Flip Turn tutorial. Drills. Freestyle swimming.

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If you want to take your flip turns to the next level, watching tutorials is not enough, you have to feel how to do them correctly.
That is why drills are so important. Practice these four drills until your flip turn feels fast!

1- Imaginary wall.
2- Underwater turn
3- Vertical jump
4- Sticky turns

Let me know in the comments if you want the next video to be about how to do starts or butterfly technique.

These tips and techniques will work best to help you improve dramatically your stroke if you do two things:
1- Focus on one thing at a time
2- Practice until you dominate that thing and move to the next.

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Your videos on flip turns are the only ones I have seen that talk about and demonstrate how the arms and hands are used to add speed to the rotation of your flip turn. All of the big name swimmers do it and maybe causally mention it. As my Wing Chung Kung Fu teacher says, "beginners make big moves, masters make small moves." One thing I have never seen or heard mentioned, or have explained in any turn videos, flip or tough and turn, is about getting under the backwash/water that follows you into the wall. Michael Phelps is the master of this and if you watch the videos of him coming off the wall, he is always maybe a foot deeper than any one else, and gains as much as a full body length on the other swimmers. A coach told me about it and then a month later after one of his victories at the Olympics, he mentioned about how he picked up so much distance he commented about getting "under the backwash".


Cuanto más veo vuestros vídeos más ganas tengo de ir a probar vuestros drills en la piscina
Están muy bien explicados!


Nice tutorial!! I want to see more flip turn videos, especially about how to keep the momentum after the kick. It is frustrating for me that I come back to the surface too quickly and skip the underwater dolphin kick part. Also, if how to do a flip turn in a circle swimming manner is covered then it is awesome. Thanks!!


Great set of drills. Looking forward to trying them out later this week. Thanks!


Great tutorial! I'd love to learn how to start from both a starting block & from poolside please. 👍🏊


I'll try flip turn tomorrow. Thanks for this helpful video series. Wish me luck. :)


00:00:00, 000 --> 00:00:00, 570
Flip Turn Drills
뒤집어 벽되돌기 부분훈련들

00:00:00, 570 --> 00:00:04, 890
If you want to take your flip turns to the next level, watching tutorials is not enough,
뒤집어 벽되돌기를 다음 단계로 향상시키려 한다면, 교범을 보는 것만으로는 부족합니다,

00:00:05, 220 --> 00:00:07, 540
you have to feel how to do them correctly.
어떻게 하면 올바르게 하는 것인 지 느껴야만 합니다.

00:00:08, 540 --> 00:00:10, 640
That is why drills are so important.
그것이 바로 부분훈련들이 그렇게나 중요한 이유입니다.

00:00:12, 020 --> 00:00:15, 420
Practice these four drills until your flip turn feels fast!
뒤집어 벽되돌기가 빠르다고 느껴질 때까지 다음 4 가지 부분훈련들을 연습하세요!

00:00:15, 420 --> 00:00:17, 780
1 - Imaginary Wall
2 - Underwater turn
3 - Vertical jump
4 - Sticky turn
1 - 가상의 벽
2 - 물속에서 뒤집어 돌기
3 - 수직 뛰기
4 - 끈끈한 벽돌기

00:00:20, 200 --> 00:00:22, 040
1 - Imaginary Wall
1 - 가상의 벽

00:00:22, 240 --> 00:00:25, 200
The point of this drill is to get better at turning fast.
이 훈련의 목표는 빨리 돌기를 향상시키는 것입니다.

00:00:25, 560 --> 00:00:29, 400
Forget about getting your feet to the wall, just turn as fast as possible.
두발을 벽에 대는 것은 생각하지 말고, 최대한 빠르게 도십시요.

00:00:29, 980 --> 00:00:31, 900
Use your whole body to turn.
온 몸을 써서 도십시요.

00:00:32, 420 --> 00:00:36, 140
Do this a couple of times and pay attention at how it feels.
이 것을 두 번 정도 하면서, 어떻게 느껴지는 지에 주의를 기울이십시요.

00:00:36, 500 --> 00:00:38, 360
2 - Underwater turn
2 - 물속에서 뒤집어 돌기

00:00:38, 480 --> 00:00:41, 480
The tighter your body is the faster the turn.
몸이 더 꽉 조일수록 더 빨리 돌게 됩니다.

00:00:42, 040 --> 00:00:44, 720
Be careful with your head not to hit the floor.
바닥에 부딪히지 않도록 머리를 조심하십시요.

