bending truth | how adults get indoctrinated [cc]

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A reflection on the importance of acknowledging that we can all be manipulated.
opening quote:
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
— Douglas Adams
Arabic: TranquilOblivion
Brazilian Portuguese: Aymar Pescador Jr
Bulgarian: Djeitko
Czech: Jan Špaček
Slovak: Peter Ščigulinský
Aronson, E. and Mills, J. (1959) The effects of severity of initiation on liking for a group. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 59 (2), pp.177–181
Knox, R.E. and Inkster, J.A. (1968) Postdecision dissonance at post time. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 8 (4), pp.319-323
Worth reading:
Festinger, L., Riecken, H. and Schachter, S. (1956) When prophecy fail — a social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. Harper-Torchbooks. [Re-editions by other publishers]
music © theramintrees
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I know the main focus of this is religion, but I am seeing a strong connection to political indoctrination as well.


When I was a Christian, I was always told in church that to "become like little children to get into heaven" meant to be innocent and free from your sin.
As an ex-Christian, I realize that to "become like little children" means to do as your told and believe everything you hear.


Remember: You are not immune to propaganda


Wow, I am a Jehovah's Witness, trying to get out and this video was recommended to me another ex jw. this video gave me chills, it is so unreal. I wish there was more informative on cognitive dissonance. Because this is EXACTLY what I am going through! wow! wow! wow! wow!


Of course we can all be manipulated. Except for me. I'm really smart.


What really is horrific is those of us who are born into these types of high control groups. Left with the decision to leave an organization that we don't believe in, wake up feelings trapped. Knowing that leaving, means we literally have to start from a basically infant like social, mental, emotional and cognitive stage in life. We have no family, no friends no social group. We are literally alone, told we are wicked, evil and only want to live a life a debauchery. Simply, due to no longer agreeing with the teachings of the high control group. I know. I was born into and left such a group after 24 years. It was not easy, I had to build my own support system, family and learn to avoid allowing the horrific lies and hateful things my former family, even my biological family, decided were true just because I no longer believed the rhetoric I had been taught throughout most of my life.


I wish religion wasn't pushed so hard on recovering drug & alcohol addicts.Because a lot of recovering addicts become good at admitting that they've been wrong in the past. If they weren't having religion shoved on them during that time then they might be able to admit that their old religious beliefs about certain groups of people, were false.


I was recruited into a massive, global cult in 2009.

We would meet once a week and perform bizarre rituals, wearing special clothes and artefacts. We would donate $15 to the local cult leader each time.

We would also watch others doing these practices. The cult would go to China and Europe to propose the cult and they had adherents across the world.

I spent thousands travelling to 'camps' abroad to learn more and get higher skill in our rites.

You are right. It tore my relationships apart. I was focused on the cult from morning 'til night.

I thought the other cult members liked me, but they would routinely physically assault me, but I was inured to the abuse and kept on going to the cult.

I lost 10 years of my life to ice hockey.


I know this is an old video but this really helped me.. I am interested in men's rights and I have been indoctrinated to treat all feminist women as bitter enemies. This video was very incitful and clever and easy to understand which makes it easy to internalize. I have treated people horribly at times because of cognitive dissonance. Thank you theramintrees.


From birth I was raised in the Joseph Smith cult. A lot of hate came my way for objecting to the religion. I was made the family scapegoat. Thanks, Mom and Dad.


"I want to believe so that my time isn't wasted" perfect words for my parent's explanation as to why they're Christian. When asked they said "I'm too old to change"


I was already atheist before discovering your videos but goddamn they’re amazing


This is also known as 'Grooming'. Its used by child predators and social media/internet groups as well.


Mormons literally use the phrase "milk before meat" when instructing missionaries and members on how to talk about their beliefs. They know that the uninitiated would find their temple ceremonies and undergarments absurd. They are absurd to the initiated, as well, but the initiated typically have sufficient dissonance to justify the weirdness away, thus investing themselves even deeper in the belief.


Cognitive dissonance is REAL! When I left faith, a loved one said, "I still believe you're going to heaven and you come back to God." I asked how they knew. They said, " you don't believe, so it won't make any sense, but I just know." I was speechless at the commitment to keep the idea alive as it stood in conflict with a loved one.


Seriously, watching again and this applies so perfectly to manipulative /abusive relationships! It's even more scary because I was one of those people who would always say "that can never happen to me".


Watching this video as an exmormon is so disturbing. Mormonism is not as bad as scientology, but there are a lot of the same biases that prevent people from accepting or even looking into conflicting information.


It's funny to me how this applies to abusive relationships on any scale. The number of times I've talked to people about my abusive childhood and had people who have never been there tell me about how they would have stopped the abuser.


As an ex Jehovahs witness, a lot of the strategies and techniques are used by them. Scary.


In all ironic fashion, you’re doing God’s work, son.
