A-10 Thunderbolt vs Su-25 Frogfoot

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Other Images: Mikhail Lyganov / Wikipedia Playlists

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Why in the beginning even say something so stupid western tanks can destroy several Soviet tanks before being destroyed ... See this is what I'm talking about this bullshit narrative right off the bat. Set the tone and the rest just nod.

Soviet tanks were ahead of western designs really starting with IS-3 up until T-72 a lead of 40 years until Abrams finally showed up. Before then a single Soviet tank could eat several western tanks because of their design. T-64 prime example too expensive proved it was more then a match still used today you know it as T-80. In short once Abrams showed up Italians, French, German Brits etc they started similar projects and ended up being the standard while Soviets simple upgraded T-72 to meet the new designs.

And don't try the whataboutism in the middle east conflict... I am talking about a proper trained army with its own tanks in its own hands. Russia is not like any other country. A t-72b3 took out an Abrams in Ukraine two months ago. Leopard was destroyed by a T-80bvm.

Su-25 same thing...its devastating with experienced and good pilot and now the new Russian cockpits and sensors along with longer range weapons and deadlier at that too has easily surpassed the A-10. A-10 will always have the gun to its credit there's no doubt there but that's where su-25 just attaches ridiculous amounts of arms under its ten pylons


This is very old information. Thumbs down to you Battle Machines....you are doing nothing than regurgitating old info
