Ezreal's issue is simple: They gutted essence reaver build path and triforce doesn't feel that great on him atm so he has no great feeling items to build early game. Also serylda's got nerfed too. Literally 2 of ezreal's core items were hard nerfed so no wonder he feels like ass right now. Serylda slowing period vs now only slowing if they are below 50% is a massive nerf to ezreal. It was such a huge powerspike for him to get 3 items with essence + muramana + seryldas and then you had good armor pen vs people likely starting to stack some armor and you also had a slow which meant that each Q you hit made hitting the following Q's almost guaranteed.
isnt phreak the one who said smolder was supposed play like ezreal in his champion spotlight lmao
The problem is that Smolder (like Kog, Maw) has too much % max health damage. Tanks often have this kind of damage to allow them to go tank items. Smolder does not need to go full damage because squishys are dying to his % max health damage anyway.
I think it's a mistake to lean Smolder more towards autoattacking, because that's not the fantasy that Smolder players want. I think a better approach would be to make the burn damage lower but scale more with flat AD/AP. That would mean if you're playing tanky then you need far more stacks to reach the same damage, or you can have the same damage but have to build very squishy. Either way it preserves his reliance on Q for DPS instead of autos, which I think is what Smolder players want.
spear of shojin is a spell enhancer for AD champs...
post level 5 smolder is just a better ezrael, has mobility, aoe, hybrid damage so hes harder to itemise against
Ezreal is the "I don't play ADC so I'll pick the safest possible champion and hope the rest of my team carries". pick
How about just make more and different items for league
If the problem is that there are few ad squishy caster items and that smolder becomes too tanky with tri force and shojin then riot should what they did with Pyke and convert hp to ad. I don’t think simply adding more items better suited to smolder solves this problem due to items are made for the many and not the few.
I think this is a really out of touch comment. I dont agree with most of this frankly. I see what he is saying statistically, its all trackable, its just balancing the game to be worse, and less fun overall.