Part 3: Melani & Ian Pawlowski explain why Lori Vallow Daybell is not saying where her kids are

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Eaton: So you do believe that Charles was shot in self-defense and Alex was defending himself?

Melani: Absolutely. And I went to Tylee and was like, 'How are you?' She was so brave speaking about it and was very collected and very mature. I admire Tylee so much for how brave she was. She explained everything and so did Lori and so did Alex and it made sense with how Charles has been acting. You're in shock that it went to that extreme but I'm glad Alex was there to protect Tylee.

I hated that Tylee had to go through that and I know there's been a lot of criticism of how Lori acted afterward. She's smiling on camera and I know when she's uncomfortable, she'll just kind of laugh or smile and try to make light of it. I do the same thing. It's just how we handle being in shock and every person handles being in shock differently.

That's when everything started to be strange. Charles had said all these things in court documents, things I had never heard Lori say, and that's when these strange ideas started flowing around. Lori has always been an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She loves learning and she spent a lot of time in the temple trying to learn and grow from experiences and trying to feel peace from all the things that have happened in her life.

Charles I feel took that to an extreme with the things that he said about her. Honestly I see everything Charles the emails about his life insurance. Charles sold life insurance and had his own company and the texts between people it almost looked like a setup. It was very alarming to see all these things.

I have been asked what spiritual experiences has Lori had. That's not for me to answer or to say what Lori and Chad's beliefs are. But I know the people they are and I know they're good people and they're trying. As a family, we'd get together and talk about the mysteries of God and the deep doctrine conversations. We're allowed to do that. We're allowed to discern truth from error and just learn and in our church. We believe in revelation and it's an ongoing process. We're learning continually and everything's changing. We're just people that are trying to grow in our faith and be closer to the Savior.

There's no cult. Lori's my aunt, Zulema's almost like an aunt to me, Alex is my uncle and this is my family. Where it comes down to Tylee and JJ and this zombie idea - it came from a disturbing phone call I got from one of Lori's old friends right after they took off to Hawaii. She told me Lori and Alex did something to Tylee and JJ and we don't know where they're at and Lori has lied to you and all these things that didn't feel right. On that phone call I felt a lot of fear and doubt and that's when I kind of went into this worrying phase.

I'm newly married and I'm sharing these things with him and can't sleep some nights. I didn't know where they're at, I didn't know what was going on and I didn't understand these things. And Ian, which I don't know, is talking with Natalie and Brandon and they're telling him these terrifying things that aren't true - that I've wanted to kill Brandon and I'm in a cult. I have no idea what Ian's doing behind the scenes and I'm in a scared time in my life where I'm trying to figure out the pieces. I'm trying to know what's going on with with Brandon and his plans and who he is working with and where my kids are. December was terrifying - like we're thrown into this boiling pot as soon as we get married and trying to just adapt as best we can.

Eaton: Melani, did you actually believe these things that Lori and Chad told you? Or were you telling Ian just to get it off your chest with the assumption you didn't know what to think?

Melani: Lori and Chad did not tell me most of those things in the document. Those were fears I was hearing from other people and never did I believe them. When you don't have knowledge about something and you're in a scary situation like this, you think the worst. And I'm an open book. I kind of say it how it is.

I didn't know Ian was recording all these things and that he was talking to Natalie or Brandon. I had told him my history with Brandon and I warned that Natalie's probably going to try to get a hold of Brandan and Brandon's going to run with all these lies about me. Ian knew who I was but the factor of Tylee and JJ going missing - he'd never seen them before and had only met Chad and Lori one time. He doesn't know what I know about the past with Lori trying to do everything she can to protect her kids and people who have been threatening her.

Рекомендации по теме

I don't believe that Charles would have raised a hand to Tylee, total BS




This lady should be in prison for conspiracy to commit attempted murder


Going to church doesn’t make you a good person.


Melani is such a liar!! I’m sure she’s deeply involved.


Melanie is a scary woman who should never be around anyone's children. She should be prosecuted,


Good people don't abandon their children and take off to another state


Well the kids are no longer with us (RIP). What does "Mrs. Talks-Alot" have to say abou this now?


She should be brought up on attempted murdered charges of of ex-husband! Bring charges against her!


Ian looks uncomfortable, like he knows everything she is saying is pure crap.


This chick should be charged with murder ! She knew exactly what was going to happen to those kids.


STOP! Your not a victim. Lori is not a victim. YOU caused your whirlwind because YOU left your kids, got married quickly and YOUR AUNT is acting TOTALLY unrational with not showing the kids! WHERE ARE THE KIDS....ITS NOT A HARD THING TO ANSWER...GO GET THEM....GET YOUR AUNT TO TELL THEM TO COME OUT. It's all too much UNEMOTIONAL feelings from any of them.


Who cares that you just got married- What about your MISSING niece and nephew.


Has there ever been an interview that aged in a worse way?
I fully understand why she tried so hard to not testify. After seeing the texts about her kids being dark, about her & Lori being tired looking after "demons", it is clear how much she lied in this interview. It turned out that LE were the only ones who had the kids best interest at heart. I hope she gets charged as well.


She's literally attacking a gentle man who was trying to defend himself by these sick people. As much as I want Justice for Tylee & JJ I also want it for Charles & Tammy!!!


If Brandon hadn’t taken the kids. He’d be another Charles and her kids would probably be where they found JJ and Tylee. She calls Kay, Charles and Brandon narcissists. But I think she’s projecting. Her and her crazy aunt are the narcissists. She had a million dollar policy on her husband too. He was suspicious like Charles was. Someone probably Alex shot at him. She’s insane if she thinks she’s fooling anyone. She also keeps referring to the children in the past tense. She knows! If I were her new husband I’d be running for the hills. There is a good reason why her dad kept them away from the Cox family.


How can a woman that brought four children into the world just walk away from them, then a minute later get pregnant again with her new husband... Those children need to be protected from Melanie, talking about being brainwashed, Ian included... Rip to all the innocent victim of this horrific case. Regards from Ireland 🍀🇮🇪


Kids and Charles were referred to in past tense. Chad and Lori were not.


It is so sickening to listen to this knowing that the 2 children's remains were found on Chad Daybell's property.


This woman should be in the cell next to Lori.
Wherever she is, the community should be informed.
