40 Items We Keep In Our 72 HOUR “BUG OUT” BAGS

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In today’s video I'm sharing the 40 items I am putting in my families 72 hour bug out bags. You might be asking yourself “what is a bug out bag?” and “Why might I need one?”

A bug-out bag is a portable kit that normally contains the items one would require to survive for 72 hours when evacuating from a disaster. Weather that a hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or wildfire, you will be able to quickly grab the items you and your family will need.

Here are some of the things I got from Amazon:

Lots of the other things I had or got at Walmart or Dollar Tree!


0:00 Intro

2:12 Food List

DAY 1:
Breakfast-Granola Bar, Apple Sauce, Protein Shake
Lunch-Trail Mix, Beef Jerky, Oranges
Dinner-Chicken Salad Kit, Goldfish, Raisins
DAY 2:
Breakfast-Granola Bar, Apple Sauce
Lunch-Jif "To Go" Peanut Butter, Animal Crackers, Fruit Leathers
Dinner-Rice Chicken Vegetables (Boyardee), Mandarin Oranges
DAY 3:
Breakfast-Protein Shake, Granola Bar, Apple Sauce
Lunch-Tuna Salad Kit, Beef Jerky, Mandarin Oranges
Dinner-Spaghetti and Meatballs (Boyardee), Goldfish

Don't forget to add in waters, utensils, and napkins!

3:54 Clothes

-Long pants
-Extra underwear
-Long/short sleeve shirt
Fold them all up inside of the jacket to save space. Put the clothes inside a zip-lock bag.

4:25 Toiletries

-Hand Lotion
-Female Products
-Hair Elastics
-Portable Hair Brush

5:17 Emergency Essentials

-Small Headlamps
-Pocket Knife
-Waterproof Matches
-Crank Radio
-Solar Power Portable Charger
-Rain Ponchos
-Thermal Blankets
-Garbage Bags
-Lifestraws/Lifestraw Jugs
-Glow Sticks/Bracelets
-First Aid Kit
-Moleskin Padding
-Excedrin, Advil
-Face Masks
-Duct Tape
-Cash (100$ or so in each adult bag)

8:52 Extra Items

-Pet Food
-Coloring Books/Pencils
-Card games
-Favorite candies (Choose ones that will not melt)

Throw in any items that would work for your own family!

#72HourKits #BugOutBags #SixSistersStuff
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One more item that we keep in our bug out bags is dryer lint. A baggy filled with lint doesn't take up much room, but it works great for fire starter. If you had to bug out in the middle of winter, a small fire would be very nice to have.


I have a whistle in mine, just in case I need to be rescued or something. Thanks for your ideas! (And the idea to get stuff from the dollar tree! Makes complete sense.)


Also, for pet owners, consider this: have a bug-out bag for them. We have 2 dogs and a cat. We have food for all of them. Collapsible bowls. Extra collars and leashes for both of the dogs. Cat carrier sits on top of the bag. Lightweight cat litter and a collapsible litter pan. Get a muzzle for each of your dogs. Other people may need to handle them in an emergency and you don’t know how your pets will react in an emergency. Get a harness for the cat so the cat can be let out of the carrier. Have water on hand for the animals as well, they can’t suck through the life straw. Have a roll of poo bags, trash bags, and some wipes/paper towels for cleanup. Blankets for them, a toy or two for them. I know it sounds like a lot, but it all fits into 1 large duffle bag.


If you put the clothes in food saver bags, you can vacuum seal and the clothes will take half the space. Works on jackets as well.


Everyone covered the meds, glasses, and credit card/password info. Having been through earthquakes and now living in tornado country . . Also - add a pair of work gloves for the adults. You may have to move debris in helping yourself and neighbors get out.


My husband had a lot of health issues so we made many frequent trips to the ER. I always keep a Go Bag for the hospital. With things for him and for myself if we stay over night, snacks, clothes, toiletries, things to do and medical information and medication lists. There have been many times this bag was a lifesaver for both of us.


I’m sharing this to my domestic violence group as well, we always stress having en emergency bag and this could also be told to a potential abuser that it’s just what you said, a bag for any emergencies. Ty so much!


Foldable hats, any prescription meds and if anyone wears glasses maybe an extra pair just incase you don't have time to grab them...extra charger cords... and copies of pet vaccinations.


Current photos of all family members in each bag.
One of the group..
A a single of each person
And printed laminated cards for every pack with contact info and one out of town relative to be the info hub should you be separated


In case you get separated each kids bag should also have a (laminated if possible) contact list, information on nearest trusted relative, medical insurance information and/or medical needs. You should also explain when to use it and who it's okay to share this information with.


Don’t forget the insect repellent, a tarp for makeshift tent with bungee straps, and a small blanket that can be used as cover or rolled into pillow.


A list of contacts in each bag would be a good idea, I can’t remember anyone’s cell phone numbers.


I'm a hurricane veteran. Seen it, done it & experienced it all. I've gone 2 months without electric. For you small sterno cans with a heatable mug is sufficient. I would pack individual packets of coffee and crystal light to flavor water or make coffee. Or for more urgent needs a small individual burner stove with a small propane tank. (Target). A battery operated fan is a lifesaver in the heat. And a list of all meds, credit card # and bank accts if you need more cash. And don't forget a set of spare glasses if needed. There's so much more.


A top or jacket that is the same color as everyone else in the family. This way if you are separated you can easily remember what color top they are wearing. Medication - over the counter and prescription. Also a collapsable bowls for the pets for their water and food.


Pictures of each member of the family and contact info for out of town relatives.

Also fire starters. Take a cotton round (like used for make up removal) and dip it 3/4 in melted wax. The open edge starts quickly and they burn for a very long time. They stack up and are small.

A tarp, you don’t want to be caught out in the rain, wet and cold is misery.


Things are getting real when six sisters have gone from instant pot recipes to bug out bags👀


Because I'm in Hawaii and work in the hotel industry (currently on 2nd furlough but doing ok) I actually kept a bug out bag in my car. We had some Tsunami/Tidal Wave and Hurricane scares in the past so incase I can't go home, I was prepared. Enjoy all your sharing!


Have u seen the strips of soap? They r great and don’t take up any room at all and won’t put a smell throughout ur backpack. Just take a strip, like paper really, place it in ur hand, add water and rub hands together to foam up the soap. U can get these in shampoo, body wash and dish detergent. Great for camping. Also there r little disks that when water is added they become a face cloth. Some of these small packable items can be found in the camping sections of store and on Amazon. The wet wipe can probable be an environmental friendly brand in case u have to stay in a tent or camper. Just a few of my ideas! Having these backpacks ready and waiting to be grabbed and any emergency is such a great idea and I’d recommend it for anyone singles married, with or without children and with animals. Everyone thinks things like this will never happen to them but as u found out they certainly can! Just be prepared even with a small backpack with essentials in it for 24 hours. Keep car and house keys near backpack also just in case the electricity is gone u don’t have to fumble around trying to find them. Stay safe! thanks for sharing this very important information! ❤️


Candy is great even if you don’t have kids. Amazing how a jolly rancher can ease the misery of an uncomfortable situation.


Just a suggestion but just in case you might need an extra pair of shoes what you can do is either tie or velcro (depending on the type of shoe) the shoes to the straps on the bags so they are not taking up space inside the bags.
