Undertale Yellow Blue Soul ATTACK #shorts

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Undertale Yellow Blue Soul ATTACK | Undertale Yellow Fangame Pacifist Neutral Genocide gameplay garoshadowscale

#undertaleyellow #undertale
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Why do you think Dalv attacked the Blue-soul human?


Monster killing humans:😃

Monster when human defend himself:🗿


Integrity isn't the same as kindness. It just means being honest with people, keeping your word, but also sticking to your core values as a person.
Ironically a lot of villains in fiction can be considered to have high integrity, cause they are up front, keep promises, and never betray their values.


Honestly i think Blue Soul was an afraid child, being suddenly approached in battle by monsters (and well.. attacked) then fighting back in fear,
I dont think the Blue soul was evil. Just scared.


I like how a child with ballet shoes beat the shit out of everyone with the SHOES


Blue soul didn't attack ONLY Dalv. On genocide route if you speak to one of the band members in Honeydew resort, they will say this:
"We were in the middle of our set when everyone started leaving.
At first, I thought our music was that bad, but then they said there was danger.
Surely it's not what I think it is...
*Not again...* "

And not only that, but UTY also started developing around the time when "blue soul did geno route" theory was popular due to tutu being "dusty" and ballet shoes making Frisk "feel dangerous". So yeah, it's extremely possible that blue soul did geno route, which is why Chujin asked Ceroba to specifically look for an uncorrupted human, someone pure of heart.


Out of all of the fallen humans, I think Integrity got the shortest end of the stick. They likely came during a time when the monsters were really aggressive. Attacking anyone who tried to harm them simply because they believed they were doing so because of malicious intent. However, I like to believe that Kanako is as one of the few monsters that was genuinely nice to them.


Tbf in both the cases of Justice and integrity.. They could both plausibly justify their actions in their heads, because “the monsters started this, and I’m finishing it”


To Be Honest, Most Monsters In Normal UNDERTALE Would Attempt To Attack The Human (FRISK), So It Is Possible That They Were Just Attacking Because ASGORE Had Declared War On Humans, Or Something.


This makes sense, and since integrity means having strong morals, they probably felt that they were justified in attacking back against any monster that attacked them, after all monsters are legally allowed to attack humans thanks to Asgore's orders.

It's probably why their items are dusty, either the monsters they killed were way too violent and the human felt there was no other way, or integrity just became more violent themself, carrying a negative opinion on monsters and hitting harder, feeling that they are right doing that. Kinda like the Genocide route in UTY, a twisted since of integrity.


Monsters be like:
- attak homan
- hooman atak back
- oh noes homan must be evill :0


In ny opinion, I think the blue soul killed a single monster in self defense (Possibly a boss monster due to the shoes feeling dangerous) and Dalv fought the blue soul because he thought that the blue soul was trying to wipe out monster kind, just for the blue soul to run away. I feel like the "Snowdin Massacre" was the Bravery soul, it makes more sense.


Blue soul: it was just self defence i-
Dalv: **screamnng and crying in terror**


This is why neutral runs are the most logical to me. Im trying to defend myself when monsters are trying to kill me unprovoked. You started this fight you dont get to cry when i fight back


That would mean the blue soul human acted out of self-defense. And then fled to avoid conflict. That are very integritous traits. But later they got killed by Axis. Something tells me Undertale Blue will be a pretty short game.


With every undertale *insert color* created, fan game designers will have fewer and fewer options.
If there ever will be an undertale blue, they will have to implement all of this


"History is written by the survivors." - Bryson, Haminations


Integrity followed the Moral of Kill or be Killed After being Attacked.... That makes since


Just attacking monsters without killing them isn't enough to "corrupt" one's soul (according to the pacifist route in this game). The blue soul is corrupted, though, which implies they had killed before, justified or not. It's entirely possible that the blue soul killed a monster prior to meeting Dalv, and so he may have felt fighting was necessary to oppose the threat.

Or it might just be that he fought because that's what Asgore instructed his people to do, not caring one way or the other how violent the blue souled human was. I find the former explanation more interesting, but the vast majority of the monsters just don't have very complex motivations to attack the humans past "Asgore said so." (Granted it is in an effort to gain their freedom)

Either way, it is interesting that he has some remorse for his past actions, though whether it is warranted or not in this case is ambiguous.


It's hard to say. The more I hear about Integrity the more I think it was self defense neutral that ended up in self exile.

People make it sound like a massacre but what if it was just Integrity killing all of the monsters who attacked them first? If Dalv attacked Integrity FIRST it makes sense that Integrity would defend themselves, and seeing what's going on, run to Waterfall.

Chujin, being the level headed and reasonable person he was, developed a human killing machine to hunt down and literally assassinate Integrity and hide their body in the bushes.

But sure, maybe Integrity overreacted, the monsters' aren't ACTUALLY dangerous right? They just fell into the underground, were attacked by hostile monsters, were marked for death, and then after defending themselves was hunted down by a machine built specifically to murder them. I deny the narrative that Integrity was a bad person since them both Sparing Dalv AND running to Waterfall defy the narrative.
