the lazy way to trade forex.

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Trading is risky, and most people lose money.

FTC/CFTC Risk Disclaimer - Please read this so you're 100% aware of the extreme risks associated with any type of trading and investing.

I’ve said for years and years and years - trading is extremely risky, and most people will lose all the money they try to trade with - even the people who follow the information I provide. Trading is a skillset that is difficult to learn, and I make it look easy because I’ve been trading for 7+ years. As with any high performing skillset in life, trading is NOT easy.

Your likelihood of consistently making money trading is abysmally low, whether you learn on your own or whether you follow the things that myself or others teach.

It’s like becoming a doctor, many people start pre-med and medical school, but only a tiny fraction of them succeed and actually become doctors. The average success rate of trading is even worse that that! Becoming a doctor is obviously not for everyone, and becoming a trader is obviously not for everyone, too.

I (and my company, MissionFX, LLC) make NO guarantees/promises/express direct or indirect representation that you’ll achieve any specific result trading, regardless of whether you’re following my free or paid content.

I’m just some random guy on the internet who is sharing what’s worked for me - I have no clue what will work for you because there are a million contributing factors that will determine whether or not you will make money trading.

Do NOT take into account any information that I share anywhere on the internet as the basis for your trading decisions. I’m not responsible for your success, nor am I responsible for your failures.

Read the full risk disclaimer on my website below, so that you’re 100% aware of the risks associated with trading - then you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you want to continue following any of the information I share (or continue to pursue trading in general).

Рекомендации по теме

This man is not a Technical Trader, Fundamental Trader but rather a Philosophical Trader


"I fire a gun to the air... everybody runs away. I'm selling. Sue me!" 😂😂😂😂😂


Hi Nick from Greece. I ve tried trading 2 years ago but with no success. Not a surprise, since all the strategies-tactics-advises, etc from countelss youtube channels-gurus were just repeated crap and lies in different packaging. Started again 6 months ago with a small account and I ve been checking your channel the last couple of months. I found here simplicity, raw honesty, logic and through your examples-trading actions in the free telegram channel, the way to increase what you call intuition and increasing experience and confidence. I m happy that I dont loose so many hours checking the internet about various "specialists" and "super traders"... Your youtube channel and the free telegram channel are the only places I check. Cant afford yet the close friends part (family obligations) but I hope I ll manage soon. I m very happy and glad to find you, thank you very much for the knowledge you offer, and I m whishing you all the best for your trading career as well as your personal life.
All the best, A.P


I started hedging before I actually knew what it was called and would somehow continue to just break even. I thank the universe for bringing me to your channel. I feel like with your content I will become more profitable and less afraid to add additional positions. Thank you 🙏🏾 I’m joining the discord NOW!❤


I have a micro account and use .01 or .02 lots following your strategy (kinda jj) so I have margin enough to hedge. This way I made a +127% last year and +21.2% so far this. Thanks for showing me that trading is simple and we shouldn’t overcomplicate it with 20 indicators ✌🏻


Nick you are a genius. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication


Just popped in to say, yes. I'm subbed to your T-gram channel. Thanks for alll you do, Nick. I blew up an account years ago, but after watching you for some months, I may try again.


Ps. I landed here from your Telegram channel. Love your content, your laid back approach and the psychological approach it has in my trading. Thanks heaps man.


Here from the telegram channel🔥he’s the real deal, can’t tell you how much studying I’ve done over the last 3 years looking at candlestick patterns, Fibonacci charts, etc etc, makes me realize that’s probably why most traders lose, we as humans over complicate things way too hard when it’s actually been so simple the whole time


Dude no joke my name is Kyle and I paused the video right before you said Kyle, and I unpaused it and you were just like, “hey kyle”.😅


Genuinely one of my favourite telegram groups I've been apart of


Thank you Nick, you changed my life ❤


I'm in the telegram group, I can't tell you all how much I've learned from this guy.


Thank you for uploading hedging video again, i was missing those hedging video. I love these hedging videos and i learn something more or something new every time whenever you upload any hedging videos…


Nicholas is the trading goat.


Proper title of this film sounds „The lazy way to make millions trading forex doesn’t exist”


Nick you are absolutely right true word, no one knows where the market is going, controlling risk is the holy grail in trading.


Hi Nick i've been watching a few videos you made, up until now i've been a hodler and a swing trader at most. Your videos make sense and I'm ready to start trying your technique. I have only one question though, is it possible for you to make a video for absolute noobs (like me) where you can show step by step what platform you use, how you actually place a Hedge and a future and long/shorts? How to apply leverage, and how much, and maybe go into detail about therms like "standard Lot" etc.

I would be most thankfull. Grz Eric


I have been seeking for a way to trade forex the hedging way and i will say, your understanding and insight of hedging strategy is super. I am practicing it on the demo account to get perfect.
But please watch out that Brokers don't come after you for the stuff yiu are teaching traders.😅😅😅
Thank you.


Man is single handedly generating liquidity to be swept.
