Build a Real-Time Web App with Laravel Reverb - COMPLETE TUTORIAL (Laravel, Livewire, Alpine & more)

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Laravel Reverb version 1.0 has been released. So we put together a full tutorial to build a Laravel Reverb application from scratch and show off how easy it is to get up and running with real-time events.
We will start off with a simple multi-player toggle switch and then add some Figma-like functionality to show-off how powerful Laravel, Livewire, AlpineJS, and Reverb can be combined.
Reverb Links:
Hyperplexed Video and Codepen:
Live Site:
GitHub Repo:
00:00 Introduction to Laravel Reverb
01:42 Setting Up the Project
02:46 Building the Toggle Switch
08:04 Integrating Laravel Reverb
25:58 Advanced Real-Time Features
32:29 Setting Up Mouse Position Tracking
35:20 Implementing Relative Positioning
40:20 Broadcasting Cursor Data
54:53 Handling User Activity
01:03:19 Deploying to Laravel Forge
We will start off with a simple multi-player toggle switch and then add some Figma-like functionality to show-off how powerful Laravel, Livewire, AlpineJS, and Reverb can be combined.
Reverb Links:
Hyperplexed Video and Codepen:
Live Site:
GitHub Repo:
00:00 Introduction to Laravel Reverb
01:42 Setting Up the Project
02:46 Building the Toggle Switch
08:04 Integrating Laravel Reverb
25:58 Advanced Real-Time Features
32:29 Setting Up Mouse Position Tracking
35:20 Implementing Relative Positioning
40:20 Broadcasting Cursor Data
54:53 Handling User Activity
01:03:19 Deploying to Laravel Forge
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