Flow Hive - The world's most innovative beehive

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Our invention - the biggest innovation in beekeeping for 150 years - was originally launched in 2015 and is Indiegogo's highest-funded project ever. Includes our patented Flow Frames, allowing you to collect fresh honey straight from the hive.

Happy Beekeeping from Flow Hive!
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Very well done, The Flow Hive got me keeping bees again last year after a 12 year absence. I now have 11 colonies. The one thing that I really like about the Flow Hive (Besides the ease of harvesting the beautiful honey) is it is so much more friendly to the bees and a lot less work and stings for me. The people taking my beginning Beekeeping class will be introduced to the Flow Hive system and I feel confident that there will be more new members to the Flow community of Beekeepers. Thanks Cedar and Stu!


I got the Flow Hive 2 for my husband last Christmas. The bees have been in the hive since early May. We are just now beginning to see nectar deposited in the end of the frames. It is amazing and exciting. The bees are so entertaining to watch. We go out every evening and watch them go in and out. Seeing the pollen come in is so enjoyable. We are so glad we did this and my husband will be getting a second Flow Hive 2 for Christmas this year. What an amazing hobby. Thanks, Flow Hive for making beekeeping realistic for everyone.


Well I just harvested my first frame from my new flow hives. I received my packages of bees in middle May. I only started beekeeping because the Flow Hive had the potential to limit the mess at harvesting. Well so far what has spilled from the operation was so much less than what would have been wasted otherwise is definitely less and time spent in harvesting was less as well. Yes I only have 2 hives up and running now so I am small scale and not commercial. The only thing that I would change is to install my hives higher up because I have to sit on the ground to get the harvest going or bend over. Friends and family that have tasted the honey are blown away on how different and they say "better" that the honey tastes over any store bought honey that they have ever tasted. Thanks all who work at Flow for making this advancement available to the world.


EXCELLENT... it never gets old, a true joy to have flow-hives for my bees. Thank you ALL, again and again...


Thank you for inventing this. What a blessing to bees and the earth.


spoken like a true marketing suave, If we look after the bees, they look after us and the honey is the *bonus* Kudos to these inventors! They deserved every penny in the crowdfunding.


I'm trying to convince my city to change the code to allow me to get one of these for my backyard! What an awesome invention!


I can’t help feeling so proud this is an Australian invention. So many benefits and a real boost for bees the world over. Thank you for all your hard work.


amazing design! I'm really impressed


Oh well if Thor himself approves of it.


Love it! Hopefully will start bee keeping soon! 🥰😍🐝🌻


Why does watching these video's makes you calm. Same to Mr. Dunn's video's. I hope to start doing this one day, buts it seems olso to be a bit scary. Always telling myself, what if im doing it wrong. But the fascination for insects and bees was there already when I was jung. It's ingredible. Thank you for the beautiful footage to watch! Best greetings from the Netherlands!


Isso não é produção de mel, isso é produção de amor. Que coisa mais linda!


These videos and the innovative thinking behind the flow frames is what has caused me to start keeping bees. The WRC is beautiful wood. As I’ve educated myself about what the bees will need in my part of the world all I could ask is that the Flow team continues to improve what they offer to their community. Medium boxes for those that don’t or can’t lift deeps. A feeder shim or a raised top cover to allow feed jars or pans to go under it. The ability to just buy each of the components separately, I would buy a stand and some brood boxes and roofs with feed shims to get additional colonies going now and add flow supers next year if I had the option. Either way great job and keep up the great work


I love this invention- ONE THOUSAND dollars canadian is a little too steep for me- but Bless you in your business adventure! I hope to one day be able to afford this- and enjoy the honey : )


I love this invention of yours. It is truly ingenious. But I still think it is still premature and can still be improved.
I've been researching and following this device and about beekeeping for a good couple of years now. And I have points I would like to share with you to help make innovation grow and to further improve this product for version 3 on wards :D
-first suggestion is very tedious but might help beekeepers and their bees a lot and it is to add a scale to each of the frames of the flow box. With a scale to each frame you can use this to gauge when it is ideal to do an inspection or not based on the weight of the frame. if the frame's weight is less that the weight of a average cap frame then the frame might not be ready to be inspected for harvest. The benefits of this is to lessen the amount of inspections done to the flow box ensuring the bees more time to be left alone.

-second is to sell custom plug or spigot that lets honey flow into mason jars directly without letting it be exposed to the bees.
Those who benefit from this are beekeepers who have defensive bees or beekeepers who are in the middle of the robbing period.
this also lessens the burden of those who want custom spigot or plugs allowing them to just buy them instead of having them custom made.
-third is a disclaimer for those who live in northern regions with long periods of winter. Either a disclaimer stating how difficult it is to get a full frame of honey for our friends in the northern hemisphere or a custom insulated smaller version of the flow hive.
A smaller and well insulated version might allow it to work in northern regions since its insulated and fills faster.
-fourth is more of a optional upgrade for the brood box and that is to add custom launchpads for the bees designed to protect your bees during the robbing period. Normally I don't need to say this since there are many options and tricks out there but since flow hive came to existence there are many eager new bee keepers out there who don't have much of a clue yet and bought a flow hive but got ruined during robbing season. this fourth suggestion is to make it easier for them.


such an amazing invention, than you from the heart. You made an amazing work


Great video I can’t wait to put in my order and get start for the 2021 season


You are absolutely the best amazing man in tbe world.. your ideas are geniuus, your brains are more geniuos than people who create nuclear bomb.. you create something big for human beings and good creatures..


i remember this when it came out at kickstart, i told myself one ill buy it one day... still to this day i couldnt :/

No place to put them.. wish i had suitable place.. anyway, thank alot & keep up the good work <3
