8 Less Common Ideas to Spend Less and Save More Everyday

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#savemoremoney #frugalliving #howtosavemoney

Saving money is a continuous effort, and by incorporating these and other tips on my channel into your habits, you can make a positive impact on your financial future.

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One thing I have started doing, is to make myself an errand beverage. I would previously stop and get a drink and or a snack while I was out doing errands. Now I make a coffee at home and eat a snack before I leave. Seems like a small thing but twice a week it was 10.00 that is 40.00 a month.


Every day i check my bank acct and anything over an even number i transfer to a separate savings. So if my balance was 143.27, i would transfer 3.27. it builds quickly and without any sacrifice.


My "weird" thing is pretending to have a vice. My mother smoked like a chimney even though we weren't affluent enough to pay for it and she somehow always found the funds. I tell myself I "need" it, crave it so bad it needs to be my first priority, and put $20 in a savings account. I set a reminder to tell myself it's time for a "smoke break" and send that money there and then, I need to pay for the vice and live on what's left.
Not smoking saves me thousands but I wouldn't even notice if I wasn't pretending to pay.


One thing that I have done is, in January, I pay a bit extra on my bills each month. I do this every month. by the time December comes round I have a free month and can pay for Christmas. Another is, if I go out to eat or spend money ... what I call frivolously, I put the same amount in savings. Both of these tactics are then also available if an emergency occurs or a forgotten bill.


Never ever grocery shop with an empty stomach! Temptation makes you buy more! Always use a list and stick to it.


That first tip is awsome. Not just for savings, but for the portion control. I think we all need that❤


One good guideline for me to save money is to have water as the default drink if I do choose to eat out. Cocktails, coffee, soft drinks or other beverages add up more than we think and I prefer to eat vs drink my calories.


It's so refreshing to hear new and different frugal tips that aren't the same ones we've heard over and over on a million other channels. The one about filling a leftover container BEFORE eating a meal is genius!


I actively use my change rather than drop it in a jar. Using up my change keeps me from breaking bills be they $1 or $20 dollar bills. The bills count up better and once broken they seem to spend all the faster too.


I always keep a little snack in my purse, and in my car. So to avoid unplanned shopping when I’m out and about.


#9 Catch the flu, like I have right now. I haven’t spent 1 penny, because I’m too sick to leave the house and to tired to online shop. I’m saving all kinds of money this week.


You're right about convenience food. I spent a lot buying take out because I had a long commute for years. I'm retired now and see my daughter with a long commute who meal plans her lunch and has Costco convenience foods for whenever she doesn't want to spend a lot of time cooking dinner. She prioritizes exercise after work. I never did any of that and she certainly has a healthier life than I did.


This may be a little strange, but when hubby and i go out to Mexican food, we get full on salsa and chips, and take our food home and it lasts us for a couple of days.


This may look tacky....but you can hide it too. When I find a place that has the cheapest price on something....instead of trying to remember where I got it, I use a sharpy and write on the bottle or container the name of the store. Saves my brain cells time from trying to remember or making lists. Also...as it is getting empty, I had that store to my list and what it is I need from there.


One thing that has saved us thousands of dollars over the years is having our teeth cleaned/xrayed by students at a dental hygiene school. It takes longer, but they do a better job and the savings is crazy. In NC, we went to GTCC in Jamestown and paid only $5 each. They did sealants on my kids too. Now we are in Maine and go to the dental clinic at UMA in Bangor. The cost is $50 each for cleaning and xrays, but that is still way less than I pay at my dentist!


the convenience food part is so important. I cannot count the times i used to mess up an entire 2 weeks of frugally saving money by just one "weak moment" after an exhaustive day or when i got ill and could not bring up enough energy to cook a meal from scratch so i ended up ordering one vegan pizza from a delivery service ....and 30 Euros of money saved


Use a washcloth to dry off on when getting out of the shower. Use two if needed or a handtowel. It makes less towels in the laundry. Saves water.


I thrift for home decor, crafts, clothing, furniture and if new, gifts. I have cut back on laundry by using the same bath towel all week. I’m clean when I get out of the shower so the towel is clean when hung after to dry. I don’t eat out other than about once every 6 months, I don’t buy drinks like coffee, I make my own and when I do eat out I don’t buy drinks, I drink water. I often take snacks or fruit in the car if I know I’m going to be hungry before I get home. I put less laundry detergent in washing. I look for food on half price if I can eat it right away or freeze it.


All year long I save any $1 & $5’s that I receive. At the end of the year all funds saved go to Christmas gifts. I don’t count it out until after Thanksgiving. I also save all my coins throughout the year and my grandsons help me roll them up. We cash them in and they use the funds to buy their mom a Christmas present. My bank does the save the change automatically whenever I use my bank card.


For years I have saved gold coins and $5 notes and put in a money tin that we cannot get into. We usually take a trip in December for a few days, the money in the tin (usually anywhere between $1000 - $1300) pays for our expenses whilst away, it's a great treat for us and something we look forward to :)
