7 Things Women Do That RUIN Their Lives

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Women, especially pay attention at #6 🙏


#1 - Waisting time on bad relationships
#2 - Waisting time analysing men
#3 - Putting unrealistic expectations on themselves
#4 - Spending too much time on social media
#5 - Not taking your mental health serious
#6 - Not understanding basic psychology and being unable to detect red flags
#7 - Not having financial literacy


I started following you about a year ago. I have watched ALL your videos. I have leveled up and changed my mindset. I made a manifestation board. Since, I have moved continents from Vancouver, Canada to Florence, Italy. I have met an extremely high value man, who treats me with so much respect, who lives in Zurich, where coincidentally, I was born. We now spend our time between Zurich and Florence and travel the world. Your content has changed my life more than you will ever know. Thank you!


I stayed 37 years in an abusive relationship. Huge regret for not leaving sooner. It took me getting totally broken and suicidal to leave, but I finally did it.


I love how you go straight to the point without spending 1-2 minutes on an unnecessarily long intro like most people do!


Ladies…from a woman in her 50s LISTEN to this excellent advice - all of it. Mahalo Anna - this is one of your best 🌸🙏


32 years. Ignored so many warning signs. Blamed myself for the criticism, raised the children, cut back my career and earning potential ( I’m a highly educated professional), suffered from chronic depression and tolerated hoarding. Discovering his infidelity was the catalyst that got me out.

I’m now earning 3X what we earned as a couple, am advancing in my career and reducing depression medication!
Wish I’d listened to my instincts sooner


me 19 years old watching this feeling like she saves my future career and relationship. Thankyou Anna Bey!! I've been following you since I was 16 years old


So true.. I was married to the WRONG man for several years.. The best decision I ever made was to run.


This is really a brilliant contribution that every women should take to heart. I am 69 years old, got divorced because I married young and had four children and discovered that in reality I had five children and had to work so hard to keep it all together. I raised my kids without any child support and managed to put them all through university. My daughters are wiser. They know how to navigate life and pretty much do everything as you addressed here. What valuable content. Thank you


"Analyze some stupid guy that is now does not even matter"OMG Anna, you literally described me😢😂😂


I'm a housewife and the amount of people (mostly women) asking me "don't you get bored " is remarkable . Usually after carrying on with the conversation, they usually mention something about the work being tiring or something in those lines and some might even say that I'm lucky to stay at home ... I actually chose this lifestyle and that's why I'm living it. The pressure must be Huge if so many women are working without a purpose and at the same time judge other ladies that choose more relaxed lifestyle . Even my neighbors keep asking me if I started working already lol . I actually can't work legally im in the middle of immigration process, but woww people just can't understand what would one do without a job ... IT'S OK to enjoy life and just be and appreciate what you have and being alive. I actually find it useful to be able to listen to myself throughout the day and reflect on things and do everything on my schedule . If you don't Need to work, consider enjoying life til you get to do something you love
I believe the key for happiness for women is moving slower in every day life and feeling more. Don't be tricked to be a work horse just because you only have so much energy and we ladies age faster be smart ❤


I’m off all social media (except YouTube) since 2016 with no regrets.


Im 16 i learning a lot from you! Youre such an inspiration ❤


Love your comment on feminism Anna! Now women are chained to work and home too or pushed towards 50/50 relationship with a housemate (yes, housemate not a man)...


Yep! To all of this. I do not regret my bad marriage only because I got two beautiful children out of it. Now, these wonderful people are my grown friends. He also expected me to do absolutely all of it: child-rearing, budgeting, housework, and a job. He worked and played and thought that this was all he should do in life. I knew that I wasn’t alone in it. I watched as women did all of the work and even cut their family’s hair while their husbands bought Harleys and bass boats for themselves. When it was all said and done, my ex tried to accuse me of “stealing” the money I’d used to pay our bills.


Hey Anna this video came in at the right time. I m 16 and I have been obsessing on a guy and just wasting my time on social media, this past week but I guess this video is a sign for me to get my life back together.


Love your phrase - chained to the kitchen and now we are chained to the office. It’s so true, women work long hours, still try to have some sort of family, get burnt out. Is anybody talking about if and what makes a woman happy?
Women’s rights - we were fighting for them since the end of the 19 century. The goal was to be strong and powerful as men, have success and financial independence. Are we happy?
Gender differences been blurred to the most extreme. Look at US and UK - transgender women compete against women (biological). I saw one photo a competition in cycling in UK - two transgender women took gold and silver and a biological woman holding her little baby got bronze. For me it was an epitome of absurdity of modern gender trends. I am sure this woman was crying in her heart - she can’t beat a former man who is a woman now.
In US in some states women’s restrooms became everyone’s restrooms 😢 no privacy any more. This is the ultimate absurdity of fight for gender equality that basically flipped on its head. Who is suffering - regular women who want to stay women and not somebody else😢


great points anna! completely agree with all parts of this video, i got off social media in 2019 and it changed my life for the better x10! Love seeing your evolution and calling out this toxic "feminism" mentality. we are not men and should not strive to be them, thats the opposite of really stepping into our feminine energy. <3


Your advice about unrealistic expectations really resonated with me. I am a vascular surgeon and a single parent and I always feel like I am failing at both.
