32 Weeks of #Pregnancy | #ThirdTrimester | Fetal Stage | #32WeeksPregnant | #Fetus

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At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus continues gaining fat to fill out its body. White fat, the fat responsible for backup energy stores, makes up about 8% of the fetus’s body weight and contributes to a plumper appearance [1].
Lanugo (the soft and silky hair that covers the fetus’s skin) begins to fall off, though you might notice some at birth [2]. The toenails are fully developed [1].
The fetus has a functioning pupillary reflex, meaning the pupils now constrict or dilate in response to light [1].
In male fetuses, the testes descend [1].
Babies born from 32 weeks up to 36 weeks and 7 days are considered “moderate to late preterm” [3].
1. Moore KL, Persaud TVN, Torchia MG. The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2016.
2. Harms R, Wick M, editors. Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. Boston: Da Capo Press; 2011.
3. March of Dimes, PMNCH, Save the Children, WHO. Born too Soon: The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth. Howson CP, Kinney MV, Lawn JE, editors. World Health Organization; 2012.
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Produced and written by: Samantha Lattof, PhD MSc
Medically reviewed by: Ayodeji Olelakan Abere, MD MBA MHA
Animation by: SciePro / Pond5
Music by: audiomarket / Pond5
Narration by: Ava / Wellsaid