Mother shares 'chilling' experience of asking Lori Daybell where her children are

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IDAHO FALLS -- Ursula Berliner will never forget her encounter with Lori Vallow Daybell. It was short, on an airport shuttle in Maui and an experience Berliner describes as "chilling."

The Oregon mother had just landed in Hawaii with her husband and daughter last week when they made their way to pick up a rental car. As they boarded the shuttle, she recognized Lori and Chad from stories she had seen in the news. Lori’s children, 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and his sister, 17-year-old Tylee Ryan, have not been seen since September.

Berliner said her heart "sank to her legs" and she was concerned the Daybells may be on the run from law enforcement. After getting off the shuttle, she tried to call police but she couldn't get a cell phone signal. The couple went inside to rent a vehicle while Berliner remained outdoors with her family.

"I had just read that she had been talking to a friend and told her all the speculation around them was media hype that she was waiting for it to die down," Berliner recalls. "I wanted to have an exchange with her where she knew it wasn’t just the media and the police who were watching for them or cared about the children - that there are parents all over, just like me, who see her and are watching her. People who aren’t going to stop looking for the children."

Berliner says Lori looked right at her through the glass and Berliner mouthed the words, "I see you. Where are your children?"

"I’ll never forget the look on her face. She kind of shrugged and raised the corner of her mouth and eyebrow and she wanted me to know she knows where they are," Berliner says. "I really wanted to say something but it was a scary situation. There’s a lot of death around the case and my husband was really nervous about me making a scene."

Berliner and her family got into their rental car and drove away. She sent her photos to the Rexburg Police Department and detectives referenced them in court documents as proof that the Daybells did not have Lori's children with them.

Two days after Berliner's encounter, the Daybells returned to Kauai and on Thursday, on two counts of desertion and nonsupport of children, resisting and/or obstructing an officer, solicitation and contempt.

"Part of me was hoping I would see them again. I just don’t want them to fall out of view but also I hope I never see them again. It was just an awful exchange with her," Berliner says.
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I'm watching this 4 years later and it's still chilling!


Normal people get divorced! They don't kill all of their husbands and kids or family!


I just spent 5 years of my life trying to save my daughter from cancer to lose that fight these people killing their children bring years to my eyes


I lose my keys for 10 minutes & don't stop looking until I find em.
Not being concerned about the whereabouts of your children is just
unbelievable to me.


She’s going to hear “ Where are the children?”, in her sleep. People should chant it outside jail.


This whole clip kinda takes on new meaning upon finding out where the children actually were. Unbelievable how calm they both reacted.


Ursula is a woman with courage. I am so glad she had this exchange. Knowing what we know now- it is a chilling exchange. How sad for those kids 😪


She said that their seemed to be some stress between the Daybells. Murder, unexplained deaths, and missing children can sometimes be a strain on a relationship.


It's so sad millions of people have more love and concern for these kids then their own mother. So heartbreaking


Ursela Berliner in a world where people choose to mind their own business and refuse to get involved - you are absolutely a hero in my book.
The idea of these 2 horrible people running around playing newlyweds makes me sick. Especially knowing that buried in the backyard were two beautiful children that together they murdered.
Nate you are so awesome for keeping this in the public eye, for going to Hawaii and grabbing your opportunity to ask where are your children - hell has a special place reserved for these two.


This man deserves recognition for his work on this case


Sadly we now know where the kids were the whole time. In Chad's backyard...


As another Oregonian I want to Thank this Woman for trying to hold them accountable and let them know people were watching them..Thankyou..RIP Tyler and JJ 🙏🙏


Everybody who sees her in public should ask her where her kids are. Ik shes in jail but still


Look at that arrogant smirk on Lori she is so confident ! happy to be where she is....not having any thoughts about all the people they her own children....Has been a long time now and I realize how brave that woman was and also how intuitive. Thank you to her, for her her caring.


it’s so disturbing that lori tried to make a cute smug smile and shrug. just holy shit


This case makes me feel so sick inside. That a mother can just kill her children and go about her business because she knows no bodies will ever be found, is disgusting.


My daughter is 30 and I still know where she is 99% of the time


God Bless you Mrs. Berliner, for taking photos to help the authorities - I would be shaking too! Brave and Courageous.


I love that she asked and that she took the pictures. I think a lot of us with children would have done the same, so I totally get why she felt the need.
