How to Pick Your First Tattoo | Tattoos
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Plan ahead, most important. Once you get one you're probably gonna want another one. Very easy to get addicted you've heard people say it and they say it for a reason. Don't go too big, don't go too small. You don't wanna a little tiny small tattoo in the middle of your arm - that is prime real estate. There is a lot of stuff you're probably gonna want to put there later down the road. Even if you don't think you do now, once you start getting compliments on these tattoos and everyone starts loving it, you're going to change your mind. Pick something you're passionate about, it may seem like shooting stars, or Kanji symbols, it might be that thing now. But styles change fads change, down the road. Are you really passionate about those couple of shooting stars? Every artist wants to do original artwork. No one wants to do star after star after star, when we could do something that is more you. More custom to your personality. More your style. Stay unique, go with something you don't see everywhere. These are going to be the tattoos that stand the test of time.