00:00:44, 830 --> 00:00:47, 410
Bring your knees as close as possible to your chest.
두다리를 최대한 가슴에 붙이십시요.

00:00:48, 700 --> 00:00:52, 480
The better you do the turn the easier this drill gets.
더 잘 돌수록 이 훈련이 쉬워집니다.

00:00:57, 800 --> 00:01:01, 660
3 - Vertical jump
3 - 수직 뛰기

00:01:02, 260 --> 00:01:05, 600
You can do this drill inside or outside of the pool.
이 부분훈련은 수영장 안에서도, 또는 밖에서도 할 수 있습니다.

00:01:06, 160 --> 00:01:08, 860
Focus on pushing the floor with this part of the foot.
발바닥의 이 부분을 이용해 바닥을 미는 데 집중하십시요.

00:01:09, 580 --> 00:01:15, 260
Bend your knees close to 90 degrees and push as high as you can, making a fast streamline in the process.
무릎을 90도 가까이 구부렸다가, 최대한 높게 다리로 밀어내십시요, 하는 중에 흐름선자세(streamline)를 견고하게 취하면서.

00:01:19, 260 --> 00:01:22, 000
Do this several times to create muscle memory.
이 훈련을 여러번 하여 근육 기억이 만들어지게 하십시요.

00:01:26, 600 --> 00:01:28, 160
4 - Sticky turn
4 - 끈끈한 벽돌기

00:01:28, 160 --> 00:01:33, 640
To do this drill just do a normal flip turn, but stick to the wall 2 or 3 seconds.
이 훈련은, 그냥 평범하게 뒤집어 벽되돌기(flip turn)을 하십시요, 대신 벽에 2~3초간 붙어있으면 됩니다.

00:01:34, 320 --> 00:01:37, 260
This will give you time to think and adjust your landing.
이를 통해 느끼고 생각하면서 두발을 벽에 대는 동작을 고칠 시간을 얻게 됩니다.

00:01:38, 180 --> 00:01:42, 600
It will also give you time to set yourself in a good position for the push.
또한 밀어내기에 유리한 자세를 취할 시간도 얻게 됩니다.

00:01:42, 980 --> 00:01:48, 520
Remember, tight streamline, strong core, knees at 90 degrees and push hard!
꽉 조인 흐름선자세(streamline), 코어 근육의 힘, 무릎은 90도 등을 명심하십시요. 그런 후 강하게 미십시요!

00:01:50, 440 --> 00:01:56, 640
Let me know in the comments if you want the next video to be about how to do starts or how to do butterfly technique.
다음 동영상으로, 발사 방법을 원하는 지 아니면 접영 영법 기술을 원하는 지 댓글로 저에게 알려주십시요.

00:01:57, 720 --> 00:01:59, 360
Thanks for watching! Swim fast!
시청해주셔서 감사합니다! 빠르게 수영하세요!

00:02:00, 300 --> 00:02:02, 300
Go out and get what you're worth.
나아가 당신의 가치를 증명하라.

00:02:03, 380 --> 00:02:05, 660
You're worth the world. You're part of this world.
당신의 가치는 세상과 같다. 당신은 이 세상의 일부분이다.

00:02:05, 660 --> 00:02:07, 700
You can achieve greatness.
당신은 위대한 것을 성취할 수 있다.

00:02:07, 980 --> 00:02:09, 980

수영선수 - Mauricio Uranga
- Raul Uranga
음악 - Slow Burn Kevin MacLeod


Very good tutorial... thank you. Looking for more tutorials (including the butterfly technique) :)


Flip Turn tutorial. Drills. Freestyle swimming.
Skills NT
뒤집어 벽되돌기 교범. 부분훈련들. 자유형 수영.
Skills NT

게시일: 2016. 8. 19.
If you want to take your flip turns to the next level, watching tutorials is not enough, you have to feel how to do them correctly.
That is why drills are so important. Practice these four drills until your flip turn feels fast!
뒤집어 벽되돌기를 다음 단계로 향상시키려 한다면, 교범을 보는 것만으로는 부족합니다, 어떻게 하면 올바르게 하는 것인 지 느껴야만 합니다. 그것이 바로 부분훈련들이 그렇게나 중요한 이유입니다. 뒤집어 벽되돌기가 빠르다고 느껴질 때까지 다음 4 가지 부분훈련들을 연습하세요!

