Fourier Neural Operator for Parametric Partial Differential Equations (Paper Explained)

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Numerical solvers for Partial Differential Equations are notoriously slow. They need to evolve their state by tiny steps in order to stay accurate, and they need to repeat this for each new problem. Neural Fourier Operators, the architecture proposed in this paper, can evolve a PDE in time by a single forward pass, and do so for an entire family of PDEs, as long as the training set covers them well. By performing crucial operations only in Fourier Space, this new architecture is also independent of the discretization or sampling of the underlying signal and has the potential to speed up many scientific applications.

0:00 - Intro & Overview
6:15 - Navier Stokes Problem Statement
11:00 - Formal Problem Definition
15:00 - Neural Operator
31:30 - Fourier Neural Operator
48:15 - Experimental Examples
50:35 - Code Walkthrough
1:01:00 - Summary & Conclusion

The classical development of neural networks has primarily focused on learning mappings between finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Recently, this has been generalized to neural operators that learn mappings between function spaces. For partial differential equations (PDEs), neural operators directly learn the mapping from any functional parametric dependence to the solution. Thus, they learn an entire family of PDEs, in contrast to classical methods which solve one instance of the equation. In this work, we formulate a new neural operator by parameterizing the integral kernel directly in Fourier space, allowing for an expressive and efficient architecture. We perform experiments on Burgers' equation, Darcy flow, and the Navier-Stokes equation (including the turbulent regime). Our Fourier neural operator shows state-of-the-art performance compared to existing neural network methodologies and it is up to three orders of magnitude faster compared to traditional PDE solvers.

Authors: Zongyi Li, Nikola Kovachki, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Burigede Liu, Kaushik Bhattacharya, Andrew Stuart, Anima Anandkumar


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The intro is cracking me up, had to like.


"Linearized ways of describing how a system evolves over one timestep" is BRILLIANT!
I never heard PDEs described in such a beautiful, comprehensible way,
Thank you Yannic Kilcher.


So basically what they did is kind of like taking a regular neural network layer added jpeg compression before it, and jpeg decompression after it, then built a network and trained it on navier stokes images to predict the next images. The reason i say jpeg is because the heart of jpeg is transforming an image into the frequency domain using a fourier-like function, the extra processing jpeg does is mostly non-destructive(duh you want your compressed version to be as close to the original), plus a neural network would probably not be impeded by the extra processing, and their method throws away some of the modes of the fourier transform too.


Cool to see a paper like this pop up on my youtube. I did my MSc thesis on the first reference solving ill-posed inverse problems using iterative
deep neural networks.


Vorticity is the cross product of nabla operator and the vector field of velocity, which can be thought of as the rotational flow in that region (blue clockwise and red ccw).


Fourier Neural Operators aren't limited to periodic boundary conditions the linear transform W works as a bias term which keeps track of non-periodic BCs.


Wow.. simply awesome. Fourier and PDE good to see togather


This is an excellently clear description. Thanks for the help.


Cool video as usual. Quick comment, vorticity is simply the curl of the velocity field and doesn't have much to do with "stickiness". Speaking of which, viscosity (measures forces within the fluid molecules) is not actually related to "stickiness", a property that is measured by surface tension (how the fluid interacts with an external solid surface). You can have highly viscous fluids which don't stick at all.


36:30 I like the idea of throwing away high FFT modes as regularization. I wish more papers did that.

37:35 IDK if throwing out the little jiggles is a good idea because the Navier Stokes is a chaotic system and those little jiggles were possibly contributing chaotically. However perhaps the residual connection corrects that.

46:10 XD

I wish the authors ablated the point to point convolution and showed how much does that help, same for throwing away modes.

Also I wish the authors showed an error accumulation over time graph.

I really liked the code walkthrough. Do it for other papers too if possible.


Coming from signal processing and getting head into the Deep™ world, I'm happy to see Fourier showing up. Great paper and good start but I agree with the overhype. For example, throwing away modes is the same as masking with square function, which in the signal space is like convolving with a sinc function. That's a highly "ripply" func. Nav-Stks is general is chaotic and small perturbations will change output significantly over time. I'm guessing that they don't see/show these effects because of their data composition. But that is a good start and maybe an idea for others. For example replace Fourier kernel with Laplace and use proper filtering techniques.


I hope this is going to lead to much more thorough climate simulations. Typically these require vast amounts of supercomputer time and are run just once a year or so. But it sounds like just a small amount of cloud compute would run them on this model.
Managing memory would then be the challenge, however, because I don't know how you could afford to discretize into isolated cells the fluid dynamics of the atmosphere, where each part affects and flows into other parts. It's almost like you need to do it all at once.


Normal broader impact: This may have negative applications on society and military applications



Looks similar to what is done is so called "spectral methods" for simulation of fluids. I'm sure this is where they draw their inspiration from.


Vorticity is derived from vortex.

The triangle pointing down is the nabla Operator. It was pointing to the lowest value.


Great video, however I would like to correct a few facts. If Navier-Stokes equations needs the development of new and efficient methods like neural networks it`s essentially because they are strongly Nonlinear especially for high Reynold number (low viscosity, like with air, water; typical fluids we daily meet ) where Turbulence is triggered. Also, I want to rectified, the Navier-Stokes systems shown in the paper is in incompressible regime, and the second equation is the divergence of of velocity, which is the mass conservation equation, nothing related to vorticity (it`s more the opposite, vorticity would be the cross product of the nabla operator with the velocity field).


This is going to be lit when it comes to Quantum Chemistry


Yannic always give me an illusion that I understand things that I actually don't. Anyway, good starting point and thank you so much!


Thank you for the paper presentation!!


I wish the authors showed the effects for throwing away modes in some nice graphs😔.
Also show the divergence for this method from ground truth (using simulator) when used in a RNN fashion(ie feeding the final output of this method back to itself to generate time steps possibly to infinity and show at what point it starts diverging significantly)
