🌳 How do you choose the right food forest plants? | Design your food forest with Louis DJ

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Louis De Jaeger believes that everyone can change the world.

Louis is a food forest designer and teacher. His international design bureau Commensalist is based in Brussels, Belgium. With a top team they design (edible) landscape projects across Europe.

With Katrina Sichel as host

Food Forest | Agroforestry | Syntropic | Permaculture | Swales | Voedselbos | Foodforest | Forest Garden | Perennial | Agroecology
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I heard somewhere that tall trees should be placed closer to water ways to shade them, what are your thoughts on this for all season climates?


well actually number one consideration is soil type and rainfall or lack of it - prevailing winds come from multiple directions - do your credentials reveal what you produced so far ? what you are describing here is a single concept that may suit some locations but not all locations =
