Another stupid failed PoS LED floodlight

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Dear Sir
In May of last year Ledvance were alerted to the number of floodlights that were being returned faulty, we immediately launched a full overview as to what the root cause of these failures were. We started by looking at the percentage returns and were alarmed to find that there was a failure rate in the region of 5% across our entire flood light range with a few spikes on certain wattages.
As we stand by the quality that we stand for being the old Osram standards we decided to make a few changes to the range based on the findings that we got with the testing of the failed units.
One of the main faults was the delamination of the LED chip itself and a correction was made immediately at Factory level, we also changed certain carcasses that were showing high sign of degradation and water ingress.
Although the above has dramatically reduced the failure rate to a more acceptable level of just under 2% we do still see odd batches of failures coming through of some of the older products in the market.
Ledvance will always stand by its warranty, and we will not use T&Cs to get out of our responsibility and will continue to do so up until the point that we have completely removed the product out the market.
We also decided to launch a complete new generation in 2024 and that new line will use all the new and improved parts that we have incorporated in the current Generation 3 floodlights which have solved the failures we were seeing in 2023.
The table shows the number of units sold within the United Kingdom from 2021 to the end of 2023 and includes the total number of failed units we have received. Although the total failure percentage is reflected at 2.14%, I do note that this is not represented in the experience you might have had.
Sales January 2021 to December 2023
Total Units Sold 409 525
Failure Returns 8 111
Total Returns 8 767
Percentage Failed 2.14%

Ledvance operates a full Control Quality Management team that review these findings monthly by collating the figures for the whole of the European territories, these findings determine the action that is required to ensure that we always stay within the acceptable failure rates as expected by our Brand and with what our customer base has become accustomed too.
We do appreciate that this might not be the experience you have had with our floodlights and for this we do apologise, it will be almost impossible to understand why you have had a higher failure rate than the above and I fully appreciate that your experience is not reflected in the 2% Failure rate seen above.
I’m hoping the above and the failure rate breakdown is enough to reassure you of what Ledvance stands for in the market and our commitment to you as our client, I am available for any follow up questions that you may have and these can be either by mail or phone, I have included my contact details below for you.
Nelo Neves
Managing Director


After 20 years of running my own electrical contracting business I've got so fed up of crap equipment having to be replaced, suppliers offering 5 yr warranty doesn't pay for my labour + scaffolding/cherry picker to replace. I've fitted SPD's for years but that doesn't improve the failure rate, doesn't seem to matter which brand you choose. LED batten's don't seem that much better, supplier just say we've never had any problems with those (bollocks) The electrical trade has gone to shit, the next NICEIC inspection will be my last. Now employed full time working with electric (CompEx) and Hydrogen what could possibly go wrong but loving the new challenge. Well done for sticking with it and producing the excellent content.👏


Can't agree more, the amount of different led security I've fitted and they fail within a year is amazing they are just future landfill.


I had exactly the same issue a few years ago with JCC all in one downlights. Absolute shite, never again. It's us the installers who have to go back and replace at our cost, also the decorators costs of making good after we've pulled the poxy things out of the ceiling!! Love the content and videos mate, I'll be honest only just started watching your channel after fatty Sam and Jamie were talking about you and the Hager AFDD debacle. Keep doing what you're doing mate 👌


Totally agree. Nothing is made to last nowadays. The amount of things I bought from Amazon, gave it a good review along with many people, then bought another one years later only to find the product they now sell is totally different and is complete crap. But they got hundreds of good reviews so they don't care.


Haven't fitted combined pir and floodlights for years. Always explain why to the customer and offer the option for them to buy their own unit but explain that all call outs to it are chargeable.

Most are happy to go with my recommendation.


I bought a cheap LED one in Lidls 3 years ago and its still going strong... 😎👍☘🍺


I agree, I only had to complete one warranty call this year on my old faithful candle lamp when in high winds it extinguished. 10 hours and five Zippo lighters later it was back working.


The old halogen pirs lasted for ages. I've got a 150watt pir I fitted 30 years ago from b and q and it's still working. It always seems to be the pirs or photo cells on the Chinese ones that go.


Good to see Nigel is footing the ladder 😂


This is why I prefer customers to buy the stuff then it's their own issue... I'll return to install the replacement for a charge.


Hi, good video content. as a new electrical business starter, I am now just finding out regarding - shite equipment being passed as quality. I too have had to replace lights after just 3 there not something in your insurance that enables you to be paid for callouts regarding faulty equipment - obviously not the installers fault. Im glad you speak out as a very experienced electrician David, as us newer sparks, a bit naive perhaps expect the equipment to just bloody work, as we should!


Completely agree complete rubbish. I did start changing drivers on a few of the failures. But the couple of months later the led itself failed. I just replace the whole thing now not worth messing around with. Dong get me started on eml batteries as well. All now crap


Agreed mate, everyone I've fitted fail within 2 years, mostly 12 months, I change halogen 500w that are that old you can't even open them and all that's wrong is the bulb as blown.. plus there more expensive


I agree! We may sound like one farts - but nothing is made like it’s used to be!


I only buy and use Timeguard PIR Security lights now. More expensive but they don’t fail


100%. I changed an led vapour in a pub kitchen and the manager was asking isn't there any parts that I can change .... It was in a kitchen full off fluorescents that have done 15 odd years of service and stuff going .. led vapour 1 year and in the bin it goes


I agree totally. We are being sold a pup. Cutting corners everywhere will result with loss of confidence in good tradesmen.


I have had horrible luck with all things led, bulbs and fixtures. I've gone back to regular fixtures with CFL bulbs.


Your not the only one Dave, we get this constantly too.
Even the more expensive LED units still fail. But we can’t charge for a revisit to replace crappy flood lights. It’s not cost effective for us as it’s our time that we lose out on.
