N type vs P type solar panels basic differences | How to identify N type solar Panels

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N type vs P type solar panels basic differences | How to identify N type solar Panels

In this informative video, I break down the key distinctions between these two types of solar panels to help you make an informed choice for your solar energy needs.

N-type and P-type solar panels have unique characteristics efficiencies and applications. By the end of this video, you'll have a clear understanding of which type might be the best fit for your specific solar project, whether it's for your home business, or a large scale solar installation.

N-type solar panels are a type of photovoltaic technology used to convert sunlight into electricity. They are constructed using different materials and processes compared to the more common P-type solar panels. Here's an overview of the construction of N-type solar panels:

Semiconductor Material: N-type solar panels use an N-type semiconductor material as the foundation for converting sunlight into electricity. Unlike P type solar panels, which use P-type silicon, N-type solar panels use silicon with doping agents that introduce additional electrons, making it N-type. Common materials include phosphorus doped silicon (n-Si).

Silicon Wafer: The basic building block of N-type solar panels is the silicon wafer. These wafers are thin flat disks of silicon that are sliced from a larger silicon crystal.

Doping: The silicon wafers are doped with N-type dopants, usually phosphorus. And in P type solar panels silicon wafers are doped with boron. . Doping introduces excess electrons into the crystal structure of the silicon, creating an N-type layer on one side of the wafer.

Anti-Reflective Coating: To reduce the reflection of sunlight, an anti-reflective coating is applied to the surface of the silicon wafer. This coating helps the solar cell absorb more light and improve overall efficiency.

Metal Contacts: Metal contacts are placed on the front and back of the solar cell to collect the electrons generated when sunlight strikes the cell. These contacts are typically made of materials like silver or aluminum.

Busbars and Ribbons: Busbars and ribbons made of conductive materials connect the metal contacts on the front of the cell to the back, allowing for the flow of electricity generated by the cell.

Back sheet: The back sheet is typically made of a durable and weather-resistant material to protect the back of the solar panel from the environment. It also provides electrical insulation.

Junction Box: A junction box is attached to the back of the solar panel to house the electrical connections, including diodes for preventing reverse current flow, and provides a point for connecting multiple panels in an array.

Frame: Solar panels are often placed in a frame made of aluminum or other materials to provide structural support and facilitate mounting.

N-type solar panels offer several advantages, such as reduced light-induced degradation, higher efficiency in high-temperature environments, and better performance in low-light conditions. These construction details are similar for both N-type monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels, with minor variations in the manufacturing processes.

In this video, I cover:
The basics of N-type and P-type solar cells
Electrical properties and efficiency comparisons
Cost differences and considerations
Pros and cons of each type
Common applications and industries where each type excels

Which type of solar panel is right for your home or business? Watch this video to gain a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of N-type and P-type panels. We'll also discuss the latest advancements in solar technology and share expert tips to help you make the best choice for your specific needs.

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ماشاء اللّٰہ۔۔۔۔۔جناب نے ایک ایک چیز کو کلیئر بیان کیا ہے۔۔۔۔اس قدر معلومات میں نے کسی بھی چینل سے آ ج تک نہیں سنی۔۔۔۔بہت شکریہ محترم


80% youtuber biky hue hain. Per y banda kamal hai. Jo real bat hoti h bx wohi batata hai. Sallam h apko sir. Good job.


سر بہت بہت زبردست اور کمال کا سمجھانا آپ کا آپ جب سمجھاتے ہو تو اس چیز میں دلچسپی بڑھ جاتی ھے اللہ پاک آپ کو خوش رکھے شکریہ سر۔


سمجھانے کی انداز کمال ہے ہے آپکا۔ بہت اچھی انفارمیشن دی آپ نے


Bohat shukria jzak ALLAN jee ALLAN Paak ❤ Khush rkhy Dunia or akhrat ma aameen 🤲


MashaALLAH bhai aaj first time apki video dekhi etna basic or deeply smjha dia k abh to jin sy leny jayengy woh pagal ho jany ye aby ye kia bol rha.
MashaALLAH sir keep it up .


اللہ پاک آپ کو سلامت رکھے آمین اوراپکے درجات بلند فرمائے آمین


ماشاءاللہ, انتہائی معلوماتی ویڈیو ہے اور سولرز پینلز کی بابت علم میں اضافہ ہوا۔


عامر صاحب ۔
بہت مفید معلومات مہیا کی ہیں آپ نے۔ جزاک اللہ


Kamal kr dia apne sir sari confusion hi khatam kr di
Great description


بہت پیارا طریقہ سمجھانے کا اللہ آپکو اسکا اچھا صلہ دے آپ نے بہت تفصیل سے سمجھایا ھے شکریہ


❤ویسے سر جی اگر آپ ایک اکیڈمی کھول دے تو آپ سے بہت سے لو لوگ سیکھ سکتے ہے یقین کریں آپ تو انسان کی دماغ میں بیٹھا دیتے ہو پلیز ایک ادارہ کھول دو❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Being a skilled & Rtd. A/p from GCT pesh.& Worked in Tarbela dam & in KSA,
Appreciating your's hard working for the observers, today you sir explained v.wel the Dooping phenomenons & others relating aspects of the N type & Type solar panals.


ماشاءاللہ حق ادا کر دیا اللہ پاک آپ کے علم میں مذید اضافہ کرے


بہت اچھے سے آپ نے سمجھایا۔ ۔میرا ایک سوال ہے جو سب کا ہوگا۔ امید ہے آپ اس کا جواب دیں گے یا ایک الگ ویڈیو بنا دیں گے۔
سوال یہ ہے کہ جس نے پہلے p type solar panel لگائے ہوئے ہیں وہ اگر پینل بڑھانا چاہتے ہوں تو کیا اب n type solar panel لگاسکتے ہیں یا نہیں؟ مطلب کچھ n type اور کچھ p type.اس سے کوئی مسلہ تو نہیں ہوگا؟


great information bro.
By the way i was about to buy hi-mo 6 panels (p-type), but after watching this video i have made my mind to buy n-type panels.

thanks bro for delivering such a great information.


Sir apki video dekhi to mujhy apne sir yad a gye apky samjane ka Andaz bahot Alla h Allah apko lambi zendage de jazakallah


ماشاءاللہ سر سمجھانے کا بہت زبردست طریقہ کہ ایک عام بندہ بھی اسانی سے سمجھ جاتا ھے،


بہت اچھے انسان ھیں اچھی معلومات فراھم کی گٸ


ایسے زبردست معلومات دینے کا بہت شکریہ❤ خوش رھیں