1- Imaginary wall.
2- Underwater turn
3- Vertical jump
4- Sticky turns
1 - 가상의 벽
2 - 물속에서 뒤집어 돌기
3 - 수직 뛰기
4 - 끈끈한 벽돌기

Let me know in the comments if you want the next video to be about how to do starts or butterfly technique.
다음 동영상으로, 발사 방법을 원하는 지 아니면 접영 영법 기술을 원하는 지 댓글로 저에게 알려주십시요.

These tips and techniques will work best to help you improve dramatically your stroke if you do two things:
1- Focus on one thing at a time
2- Practice until you dominate that thing and move to the next.
당신의 영법을 극적으로 향상시키는 데에, 이 비결과 기법들이 가장 효과적으로 적용되게 하려면, 다음 두 가지를 실천하십시요:
1 - 한 번에 한 가지에만 집중하십시요.
2 - 그 한가지를 완벽하게 할 수 있을 때까지 연습하십시요. 그런 후에야 다음 단계로 넘어가십시요.

I will also do another series of videos for the other strokes, including starts and turns. There will also be drills and other fun stuff, so make sure to subscribe!
발사와 벽돌기를 포함한 다른 영법들에 대한 비디오 연재물도 만들려고 합니다. 또한 부분훈련들과 재미있게 즐길 수 있는 것들도 포함하겠습니다. 그러니 잊지 말고 구독 버튼을 눌러주세요!

I swam for 15 years in the competitive arena and I hope I can transmit my knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows me to. I plan on doing a couple of these to spread the knowledge I have acquired on swimming. I will do collaborations with people with even more knowledge and experience to do more advanced type videos.
유튜브가 허락하는 한 명료하고 투명하게, 제 지식을 전달할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 수영에 관하여 제가 습득한 지식을 퍼뜨리기 위해 몇가지를 계획하고 있습니다. 조금 더 나은 형태의 비디오를 제작하기 위해, 지식과 경험이 더 풍부한 사람들과 협력하겠습니다.

Finally, what I am really passionate about is learning new skills. So the point of this channel is to spread the intrinsic joy that all humans share when we learn something new, doesn't matter how insignificant it might appear. I believe improvement makes us feel more alive and thus, if done right, make a better world.
마지막으로, 제가 정말 열정을 갖고 있는 것은 새로운 기술을 배우는 것입니다. 그러므로 이 채널의 목적은, 그것이 비록 하찮은 것처럼 보일지라도, 새로운 것을 배울 때 모든 사람이 공통적으로 느끼는, 본질적인 기쁨을 퍼뜨리는 것입니다. 저는, 우리가 발전함으로써 살아있음을 좀 더 잘 느낄 수 있게 되고, 그럼으로써, 올바르게 행해진다면, 더 나은 세상을 만드는데 유용하다고, 믿습니다.

So if you enjoy learning new things, swimming, dancing, drawing and other skills this channel is for you! So make sure to subscribe, watch, learn, practice and enjoy!
그러므로, 당신이 수영, 춤, 그림, 그리 다른 것들에 관해 새로운 것 배우기를 즐겨한다면, 이 채널은 바로 당신을 위한 것입니다! 그러므로 반드시 구독 버튼을 누르셔서, 보고, 배우고, 연습하고, 즐기시기 바랍니다!

Slow Burn Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


im from egypt and i love ypur videos too much i want a video about how to do perfect starts please


Next level, is there s video for how to start?


Very nice drills! I just wonder how to breath before and also into the water. I try to have a big inspiration before flip and once I've got my head downward I have natural tendency to exhale immediately
otherwise water goes into my nose...this make me difficult to have enough air to push properly and doing the dolphin kick part....any suggestion is welcome! 🤗


Thanks for the video! I vote for “How to do butterfly technique” because I want to learn how to do an underwater dolphin kick.


What if you get DIZZY, like I did, doing a flip? I don't want to DROWN, not knowing which way is up!


my problem is i dont have enough breath when i am doing the flip, and it’s very easy to get water in the nose, how to improve this?


thank you for your videos. I have one problem with the flip on the wall I always seem to lose balance while turning and end up sideways. how do you consistently turn onto your back


I have tried this lots of times still doesn't work


the problem for me is that i knew to do the flip turn perfect for quite some time and then all of a sudden i started doing them wrong? like i just cant turn and face upwards anymore.. i shift to the left and instanly turn on my stomach :/ i tried fixing it but i just cant seem to get a hold of it


After flip turn, I always dash downward to the bottom of pool. it, s not easy to get the rope.


Useful , I have question : better to try these steps in deep part or not ? Specially the fisrt steps ? Tnx
