How Aliens See Earth

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This famous photo of the Earth, known as The Blue Marble or The Whole Earth, is now over 50 years old. In this video, we'll explore the history of this photo, the difficulties of taking it, and why it is so enduring, important, and famous. We'll also talk about the photo as if it was a brand new image that was just taken by a modern telescope, such as JWST. If aliens had access to this image, or other data about Earth, would they be able to conclude whether or not there is life on Earth? All of that is explored, plus a timeline of important photo of the Earth, in this video! Enjoy!



00:00 - Intro
00:38 - How Blue Marble was taken
02:30 - If JWST saw the Earth
04:44 - Could aliens know there is life on Earth?
08:05 - Timeline of photos of Earth
09:36 - Earth in 1972 vs Earth now
10:15 - Why is Blue Marble so good?
11:14 - Outro

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Until next time, stay safe.

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Really enjoyed the photos and the deep dive. It's really rare for content creators to use the amount of real photos of places that you do. I think that's a big opportunity a lot of people miss that you always seem to hit.

I watched it all the way through. Keep making those good videos!


The older black and white images are also fascinating. The quality is poor but still it’s amazing that back then they could do these things.


Nice one Chris! Letting you know i made it to the end 😉


Brilliant chris i really do like your channel 🚀🛰🛰🌙🌞🌞


A truly fascinating approach to a unique view of our home taken fifty years ago! Even though there have been other photos taken of the earth, including one three years earlier taken by the Russians (Soviets), this iconic view still inspires and remains understandably the photo used to show the unique nature of planet earth, taken by an astronaut, as you put it, hurling away from earth. It truly is a stunning view. I find it astounding that who, on Apollo 17, took this photo remains uncertain, although you give some clear pointers. Thanks, so very much, Chris for another great video and a splendid commentary


10:30 omg look at that tiny moon behind the earth!!

Personally I love Earthrise so much more, looking up at our planet from the perspective of another surface will never stop feeling so surreal and awesome, what wouldn't I do to be in that astronaut's shoes. And I never saw the Crescent Earth image before, it looks so ethereal, it's my 2nd favorite now :D

Keep up the good work! I love your channel!


Chris, you have a very interesting take on these things


I like your videos! I love looking at the lobster 🦞 languishing on your T-shirt. No, it IS a lobster.


8:51 white text is partially invisible due to white background :(

consider using font with borders


Can anyone tell what's that music in the background, it's beautiful....


I think the Russian one should be given more credit. It’s a pity that politics got in the way back then.
