tekton Trim Pry Bar:
Workpro 3-pc Wood Chisels:
Swanson Speed Square/Combo Square:
Estwing Cat's Paw Tool:
Diamond 10" Nippers:
Tekton 3-pc. Nail Sets:
Irwin Needle-nose Pliers:

Occidental Tool Belt w/ Harness:

Be sure to visit us at The Honest Carpenter Website!:

Videos Mentioned In This Video:
Rip Claw Hammer Video:
6 Easy Crosscut Tips:
Cat's Paw Video:
Trim "Reveals" Video:
21 Hand Tool Tips + Tricks:
World's Greatest Tool Belt:
5-in-1 Painter's Tool Video:
Demolition Screwdriver Vide:

What Should You Carry In Your TOOL BELT?! (These Are The Best Tools For Carpentry / Construction!!)

Many people have asked me to do a video about what tools I carry in my tool belt. So, here it is! These are the tools I've deemed important enough to carry with me at all times (mostly) in my tool belt. They're worth the weight and space to lug around.

And, since I've worked as a sort over generalized carpenter over the years (trim, framing, repair), I think these tools are a really good all-purpose collection for getting a LOT of work done!

What's In My Tool Belt:
25' Tape Measure
16 oz. Rip Claw Hammer
5-in-1 Painter's Tool
6-in-1 Screwdriver
15-in-1 Screwdriver
Small Trim Pry Bar
Demolition Screwdriver
Two Chisels
Torpedo Level
Ear Protection
Two Nail Sets
Needle Nose Pliers
6" Combo Square
Speed Square
Cat's Paw Nail Puller
Chalk Box
Eye Protection
Two Pencils

I really do think that these are the best tools for carpentry and residential construction! Each one comes in handy many, many times throughout a construction work week, and therefore I think that it's worth it to carry many or all of these tools in your tool belt. I hope this list helps!

Thanks for watching!
The Honest Carpenter
Рекомендации по теме

I like that you’re not a brand snob. You have multiple brands and I can relate to that too. Thanks for the way that you do what you do.


This video was like watching a surgeon go over everything on a surgery tray. Watching an expert explain why they use everything they use and how, it's always a learning experience. Thank you for always making us a bit more skilled one video at a time


One thing for certain, if you get an unlike fastener mixed into a pouch of different fasteners, every time you reach into that pouch your hand will find the offending intruder but if you purposefully try to find and remove it you'll find yourself chasing it to the bottom of the pouch, LOL. Great set up, super functional. :)


The main thing I see absent in your tool belt is the large flat bar. On your last video I said I put mine in the loop of my left bag, where the belt goes.
This is the thing, for all you wondering what to put in your bag. What ever you use the most and need all the time is what you tote. You'll figure that out soon enough.
My carpentry days are almost over but I'll tell anyone this, I would not trade what I have learned for any job or any amount of money in the whole world. When you can build and fix your own stuff, nothing compares.


When I was installing stained cabinets at a housing development I used to remove my bags to protect my work. My foreman almost fired me because he said I didn't look professional enough while installing the cabinets. I tried to be logical about the issue but he stood his ground. So I started wearing my bags and he checked on me everyday for a month to make sure I was following his orders. He never noticed the bags where completely Construction can be fun and stupid sometimes.


I'm right handed but I like my tape measure on my left, to pick it up with my left hand and through out the end of it fast and accurately to the end of the object I'm measuring.


Yes a belt is everything on carpentry and demo work. I agree. The big mistake was that I overloaded it. Now I just carry what I need to get the job done because those things get heavy over time. Great video. I love the look of your show. Came a long way from when you first moved in.


Hello Ethan!

I just wanted to thank you for your insight and videos about being a handy man.

I was raised by a single mother and had limited experience with tools and handy work. Recently my mother has had severe health problems and we have lost our previous home.

Your videos have helped me create a tool set and knowledge base I can use to turn a piece of shit RV into a home.

Please continue making videos and helping those of us men and women who never had someone to teach us how to be crafty.

Thank you again!


I just retire after 22 years from the USCG and was hired on as a carpenter/woodworker with minimal experience. Your videos has been extremely useful as I transition into this new trade for me. Thank you so much for posting your episode and sharing your experience, it is much appreciated.


Fwiw I only carry the bare minimum for the job required, ie if framing I just have one lightweight nail bag, 16 oz curved claw hammer, 32mm chisel, 8 metre tape measure, Stanley knife, sliding square, chalk line and pencil .
I have a homemade carry all that goes with me for all the other hand tools including cold chisel, screwdrivers, nail puller, hand saw, pliers, spanners, drill bits, small level etc and I utilize tools as required .
Keeping the weight down helps reduce fatigue and lower back problems .


I usually have two different tool belts, one small one with less tools for finish work, and a framing setup for everything else


I have a tool belt but never used it. Pulled it out after 6 years and came across this video.
I was the type that had a organized set up for my jobs, fold out tables. One was strictly power tools and tool boxes under what they're for, like flooring and drywall stuff. Another table strictly for all fasteners and handtools.
Gave me a visual, but as time is moving on and getting more into bigger jobs it was time.
Thanks for the insite.


Great video. I really need to spend the money on that rig. I've had a nice padded Occidental belt for 25+ years with cheap bags and suspenders. That looks like the ideal set up for all around carpenters like us.

UPDATE: I hinted to my wife what a nice set up the Occidental is. Santa gave me a beautiful rig. Full framer with the suspension. Now after 28+ years using a hodgepodge of different bags and belts, I finally have the Cadillac!
Life is good. I told my wife that she overspent on me. She quickly replied, "Nonsense, it's a gift that keeps on giving." She knows she can get whatever she wants built if I have the right equipment.


I use all of these tools. I like a fluorescent green utility knife so I can find it in the dark.

I used to use those earplugs, but they gave me a nasty ear infection, that cost me some hearing. Ironic. I now use big, over the ear ones. They won't make me go deaf.


I kinda fell in to a carpenter belt, I need to set it up for weekend projects! My go to belt is a rod buster belt! Been wearing one for oh my gosh 40 years now wow ! And I make all my leather , pouches, bolt bags, reel pad, and tape holder! Been doing leather work for 25 years, most of my co workers are sporting all my goods . Soon as the carpenters find out it’s me making the leather bags they always hit me up for stuff! It’s a pretty good feeling!! Thanks


Thank you. Great information 👍 Peace and good fortune and good health to you and your family. ❤


Yes I would never work without a cats paw. The Estwing paw is the BEST. AS of my last purchase, they were made in Japan, & still a good tool.


I like using the cat's paw with the flat trim head opposite the nail head. Pretty much accomplishes the flat trim bar function and cat's paw function in one tool. Of course, it's not quite a thin as the trim bar.
All this other stuff is good.
I do favor the classic Estwing hammers tho, and I am kinda snobbish about that. Lol.
I also like lineman pliers, instead of needle nose or slip-lock pliers.


I never used ear plugs, but if I could go back in time I would use them because now I know hearing loss is not a fun thing to have.


OUTSTANDING!!!! I've been looking at these freaking tool belts at Home Depot and Lowes forever. Never pulled the trigger. Now I know. Thank
