Fail-Proof Guide To Easy Barre Chords on Guitar

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👉 Video Chapters
00:00 Barre Chords Made Easy - Lesson Introduction
00:28 When Should Beginners Learn Barre Chords?
01:32 How Do Barre Chords Work?
02:29 When to Use Barre vs. Open Chords?
03:02 Do Barre and Open Chords Really Sound the Same?
04:01 How to Find The Root Notes?
05:29 How to Shift Between Barre Chords
06:49 Are Barre Chords Easier on Electric Guitar?
07:25 Short Fingers, Long Fingers, Weak Fingers?
08:34 Barre Chord Mechanic Techniques = Less Effort :)
09:11 Barre Chords Tip 1 - Index (1st Finger) Placement & Barre Angle
13:40 Barre Chords Tip 2 - Where Does the Thumb Go For Barre Chords?
14:35 Barre Chords Tip 3 - Wrist Position
15:37 Barre Chords Tip 4 - Let Your Forearm Help!
19:34 Barre Chords Tip 5 - Guitar Position
20:56 Barre Chords Tip 6 - Guitar Neck Angle
21:44 Barre Chords Tip 7 - Is It Still Too Hard? Maybe It's Not Your Fault!
22:48 How To Practice Barre Chords And Correct Bad Notes
23:35 Barre Chords - Common Mistake 1
24:13 Barre Chords - Common Mistake 2
24:38 Barre Chords - Common Mistake 3
26:13 Barre Chords - Common Mistake 4
27:12 How To Practice Barre Chords - Playing Songs

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I greatly appreciate your channel and website! In my opinion your teaching is better than the paid subscriptions of other apps!


Hi Justin, I'm glued to your channel! I'm 63, and I refused to give up my dream of learning how to play guitar. Thanks for sharing your talent!


Holy hell man this level of crystal clear in depth explanation and with alternative cameras and even pictures edited in to help....ALL FOR FREE? You're literally the greatest TEACHER independent of any topic I've ever seen.


Justin: when I was 20, I reached the point where clearly the next step was to learn barre chords, and I just couldn't do it. Over the years I've come back to trying again periodically, but I just couldn't get it.

Now I'm 60. I've been trying to learn barre chords on and off for months. A few days ago I watched this video, and it finally told me what I was doing wrong and what I need to know. Now I'm making steady progress. If I just keep practicing, I oughta be pretty good in a year!

It's astonishing how nobody told me what I needed to know before, despite all my efforts. Thanks Justin!


So grateful to be born in an age where the internet exists and high quality educational content like this exists for free ! I will definitly make a small donation once I am finished with Grade 1 of your free guitar course.


Another 60 something here Justin. Just to say that your detailed instruction goes above and beyond what we should be given for free. Your delivery is not condescending in any way, or judgemental, towards us mere beginners. We know there’s a long road ahead, but with your dedication to every one of us, we shall overcome - WE WILL BE GUITARISTS! Thank you so very much. Respect to you Justin.


I did my first barre chord. So 😊 happy.


Justin, I don’t know if it was the way you explained it or what, but today I played my first clear F chord several times. Keep up the great work.


Late 50's, bought am electric guitar last November. Your instruction & courses are awe-inspiring. Really friendly, personable teaching...thanks so much🙏🏻


Best barre chord lesson out there. No question. It is all in the little details. I'm an older learner (late 40's) and this is the first time I have seen the mechanics explained in such detail that I could troubleshoot my problems and resolve them. Thank you my friend.


Holy cow, this was already head and shoulders above the other videos I've watched, and then you threw in Columbo! ☺️❤ Perfect. Thank you so much. I'm trying guitar again after 35 years off, and I have some questionable habits to undo. This level of detail really helps.


A great explanation on hand/finger positioning for barre chords. You are a good teacher and a patient sort of guy to go to those lengths. Thank you very much Justin.


The fact that you clarified that the first finger is only pressing on the specific strings was so helpful. I was never able to figure that out until now and it makes barre chords seem way less threatening


Thankyou Justin! 25 years ago i was a mediocre player when I sold my Ovation Custom Balladeer and Steinberger bass to support my church. Now that I have been blessed to replace both, I am getting so much better than I ever was in less than 1 month. You and 2 others on YouTube have been making it so easy to get back my muscle memory and greatly improve my technique.


It's a complete, comprehensive guide for those who suffer for bar chords. Massive thank you Sir!


When I was in Noosa, recovering from a Fraser Island off road bus trip, they reckoned I sounded more like an Australian than they do. What I'm saying is, you sound more like an Englishman than we do here in England. Strange old world I'm an Englishman raised in Canada. After less than six months of your tuition I'm playing the guitar at age 67. Thank you Justin. 😁


The best guitar teacher ever. Believe me, I watched a lot of videos about barre chords practicing. This one is the best so far. It helped me tremendously.


Justin, your teaching style is ideal, especially for a 59 yr old, like me. I played a bit in high school and moved on. Back at it thanks to your course. These barre chords are tough...I told someone they should dig the guy up who invented them so he could be jailed...😁
I've kinda worked around them, but I'm gonna hammer away until they are second nature. This tutorial is excellent!


Thank you very much Justin. You give so many helpful tips to ease my struggling with barre chords. Like trying to learn driving with a manual transmission. Getting down the action with the accelerator and easing out the clutch at the same time. Getting that action fixed in your mind first is most necessary before you even begin to actually drive (steering, braking, and watching the road, and your destination). Trying to learn barre chords too quickly has never worked for me. I almost gave up in frustration. Your instruction guides each step, one by one. Practicing just one step at a time for several days it begins to miraculously sound better. I so much appreciate your guidance in teaching. I never realized how much there was to learn on the guitar. I've been playing 5 string banjo for a few years but the guitar is a whole different animal. I watch and listen and practice on each video several times. Each time I find more tips I missed the first and second time. You are an amazing guitarist and guitar guru (instructor). I so much appreciate the time and effort you've given to all of us who struggle with learning the basics. Again, Thank you for your patience, time, and the gift of learning well.


A 64 year old here! I've always cheated and hooked my thumb over to play the 6th string but thought it was about time to get this barre chord thing down so I can teach my daughter properly. Struggling on my own resulted in a painful experience and a constantly muted B string.
Within 10 minutes of practice after watching this video, I had every note ringing clearly and the pain reduced considerably.
I know that with daily practice, going through a mental checklist and reviewing the mechanics laid out here and building up strength, this is going to get easier and easier!
They say practice makes perfect, but if you don't have the mechanics correct, you are just practicing and embedding the bad habits.
This was a really useful video and I will pass it on to anyone interested in this topic!
