Electroforming Basics: Everything you need to know to get started

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a written version of this tutorial is right here

Make sure to take out your anodes if you are done electroforming
if you dont it will leach more copper into the solution and throw off the ratio!
if that does happen take out all of the nodes except one and starve your solution to get the right ratio

Electroplating, also known as electrodeposition is a process for producing a metal coating on a solid substrate by means of a direct electric current.

Electroforming is a metal forming process in which parts are fabricated through electrodeposition on a model.

An electrolytic bath is used to deposit an electroformable metal onto a conductive surface of a model (mandrel). Once the deposited material has been built up to the desired thickness, the electroform is parted from the substrate. This process allows precise replication of the mandrel surface texture and geometry at low unit cost with high repeatability and excellent process control.

Depending how you use this process you will be either Electroplating or Electroforming but in the jewelry making community its common to call either just Electroforming


jason welsh


shopping list

home depot
-root kill
-5 ft of copper pipe
-10ft of 12awg wire

hobby lobby or craft store of your choice
-3 small glasses containers
-mod podge
-paint brushes

-better homes and gardens 4.5 cup container

Dollar store
-mixing container
-mixing spoon
-measuring cup
-baking soda
-flavor syringe

auto parts store
- battery acid


Рекомендации по теме

The majority of videos I've seen show expensive specialty products thank you for showing how to do this with every day items


this is the best electroforming tutorial I've ever seen in my whole life. thank you <3


🟧~Frequently Asked Questions ~🟧

(1) The white powder is baking soda, once it touches the super glue it becomes rock solid.

(2) If you are not making a ton of stuff you can use half the amount of copper pipes for the anode and be just fine

(3) Make sure to take out your anodes if you are done electroforming
if you don't it will leach more copper into the solution and throw off the ratio! if that does happen your piece will be salmon colored and crumbly, take out all of the nodes except one and electroform something overnight to starve your solution to get the ratio balanced

(4) Electroplating, also known as electrodeposition is a process for producing a metal coating on a solid substrate by means of a direct electric current.

Electroforming is a metal forming process in which parts are fabricated through electrodeposition on a model/mold.

An electrolytic bath is used to deposit an electroformable metal onto a conductive surface of a model/mold (mandrel). Once the deposited material has been built up to the desired thickness, the electroform is parted from the substrate. This process allows precise replication of the mandrel surface texture and geometry at low unit cost with high repeatability and excellent process control.

Depending how you use this process you will be either Electroplating or Electroforming but in the jewelry making community its common to call either just Electroforming


oh my gahwd I have watched this video SOOO many times the last 5 months :´) SUPER HELPFUL! Thank you sooo much for making this.


I play with a mix of materials in my pieces, Polymer clay with dry pigments, small bits of carved wood, crystals or stones, and a touch of woven wire baked into the clay so I can add chords later for wearability. I've been wanting to create a look of dirty ancient gold to the woven steel wire but regular gold plating leaves the steel all shiny and new. I'd never even heard of Electroforming before. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.


Aloha Mr Nick The Great Teacher
I've been a selftaught electroformer and w that to many hours (probably days) of failures. I did get the hang of it but gave up after awhile. I wish I had the fortune back then, to come across someone like YOU! I don't think I could find one question you didn't get the best and accurate answer to. You are very right on point and so very helping to all novices in electroforming out there. This video of yours really got Me to wanna dig out all my electroforming stuff again. Tons of it 😃 😍Mahalo 🤙


I love Jason Welsh's videos, so much information and advice! I pretty much knew right away that I wanted to be able to learn/practice these skills after seeing his videos, but I think I kept putting it off because I was overwhelmed with the information or even intimidated by the process. Now that I'm rewatching process videos & writing notes to finally start practicing myself, I thoroughly appreciate the organization! (not only of your video itself but also the organization/storage tips you gave) Super helpful, informative and easy to follow. Many thanks!


You had me at Dollar Tree. I'm thinking maybe this girl could DO this. I already got some of this stuff sitting around the house. THANK YOU!


I watch this every day and I had to stop and say thank you for this glorious thing you have done for us. I get my kit next week and I cant wait to start. Yes I will be making all my supplies afterward so i dont pay high prices for things, when i can just make them myself. ty ty ty


Thank you thank you thank you so much for the electroforming solution recipe! I’ve been searching for days, you rock 🤘


Very informative and well presented. I’m looking forward to checking out your other videos. Thanks for the great info


Great starter vid. Now im wondering howndo they do it in silver and other metals?


What is that _lovely_ piano music in the background. It's _gorgeous_ !


oh my gosh I have wondered for so long with this was called and this is a recent video I'm super excited thank you thank you thank you. I can't wait to get started. Well after I watch all your other videos first of course. Yes I hit the bell and yes I did share. :-) :-) thank you thank you thank you you just made an old lady really really super duper happy. Now I can continue to create my crystal jewelry how I've always wanted to do it without necessarily metalsmithing. :-)


Beautiful pieces, thank you for making this video!


Relaxing music and super useful information! Fun and very enjoyable way for learning. Thank you


Just tried the glue and bicarb combo. Wow. It's. Revolutionary.


This is the next craft I want to try. Can look so elegant


could you possibly make a video on how to use this specific rectifier? I can’t seem to find any tutorials for this exact kind and I get really confused if I can’t follow an exact guide for my equipment if that makes sense


Where did you get your power supply from? What was the amperage limit? If I understand correctly, the graphite mixture is for two purposes, one is to seal and then to give a substrate for the copper to grow onto? Excellent video and instruction, I like your tank idea.
