MSIA | John-Roger The Christ Plan for Earth
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MSIA Founder John-Roger outlines the Christ Plan Jesus brought forward for Souls to know God
MSIA item number 7469-CD Are You Catching The Spirit?
MP029ES Christ: My Man for Eternity (9:56)
There were two plans prepared before the creation of the earth. One came under Lucifer and one came under Christ. Lucifer was the morning – under the sun of the first morning, he was the firstborn, Jesus as Christ was the second born. When they decided upon the creation of the earth and what would happen, Lucifer set up evolution and that people would not have choices, they would just evolve through states of being up through – genetically up through this state. All of these encompass the idea of reincarnation. You re-embody back in ‘til you complete – you have perfected what you’re here to do. In his there was no choice. His plan was given. He got his first plan, he got it, he came in onto the earth, this was before the earth was as we know it in genesis was created. When they said, when they said it was void without form, it meant it was in a state of chaos, change. In Jeremiah, if you listen back to it, it’ll talk to you about the time when in the old creation the people were having a counsel on high and they talked about the earth then and the way it was gonna happen and how it was going to be destroyed because of the wickedness and illness, because there was nothing to make the person breed out the genetics. Moses came in as picking up some of those who had the bad genetics, took ’em out in the desert and re-changed the genetic pattern on them so they became the children of God instead of just the children of Light. Moses came over here under this (writes on easel), so the Christ pattern was set in motion, and when it was set in motion Lucifer said, “You didn’t give mine a chance.” And the Father of Light said, “You did, and now we’re giving this one a chance. This is the second plan.” There was a first plan and a last plan, not necessarily a second and a third and a fourth, for the particular evolution of all the souls in through these particular patterns of incarnation. It was about 15 billion years long. Now, you know, that’s like saying, it’s like drops of salt in the ocean, nobody can figure out what that is, so you just drop that, it’s like okay, it’s information.
In this pattern, there were going to be high points where people would incarnate onto the planet. And on these incarnations, these would be pinnacles of Light where they would once again lift the consciousness back into God instead of the evolvement through their own process. When Jesus came in, which let’s just call it down here at some point, it was, it was Jesus the Anointed One meant – this meant that the prophetic energy in the Christ line was passed on into him. Since he got it, he matured it and took it across into the hells over here where these were the hells under Lucifer, or Satan. And he came across, and at the time of that -- this was planned, this was a plan, this is why Satan fights the hell out of it ‘cause he says you’re gonna screw up my plan. His plan’s screwed up. It screwed up, that’s all there is to it. So what we have now are people on the evolutionary plan, and people who are on the grace plan. On this one, it is not by our works, our righteousness, but by God extending Christ down to all of us as a consciousness of love and Light, and in that there had to be someone to bridge across into the other realm of, of life that we call the Luciferean life. That’s not a bad life, it’s just one that where the plan didn’t work out too well. In that we have the satyrs, in this we have the half peoples, in this we have the mixed breeds. All that, all these are over here. Edgar Cayce talked a lot about this. He just didn’t differentiate it real clearly.
So Jesus came in and said, “I’ll bridge across.” Now Lucifer has access to God and walks the high heavens. As in Job, he’s described doing that. And Job is a state of consciousness of how people will evolve, not about a man living in a country who had these particular things, because it’s quite obvious that if God killed off all of his children, his wife and family, and then forgave him and then restored his wife and his children and his family, that means Job would be about as stupid to think that that’s going to take the place of the first ones. So it’s obvious it’s a metaphor of life and not just those particular people, unless of course they were particular people and then they were real shits so who cares anyway?
MSIA item number 7469-CD Are You Catching The Spirit?
MP029ES Christ: My Man for Eternity (9:56)
There were two plans prepared before the creation of the earth. One came under Lucifer and one came under Christ. Lucifer was the morning – under the sun of the first morning, he was the firstborn, Jesus as Christ was the second born. When they decided upon the creation of the earth and what would happen, Lucifer set up evolution and that people would not have choices, they would just evolve through states of being up through – genetically up through this state. All of these encompass the idea of reincarnation. You re-embody back in ‘til you complete – you have perfected what you’re here to do. In his there was no choice. His plan was given. He got his first plan, he got it, he came in onto the earth, this was before the earth was as we know it in genesis was created. When they said, when they said it was void without form, it meant it was in a state of chaos, change. In Jeremiah, if you listen back to it, it’ll talk to you about the time when in the old creation the people were having a counsel on high and they talked about the earth then and the way it was gonna happen and how it was going to be destroyed because of the wickedness and illness, because there was nothing to make the person breed out the genetics. Moses came in as picking up some of those who had the bad genetics, took ’em out in the desert and re-changed the genetic pattern on them so they became the children of God instead of just the children of Light. Moses came over here under this (writes on easel), so the Christ pattern was set in motion, and when it was set in motion Lucifer said, “You didn’t give mine a chance.” And the Father of Light said, “You did, and now we’re giving this one a chance. This is the second plan.” There was a first plan and a last plan, not necessarily a second and a third and a fourth, for the particular evolution of all the souls in through these particular patterns of incarnation. It was about 15 billion years long. Now, you know, that’s like saying, it’s like drops of salt in the ocean, nobody can figure out what that is, so you just drop that, it’s like okay, it’s information.
In this pattern, there were going to be high points where people would incarnate onto the planet. And on these incarnations, these would be pinnacles of Light where they would once again lift the consciousness back into God instead of the evolvement through their own process. When Jesus came in, which let’s just call it down here at some point, it was, it was Jesus the Anointed One meant – this meant that the prophetic energy in the Christ line was passed on into him. Since he got it, he matured it and took it across into the hells over here where these were the hells under Lucifer, or Satan. And he came across, and at the time of that -- this was planned, this was a plan, this is why Satan fights the hell out of it ‘cause he says you’re gonna screw up my plan. His plan’s screwed up. It screwed up, that’s all there is to it. So what we have now are people on the evolutionary plan, and people who are on the grace plan. On this one, it is not by our works, our righteousness, but by God extending Christ down to all of us as a consciousness of love and Light, and in that there had to be someone to bridge across into the other realm of, of life that we call the Luciferean life. That’s not a bad life, it’s just one that where the plan didn’t work out too well. In that we have the satyrs, in this we have the half peoples, in this we have the mixed breeds. All that, all these are over here. Edgar Cayce talked a lot about this. He just didn’t differentiate it real clearly.
So Jesus came in and said, “I’ll bridge across.” Now Lucifer has access to God and walks the high heavens. As in Job, he’s described doing that. And Job is a state of consciousness of how people will evolve, not about a man living in a country who had these particular things, because it’s quite obvious that if God killed off all of his children, his wife and family, and then forgave him and then restored his wife and his children and his family, that means Job would be about as stupid to think that that’s going to take the place of the first ones. So it’s obvious it’s a metaphor of life and not just those particular people, unless of course they were particular people and then they were real shits so who cares anyway?