a video to watch when you need a warm hug

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everything will be okay

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‘You didn’t deserve what was done to you and I’m sorry you had to go through that’, I never knew how badly I needed to hear those words until you said them


“It gets worse before it gets better” made me teary eyed. No one ever mentions that sometimes it becomes so much worse and you’re in a state of awfulness for a while, before it gets better. It made me feel a bit seen.


'it doesn't matter that it could have been worse, or that others have it worse. your feelings are valid don't let anyone tell you otherwise'

Thank you, Lana. I needed this


Can we just appreciate her efforts she is putting in her videos for us.✨😭💕


‘You didn’t deserve what was done to you and I’m sorry you had to go through that’- This bought me to tears. Thinking of all the times, i had to cry alone and no one knew, but now it felt like some one knew and this is comforting for me. Thank you Lana. This video did feel like a warm hug ♡


The videography & editing is just top notch. She puts so much effort into her videos that it really shows.


Dont remember the last time I received and felt this level of warmth and comfort from anyone as a man. Thank u so much Lana.


It might gets worst before it gets better" these words saved me . Thank you Lana♥️


Speaking of a calming voice, has anyone ever told you how beautiful and calming your voice is? 💗


I'd lost someone I deeply cared for about a year ago. Someone who wasn't just anyone. This was someone who could make me feel like coming home after a long journey. Now, that place no longer exists. I've come to terms with that, but the loss will stay with me for a long time. Some things you don't really heal from, but you can learn to live without. I hope she's in a better place now.
Thanks for helping me remember the good times, Lana.


not even 15 seconds in and tears already went down on my cheeks just from your calming voice:')


Lana your growth is so profound, and I feel like I've been along with you on parts of your journey. From watching you, I’ve found that growing up can mean a lot of things to me. It doesn’t mean I should become somebody completely new and stop loving the things I used to love. It means I’ve just added more things to my list. When I was a child, I used to think that when I grew up, I would no longer be vulnerable. However, to grow up is to accept vulnerability, to be alive is to be vulnerable. This is my little sidenote; even though this year academically was tough but rewarding, I feel like I’ve grown so much and learnt so much, and from watching you and seeing where you've started to where to are now, I can say I am grateful that you shared your journey. I am happy with where I am now, but continually working on myself. I just turned twenty-one and there is still a whole lot of life ahead for me to experience, but I guess that’s part of the process! xoxo


To whoever needs to hear this: There will come a time when you will get an actual warm hug from the one you love. Until then watch this video 😉... and work on yourself of course👦👧!


Today I was sitting in the train and thinking that I'm so alone, living in a new country, have no friends and didn't see my family for almost 9 months, suddenly i felt that scary loneliness ... I wend back to my room, opened my laptop, youtube and the first video that I saw was THIS...
I really needed this warm hug


Watching your videos feels like having those deep comforting conversations with your best friend which makes you feel better about yourself and fills us with optimism to face any kind of situation. And with which maturity you make these video really help us get through difficult situations in life. Thank you so much Lana! Best wishes from India. Hope you grow well, both as a person and a positive influence on millions. We need more like you :)


I come back to this warm video every now and then


sometimes this video makes me sadder wishing there were more people like this on earth


It has been a tough year for me, full of anxiety. This video is just what I needed in times like this. 💙


"grief is just love with no place to go" loved that one, just got a tattoo with a similar meaning this past summer and it was my first and so far only one too (:


Lana gives us hugs with every upload 😭
