2 ways 2 turn your volca sample 2 into a synth!?

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the korg volca sample 2 is just the KING of all volcas. why? well, because with just a bunch of single cycle waveforms, this already surprisingly powerful sampler can turn into a... pretty decent synthesiser!

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When you press Note+Shift to change pitch in semitones you can let Note button go while still pressing Shift and change Speed parameter. Note button will blink


You can also skip the whole single cycle waveform upload and use any random sample already present on the volca, switch on loop, then dial down the length, so the loop gets quite tiny. Then experiment and find out which sample and start point sounds interesting. The start point can even be sequenced to vary the sound through the notes.


Great Tutorial on the Single Cycle Waveforms!


My Kawai K3 is a wavetable synth from way back. $1200 new in the 80s, still works beautifully.


I own and adore this little thingy for over a year, but little did I know you could apply motion sequence to a particular step! daaamn, man! I've had to come up with some perverted ways to get the right note, when you can literally hold it down. appreciate it very much


You are so talented and capable it’s ridiculous! You seem to have attained high level mastery of everything you touch and I can’t imagine how many hours you’ve spent getting to this point Great work!❤


Just bought your sample pack. Pretty cool stuff! And thanks for the free tutorial!


This is great information. And .... he's using just ONE of the 16 sequence memory slots!


Thank you. This is what I have always needed🎉


Highly informative video. Wish I had a brain like yours. Thanks.


This was super helpful. Subbed. Thank you. Going to utilize these techniques.


I actually would say the FM2 is the king of the volcas, only because of the 6 voices. I have both and honestly don’t use either. I have a Yamaha qy100 and it covers the dx7 sounds well, let alone a 16 track sequencer, it’s 2005 but works great, I paid close to the price of a new volca on Reverb for it. It doesn’t sample but I have 4 fully functional samplers and 3 like the volca sample2. Plays them but doesn’t create them. There are so many ways to spend $125 synth money than waste it on a volca! I’m not intentionally cutting it down, as a matter of fact, I like the samples it came with so much, I won’t change them! The FM2, plain and simple with my other gear is useless, but if I didn’t have what I have, I would feel differently! The QY is the most vintage I have right now and I am happy I made that purchase! I found this video very interesting, I thank the synth gods I don’t have to do the math! lol I totally see where you’re coming from and I respect your efforts to bring awareness to the subject. Right at this moment I’m writing this, I think if I was starting over with $250 I’d go with the Roland S1 and the Akai whatever it is 8. I realize the Sample two can be got for $109 but without a controller it’s still not a rig. The Behringer Swing can be got for $69 right now. That’s a great deal on a capable controller (I don’t care about a company’s politics). And you still need a computer, for some reason Korg Librarian doesn’t work on my Windows computer and this one is less than a month old, it didn’t work on any before that either. Works fine on my outdated Mac Mini, the point is you still need a computer, I think there is an app that will work, I’m not sure about that though. Great video! Just thought I’d throw my two cents in. A couple of years ago I would have recommended the PO Sub as well, one deep little bass devil, I still use it but it was $40 then! Mega and KO are great as well, but the S1 wasn’t out then and is still the one I’d go with. Ideally just starting out, the S1 the MPC (I think) 8, or the KO, the Sub and the Megaman. Peace


Just bought MINE! (doing my "happy dance" - Right NOW! lol)


A Volca feature forgotten by testers is the ability to work with NiCa batteries (6x1.2V) with the same result than with ordinary batteries (6x1.5V). You can chose several parameters during power up by pressing the "FUNC" key.


First 12 second were exactly, word-by-word, my situation HAHA


Awesome video! I hate to ask, but how much of this workflow is compatible with the Volca Sample 1?


Love your explanations !
Any Android software to transfer samples to Volca Sample 2 BIG UMAMI ?
✌️ 🇦🇺 🪃


Holding the button down didn’t work for me. I put it in step mode and held button down but it’s changing sound all the way down the sequence. Somebody help please!!!?


who don't you just plug a midi cable into the input of the volca and the output of the midi cable to your midi keyboard and just play the sample that way?


Here I was thinking maybe some mad lad had modded his volca to actually synthesize sound, but instead he presents the cool idea to use to single cycle waveforms? Shame on you, sit in the clickbait corner. But only for a bit because the idea you gave was a good one.
