🌳 How do you choose the right food forest plants? | Design your food forest with Louis DJ

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Louis De Jaeger believes that everyone can change the world.
Louis is a food forest designer and teacher. His international design bureau Commensalist is based in Brussels, Belgium. With a top team they design (edible) landscape projects across Europe.
With Katrina Sichel as host
Food Forest | Agroforestry | Syntropic | Permaculture | Swales | Voedselbos | Foodforest | Forest Garden | Perennial | Agroecology
Louis is a food forest designer and teacher. His international design bureau Commensalist is based in Brussels, Belgium. With a top team they design (edible) landscape projects across Europe.
With Katrina Sichel as host
Food Forest | Agroforestry | Syntropic | Permaculture | Swales | Voedselbos | Foodforest | Forest Garden | Perennial | Agroecology
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