CAN bus monitoring and message logging using Copley CANview or Kvaser CANking. Intro to CANtegrity.
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If using a Copley CAN adapter we can run CANview to monitor the network, while the master program is running and gather message logs in a DS402 format for analysis, and generally determine the integrity of the network, termination, bus length for timing, and monitor for zero frame errors. If we have a Kvaser adapter we can monitor the same with CANking (Just no in DS402 message format).
Kvaser has a new technology called CANtegrity for monitoring and measuring bit timing. This is way beyond simple frame error monitoring and dives deep into proper bit measuring. A very intriguing advantage of the Kvaser tools vs. any I have seen excepting maybe a $10,000 Keysight scope with D9010AUTP Automotive Protocol Decoder software for CAN, CAN FD.
Kvaser has a new technology called CANtegrity for monitoring and measuring bit timing. This is way beyond simple frame error monitoring and dives deep into proper bit measuring. A very intriguing advantage of the Kvaser tools vs. any I have seen excepting maybe a $10,000 Keysight scope with D9010AUTP Automotive Protocol Decoder software for CAN, CAN FD.
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