Selling a house as is

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Are you considering selling your home as is or are you looking to purchase a property that is being sold as is? Either way, I address what it means to be selling a home as is and buying a home as is and how it could affect you.

#RealEstate #RealEstateMarket #HousingMarket

What does as is mean in real estate?

When selling a property as is, it generally means that you are selling the home in its current condition without any repairs being considered.

When buying a property as is, it generally means that the Seller of the home that you are purchasing isn’t willing to consider any repairs on the home and that you are buying the home in its current condition.

Can you sell a house as is?

Yes, you can definitely sell a home as is but keep in mind that doesn’t mean that you don’t have to disclose what you know about the home to the Buyer. In an as is sell you still have to be completely forthright with anything you know about the home.

Keep in mind that even though the property is being sold as is doesn’t mean that the buyer can’t still ask for repairs. The buyer can always ask for items to be repaired but that doesn’t mean that you are required to complete them.

Buying a home as is

If you are buying a house as is, make sure that you are getting a thorough home inspection prior to releasing your contingencies. You need to make sure that your home inspector is checking for structural problems, mold or mildew problems, termite damage, the roof, HVAC system,, plumbing, electrical, etc….

Essentially your home inspector should be checking these anyway but when a home is being sold as-is there is usually a reason for it and you just have to be careful.

Can I still get an inspection on a house that is being sold as is?

Yes, unless you waive the inspection contingency you have every right to get an inspection on the home. In fact, I would highly suggest that every Buyer get a home inspection on a property regardless of how the home is being sold, the age of the home or even if a prior inspection was completed on the home.

Why would someone sell a house as is?

In my experience there are only a few reasons that people sell a home as is and it’s because they either don’t have the money to repair the items, the extent of the repairs is just too much or it could be a home that is being passed along to another family member and they just want to sell the home as quickly as possible and not worry about repairs or fixing items.

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Рекомендации по теме

There's another reason sellers sell "as is". In my case, it's because we've spent $200K rehabbing the property from top to bottom, and are not willing to do one more thing. At this point ANYTHING that the buyer would want done would be purely cosmetic/personal preference stuff and I'm not wasting my time with any of that nonsense.


Should have named this "Buying a home as is".


As the seller- I always use the buyers inspection to my advantage, and if (when) the buyer pays hundreds for property inspection, then they always want me to negotiate or fix, this is "exception" I need to refuse sale, and relist.
My realtor, obviously works for me, and hates this, but too bad! Realtors are a dime a dozen.


as is. just as it implies. No implied warrantee. Buyer be ware


I live in a very high demand area and the home prices have skyrocketed. My husband has been ill for 12years and the house is in need of major repairs from the siding to a new furnance to ceiling water stains .Siding alone is 11k. We want to just sell it as is. How low do you think the as is price will be . The homes are selling for 665k and up


If it is being sold as is, does it mean that the seller can't cover all the closing cost? I'm looking at a property, I'm willing to give them asking price if they cover all the closing costs. However it's as is.


Never use s broker to sell your home. If they cant sell a home as is then they are not good brokers❤


Can a buyer back out of a contract if it’s an “as is” deal?


What if the home is too old and dilapidated to renovate? And I was told no inspection or walk-through.


Does a seller need to give a termite clearance on a AS IS sale conventional loan?


as a buyer, can i still back out of an as-if offer contract if the home inspection finds major damage that makes the house uninhabitable? i'm dealing with an as-if property. everything looks good, but my agent says that in as-if sale, there is no home inspection can be done. i would just buy it "as if". is that true?


I thought sale as is that the reason sale so chipper for this rason because need to fixed it.


Put myself in the buyers shoes lol 😂. Now tables have turned and time for me to screw the buyer oops 🙊 as is only way to sell in this market. Period.


Pay the many buyers are not qualified in the first place....this is where the old adage came to be...wanting something for em to kiss off AND their bozo agent who also could care less ....just the the game


Can a buyer can sue me later on if I sell my house as-is?


Jeb, do you have an email address that we can email you directly.
