Unlock The Full Potential Of Your MIND, BODY & SOUL | Paul Chek

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Paul Chek, a world-renowned expert in high-performance exercise, holistic well-ness and integrative lifestyle management joins Know Thyself for a deep dive into remembering our innate potential as humans and awakening to the truth of reality.

Paul delves into the fundamental questions of our existence - the true purpose of this human life and the evolutionary path of humanity's spiritual development. He reveals the vital aspects of our wholeness we've lost along the way and how to reclaim them.

He challenges society's misguided approaches to education and healthcare, exploring the revolutionary perspectives on how to develop true, deep knowing - the kind that lets you learn how to think, rather than just what to think.

Paul outlines powerful 4-step frameworks for becoming whole, living in mastery, and waking up to your responsibility to be a catalyst for change in the world. Discover how to break free from toxic cycles and negative thought patterns to create a new, enlightened Earth.



0:00 Intro
2:31 The Purpose of Earth: A Spirit Gym
20:14 Awakening the Intuitive Self
27:44 AG1: Whole Body Benefits in One Scoop
29:12 Humanity’s Spiritual Developmental Process (and what we lost along the way)
50:16 Awakening Your Genius & Creating From Soul
1:01:30 Society Got This Wrong: Education & Health
1:15:54 How to Develop Deeper Knowing (learn how to think)
1:43:07 4 Steps to Becoming Whole
2:10:01 Living Mastery By Example
2:23:03 Waking Up to Our Responsibility to Change the World
2:36:02 Breaking the Cycle & Creating a New Earth
2:39:13 Practice for Rewiring Negative Thought Patterns
2:50:52 Spirit Gym: Setting a Foundation for Wellbeing
3:01:37 Conclusion


Paul Chek is a world-renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology, stress management, holistic well-ness and integrative lifestyle management. For over forty years, Paul’s unique, integrated approach to coaching and education has changed the lives of many of his clients, his students and their clients. By treating the body as a integrated system of systems and finding the root cause of a
problem, Paul has been successful where traditional approaches have consistently failed. Author of numerous books, videos and professional development courses, he is the creator of Spirit Gym, founder of the CHEK Institute, and the host of the popular Spirit Gym with Paul Chek podcast.

Podcast: Spirit Gym with Paul Chek


Know Thyself

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André Duqum
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I was lucky enough to catch this lecture in person during one of Paul's advanced classes in 2012... he spent a day and a half explaining GOD...it was mind blowing and I couldn't get enough.
My life transformed dramatically after studying with him and continues to do so daily.

Thank you brother for this broadcast 🙏☯️


What resonated with me was when at 2:47:45 he mentioned learning through verbal communication and things never being written down. Lessons were sang and spoken so the person listening will internalize it and be in that moment with the teacher who was passing on the lesson.
I'll add that the teacher also passes on that lesson when they observe that the listener is ready to receive it. If it was written down in a book and openly accessible to anyone, people would want to access that information before they're ready for it and therefore not learn what they need to learn first. I thought that was brilliant and went along with his message of children being allowed to play in nature up until their 6 or 7 years old without structure before traditional learning (reading, writing and math) are introduced.
I live in Canada and people always find a way of criticizing Indigenous Peoples and their traditions. Materialistic people always say how their traditions are impractical. They don't understand the reasoning behind why there were oral traditions and the importance of song. Music and song has a frequency which is absorbed on a deeper level that can't be explained.
Also, thank you to André again for being a great interviewer and allowing your guests to speak freely with minimal interruptions. You have a way of knowing when and how to ask questions when appropriate ❤


This is THE GREATEST EPISODE I'VE SEEN YET! Well done 👏 this man has completely confirmed my perspective and intuitive choices in the most profound I'm literally speechless.


I find it so intriguing how in my prayer i often will thank source and ask that i experience the gift of being present in this exploration of knowing my self and my source deeper. I always find it so intriguing when a new podcast appears on my youtube with phrases i said in my prayers. Its such a wonderful reminder that im being heard.


Nirvikalpa samadhi is the second stage of samadhi, a meditative state of total absorption and bliss. Samadhi is the eighth and final step on the path of yoga, as defined by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The term is derived from several Sanskrit roots; sam meaning "together" or "completely" a meaning "toward" and she, meaning "put." Direct translations vary, and interpretations range from "bliss" to "liberation" and even "enlightenment." Nirvikalpa can be translated from Sanskrit as "not wavering, " highlighting the fact that this stage of samadhi is sustained and steady. In nirvikalpa samadhi, the ego and samskaras (mental or emotional impressions) dissolve, leaving behind only pure consciousness. It is considered to be a state of being at one with the Divine, in which Atman (the individual self) and Brahman (universal consciousness) merge. It has been described as a state of oneness, limitless bliss or true ecstasy, but those who have documented it find it difficult to describe since it is a state beyond the thinking mind.


Finally! I’ve been wanting to see Paul on a large platform for ages


Andre I love the way you interview people you always skip right past that uncomfortable insincere complementary exchange with your guests can you get right into questions you're very poised interview in keep them on track many broadcaster could take lessons from you❤


This was my favorite podcast episode this year, never know about Paul today. but defo gonna dive more into his work and thank you
André for bringing on awesome hosts


This man is amazing! What a gift, he speaks purely and with depth. 🙏🏼❤️‍🔥🕊️


Andre Duqum having Paul Check is the right person I took time to listen to your podcast. This is how my grandparents brought me up. And nothing else matters, only the truth. Blessings to Paul and you.


My kid went to a Waldorf school in Utah. Best decision ever! Such a nourishing learning experience for him. He wouldn’t have made it in public school. ❤
Love your songs at the end! Reminds me of the songs my son learned at Waldorf in middle school!!!😊


Paul Check the legend! Such an inspiration to the holistic health movement~


I had no idea there was a male version of me on this planet. As a Massage therapist that has been in the industry for over 10 years he is saying everything that I told my clients this is amazing and confirmation thank you thank you thank you for having this gentleman on your podcast, I listen to your podcast religiously and this is EVERYTHING!





Super grateful to have received this education to help humanity in these times and to be on the MOTHERTRUCKING frontlines with Matt Walden, JP Sears, Barbero Caico and Paul’s 63, 000 students!

Thanks again for this podcast, I rarely consume 3 hours of content!

Nice dream Andre’!

My mission is to raise human consciousness (mine first: I AM a humble, kind and gentle man. )
and change all systems, my vision is clean, air, water, soil and equitable systems for all mankind in my lifetime!


I’m 5yrs into taking as many Paul Chek workshops as I can and now I’m in his Spirit Gym community. 3hrs is just scratching the surface with Paul! He teaches in spirals and the depth of his work unfolds in your life as your consciousness expands. Beautifully intelligent and hilarious friend + teacher. What a great episode 🙏🏽💚


Let's go!!!! Thank you a thousand times!!!


What a beautiful soul this man is. His connection with nature is inspirational ❤


I’m so grateful to have found Know Thyself… I have been searching, asking, wondering, dreaming, questioning….since I was a little girl.. I am wake and ready to become❤️


I am absolutely stunned after only 20 min in 😍 What an amazing guest, oh my Paul Chek and Andrè - Thank you !!!!
