Geometry Constructions (15 Must Know Types) with Compass and Straightedge

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In this video we discuss some common must-know geometry constructions with a compass and straightedge. We discuss how to:

Time Stamps:
0:23 copy an angle
1:53 construct a perpendicular bisector
3:00 copy a segment
3:44 construct a perpendicular from a point to a line
5:03 construct a parallel line through a point
6:55 bisect an angle
7:46 inscribe a square inside a circle
9:33 circumscribe a circle about a triangle
13:30 inscribe a circle inside a triangle
17:17 inscribe a regular hexagon in a circle
18:47 inscribe an equilateral triangle inside a circel
19:21 construct an equilateral triangle given a side
20:16 copy a triangle using SAS
22:58 copy a triangle use SSS
25:18 copy a triangle using ASA

Here are links to some of the tools I recommend for doing geometry constructions. (Note: as an Amazon affiliate I may earn a commission from a purchase you may thank you in advance for helping support the channel with your purchases.)

Compass kit:

Pens I currently like and use in this video:

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Рекомендации по теме

My 9th grader is learning this now and even I could not explain to him as I don’t recall having learned this in the USSR, which is surprising as math was much more advanced there. Thank you Mario for explaining it so clearly! I have shared the video with him and am now well-prepared to explain.


Hey Mario, I really appreciate the video. They've been helping me with my stress for the regents since my teacher didn't teach us constructions, hence I have to self-teach myself. Keep it up!


Tysm Mario I have a test today about constructions but the teacher cant really teach well. This is lifesaving


thank you so much sir my teacher isn’t the best and this really helped 🙏🏽💚


u do everything much more efficient then my teacher thank u


who’s watching the night b4 the regent


literally why do we have to memorize so much. take me back to alg.


thank you i have my regents tomorrow better late than never 😅
