Israel-Gaza War: Norman Finkelstein Accuses Former ICJ President Of 'Shameless And Shameful' Lies

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The American political scientist Norman Finkelstein has accused the former President of the ICJ of telling “shameless and shameful” lies about claims that Israel committed genocide in Gaza. In an exclusive interview with Riz Khan on Al Arabiya English, Finkelstein said Joan Donoghue’s recent statement that the court did not find that Israel was “plausibly” committing genocide was impossible to believe.

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Dr. Finkelstein said out loud what everyone who heard her absurd statement thought.


over and over again his voice is synonymous to consistent truth, freedom and humanity


Norman Finkelstein is a fearless force of nature for the betterment of humanity. My sincere respect to him. One can only conclude that they worked on her as they worked on the ICC.


Norman Filkestein a good jewish intellectual man ❤👍💯


Norman Filkestein a great man and second to none


“The Nazis made me afraid to be a Jew and the Israelis made me ashamed to be a Jew.”
Dr Israel Shahak (a holocaust survivor)


This is American justice 🇺🇸
This is American democracy 🇺🇸
American democracy is hypocrisy 🇵🇸

Malcom X 🇺🇸


Thanks Norman!
Luckily. she is no longer at the court as her term finished earlier this year.
Best wishes -
Genevieve Forde
Planet Earth

Автор are a hero for humanity…Thank you for pointing this out…


Professor Norman finkelstein you are the voice of the voiceless Palestinians upfront with truth justice and equality for all in the holy land based on facts


I know my words mean nothing 2 you but you r a great man. Thank you!!!


It is distressing that the International Court of Justice gives verdicts that are subject to interpretation. Isn't it one of the essential roles of any court of law to be clear and precise?


Can the ICJ make a case of the US being Israel’s accomplice?


When I heard her remark, I was perplexed as to WTF was she trying to say or not say? Why do so many people try to protect Israel’s war crimes? It’s just plain out wrong. If you knew the Palestinians that I know and love, you’d be screaming from the rooftops to let them live. They don’t deserve this horrible genocide and apartheid. They just want to live freely and raise their families in peace like the rest of us do. Oh please God, make this war end.


Mr Finkelstein: you are one of the mighty voices against Hipocresy.❤


Thank you for catching that. I was disappointed in her. I wonder if somebody in America got to her?


well what did you expect, money can buy anything


the world is changing, natural resources, first and foremost fossil fuels, are slowly but inexorably depleting, energy degrowth prefigures an economic decline that will undermine the ambitions of the Imperium Americanum and its protégé. The turbulence that is coming after the 2024 election in the United States will accentuate the divisions within American society. Israel's shift towards a state dominated by religious parties whose sole policy is ethnic cleansing will have lasting consequences. Israel will sooner or later be held accountable for the crimes committed, regardless of whether the U.S. government supports this country originally created by the 1917 Balfour Declaration made by the United Kingdom to the representative of the Zionist movement, Lionel Walter Rothschild, because in the coming decades, with energy shortages leading to economic collapse coupled with a climate crisis, Anglo-American hegemonic supremacy will become a thing of the past. Like the kingdom of Jerusalem in the thirteenth century, the Israeli colonization of Palestine will disappear, sealing the defeat of the West. In 50 years, in a century... I don't know, but such a fate seems inevitable to me. The Middle East, from Iran to Morocco and from Egypt to Turkey, is surrounded by peoples who are increasingly hostile to the Zionists. When the world has been struck by the great simplification of thermo-industrial civilization caused as much by shortages of fossil sources of energy as by climate drift, I have no illusions about the fate that awaits this ultimate "Kingdom of Jerusalem" recreated by Europeans to the detriment of the indigenous people who have lived there for centuries.


Exactly - Finkelstein had expected that she as an ICJ judge would vote along US lines against the genocide case because she would come under pressure from the US. She actually voted yes with the implication that it's a plausible genocide...but later tried to backtrack...possibly because of the pressure Flinkelstein had expected her to come under. Compare that to the previous Ghanian ICC judge who was being treated by the Mossad but stood her ground.


I see everybody's battling with the legal nuances of "plausible" and "prima facie" and so on, so let me come from a different angle.
The ICJ hearing is analogous to a US Grand Jury hearing, where the jurors have to return a verdict as to whether the case should proceed to trial because there is enough evidence, on the face of it, for there to be a reasonable (plausible) chance of success.
The ICJ, acting as a "Grand Jury", have returned a verdict that the case against Israel of genocide should proceed, because, on the face of it, there's a reasonable chance of success.
I hope my clarification is plausible, prima facie.
