Another 12 'Necessities' Frugal People Don't Buy (And A New Controversial One!)

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Here are another 12 'necessities that people living a frugal lifestyle refuse to buy. 12 things that will erode your salary and your wealth, that you can live without. And a bonus number 13 that will be controversial, but if considered can save you thousands of dollars!

And if you missed part 1 you can find it right here;

People living a frugal lifestyle will choose carefully what they spend their income on. They will not fall into the Consumer Trap and waste their income on stuff they don't need.
They will also not fall into the Comparison Trap, living their life and their own successes for themselves.

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Designer anything - recent news report that the actual cost in materials and labor for a particular Dior tote bag (retail $2800) is $57 (that was because the subcontractor was using cheap migrant labor) However, even if they had used decently-paid Italian workers, the markup would still be at least 1000% over cost. I think this is probably true for designer scents as well.


1. Hair cuts and nail salons
2. Main brand soaps
3. Designer fragrances
4. Cell phone plans - shop around
5. Landscaping/grass cutting
6. Designer sunglasses
7. Expensive hobbies eg golfing
8. New clothes
9. Gifts for friends eg trinkets
10. High end appliances (older appliances were simpler and don’t breakdown)
11. Big shiny trucks
12. Expensive weddings


I don't buy gifts for people for special occasions, instead I do what I can to help when people need it (sewing repairs, help with organizing, etc). And sometimes I will offer something that it seems like a particular item that the person really needs (I am thinking about a long pole fruit picker tool for my friend whose pear tree is dropping pears everywhere.


Agree with you on all of these. I gave up false nails and colouring my hair during covid and never went back. So much savings!!! I also gave up big name skin care products and make up as there are so many lower priced products that are just as good, if not better quality. :)


Bath and body works is cheap just wait for the coupon they get desperate when inventory is high and you walk out with 6 bottles of soap for $25 dollars. About the same as soft soap but 1000x better scents


There is such a thing as a frugal wedding. What that entails is, going to the clerk of courts in street clothes and filling out a marriage form. Cost is usually less than $100.


And there is me, painting my nails whilst listening 🤣


Literally none of these are necessities.


Lawns - I have seen videos on alternative ground cover that does not need to be mowed and it child friendly.


The title should be: 12 'Necessities" bachelors don't buy. Most consumption is driven by playing the game. Splashing out on unnecessary garbage is the human equivalent of the peacock tail. This culture of status and the upbringing of women to be "princesses" is to be blamed for the unsustainable levels of consumerism in todays world.


A gas stove with Bluetooth connectivity😂😂


Another great video - on candles and room spray. Scented candles are scented with chemical scents which cause asthma for many people and breathing chemicals is not a good idea, but you can scent your own candles using organic essential oils. Room spray - I have used orange flower water which is edible (it is used in some bar drinks) and I would mix it with some cheapest vodka (you could use everclear which is pure edible alcohol but that is pricey). You can also get edible rose water (used in indian and middle eastern desserts).
