Setting Up Laravel Reverb (WebSocket) on VPS Over HTTPS | Complete Guide

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0:00 Introduction
1:04 Laravel and Broadcasting installation
2:40 Auth Installation
5:10 Creating Public Event
7:09 Setting Blade File
8:54 Check Public Event
11:50 Creating Private Event
15:58 Listening to a Private Event
17:43 Testing Private Event
19:50 Uploading to VPS
22:15 Creating Database in VPS
23:44 Setting .env for production
26:04 Removing Public from URL
27:12 Opening Port 8080
28:25 Setting SSL/TLS Certificates
36:59 Testing Reverb (websocket) in VPS
41:10 Solving Common Problems

Problems that will solved this video.
#wss connection failure for secure
#Laravel with reverb connection failed
#WebSocket is closed before the connection is established
Рекомендации по теме

Laravel reverb work fine in web using Laravel Echo. But How can we use Laravel Reverb Socket Notification in Mobile Application Android/iOS?
