Galadriel: Book vs Movie

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Today, we're talking about a character that Tolkien couldn't stop rewriting: Galadriel. And also a little bit about the Rings of Power but ONLY a little bit.

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When Gimli asks Galadriel for a strand of her hair, neither he nor the reader of the Lord of the Rings know that she grants a simple dwarf a gift she denied the mightiest of all elves of old. And as long as this gift was kept safe by the kindred of Gimli, a spark of the light of the two trees and of the undying lands unspoiled still remained in middle earth.


Reading the Fellowship makes me realize just how in depth Tolkiens writing was. As amazing as the movies are, they only really begin to scratch the surface of Middle Earth


Can’t we all agree that cate blanchet is a real life elf because she’s still gorgeous


As much as I love Galadriel, I do think she’s the kind of character that works better as a mysterious secondary character than as a focal point for the story.


The "middle" version of Galadriel, the one who was banished and proud is definitely the most interesting. There is a story arc for her, character development, even though we're not there to witness the majority of it. I also love the idea of her learning her wisdom and powers from Melian the Maia in Doriath before the fall of Beleriand. Being the powerful lady of the enchanted forest.

Cate Blanchett was pitch perfect casting. She is my Galadriel.


I also like how Tolkien depicts her and Celeborn's marriage as very much equal partners. She does not hestitate to call him out when she feels it necessary, and he values her counsel. I think maybe most important of the things you've mentioned is the fact that there is no final canon, and there are no absolute answers to many of the questions people have about Tolkien's world and his works. So many silly disagreements arise needlessly, and many of our interpretations reflect more on who we are than what Tolkien may or may not have intended. In these ambiguous cases, I believe it's better to remain open minded to what others' opinions might teach us, instead of just arguing for its own sake, or for some misguided need to feel superior.


I‘ll always like book-Galadriel more, the way she is still teasing Celeborn somewhat. She just never lost her sass.


One more interesting thing about Galadriel (that I realized last night in the thunderstorm). She is the only one who does not lose or give up a Ring. Every other ring of power changes hands at least once, but she manages to keep hers from their creation to the end of their power.


The sincerity of “seven square meals” and “wiped out by elevenses” KILLED me


So her gifts both to Gimli and to Sam are part of the surrender arc started when frodo offers the ring, this part of her redemption arc. Gimli closes the feanor arc. And the phial and seed and soil to Sam is giving up the exclusivity to lothlorian. The trees represent both of the two trees. Thus she gives up the things she's most proud of, this proves her pride was GONE


Galadriel is an elf, or more appropriately, she is the prototypical elf. In the Fellowship, when Frodo and Sam meet Galdor, it’s written that elves were not good to seek advice from. They will always give answers that can go either way, and seldom give counsel to strangers, so for her to say “I am no counselor…” makes perfect sense.


And Arwen's grandmother. What a bloodline!


I like all versions of Galadriel; it's like hearing different descriptions of the same person from different friends. They all have a different take on them based on their experiences with that person. She's one of Tolkien's most extraordinary characters, in my opinion.


Cate was perfect for this role. She has this somewhat alien ethereal look that really embodies Galadriel. Peter Jackson did such a good job which is becoming so apparent compared to today’s movies and series


>Doesn't want to touch Rings of Power with a ten-foot pole
Very based. That gets you a sub from me.


I beg to differ.
Cate Blanchett's voice has amazing range.

She skillfully modulates her tone in turn from the menacing whisper in Frodo's mind, to deep sorrow when she guesses Gandalf has fallen into shadow, to reassuring the rest of the Fellowship to rest, to the menacing Dark Queen in the mirror scene, to, finally, her unforgettable remark to Frodo;
_"You are a ring-bearer, Frodo. To bear a ring of power is to be alone."_


It is a testimony to the quality of this channel that the comments are so erudite and thoughtful.


Something I’ve continually loved about this channel for a long time is the deep appreciation for what fantasy represents. Jess sees the otherworldly nature of Tolkien’s fantasy that I think is missing from so many other works. It’s about giving you a glimpse of reality so far removed from your own existence yet connects you to the unchanging nature of our conscious experience with both ourself and others. So much heart shines through in these videos and my days are brighter for it.


I think its interesting that Jackson chose to emphasize the frustration and sadness of seeing all they once valued decay and fade in both Elrond and Galadriel. I think the mirth and lightness of Galadriel's personality is lost because of this in the films.


Also, the thing thats rarely done and super difficult to do is the light and the eyes. All elves have it in degrees in the book. Most folks just slap pointed ears on, hopefully on a skinny pretty character and say" thats an elf". But in tokiens book the ears aren't even mentioned. Only in the letters is it mentioned and only as a perhaps possibility. But the light and the eyes are all over the book.
