Microplastics: Should You Be Worried?

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There is content and there is knowledge. A lot of stuff on the internet is content, not knowledge, and microplastics is a great example of great content with very little knowledge because it is factually correct that we are consuming microplastics and there are enough studies to show that it's in breastmilk, in drinking water and even our stools. What we don't know is what the actual impact is. So far, we have yet to see any evidence of harm. Plastics are non-reactive. But the "we do not have evidence of harm" uncertainty seems to be good enough for content creators to go "Hey this is a good topic to scare the hell out of people"


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Daymm this is eye opening! I’ve uninstalled instagram because of these “influencers” glad to see you active on youtube


Thanks Krish, it was very informative, all points are good. But the major concern we should have for the environment and other living beings. We must think how we can contribute on reducing plastic usage on a daily basis. Atleast we all can try avoiding single use plastic and bottles.


May be influencers are asking us to not use plastic products not for reducing personal exposure but overall human exposure. After all it is this plastic that is going to air and water.


30-40% from water, so just use RO water! That sounds like an elitist attitude, and something Nirmala Sitharaman would say - people are dying while working 16-18 hrs a day continuously because they don't do yoga or trust in god to cope with work stress. What percent of the population actually has access to RO water? So, shouldn't we all do our bit to reduce plastic production and use? What about the other species on our planet. Don't they deserve cleaner water? Shouldn't the whole problem be tackled from the top where we produce inordinate amount of plastic with no thought about what we are leaving behind for generations to come? Already there is an island of plastic garbage in the middle of the Pacific ocean. It is our responsibility NOW to reduce plastic use and not have a "chalta hai" attitude since it won't do us harm or since there is currently no evidence of it causing cancer, endocrine issues, etc.


Atleast people had some reason to reduce the plastic use. Carry cloth bag and order less from online. You removed that reason too. All this plastic reaching the oyesters, stomach of cows and crows and dogs. And yes, pls look at the landfills


ಸಮಾಜಕ್ಕೆ ಅರಿವು ಮೂಡಿಸುವ ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿರುವ ನಿಮಗೆ ನಮ್ಮ ಹೃದಯ ಪೂರ್ವಕ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು ❤


‘Evidence of presence is not Evidence of harm’- Krish Ashok😎


No direct harm to human health was considered for cigarettes as well in 1950s.
How are all your videos in only one direction, just because there’s no evidence of harm does not mean it’s safe.

Also, percentages would significantly change if a person is using RO like you said. So make that 50% to nearly 2% and then we’ll have much higher percentages of micro plastic from the other sources.


And it takes a huge degree of suspension of belief in the evolutionary process to imagine that merely because we have not figured out how it affects us, continuous exposure to a complete alien set of materials (add PFAs too) will not affect our biology.


Irony is that a city person tries to live in village (for health) where as a village person loves to live in city (for money)


I kind of expected you will make video on this. I still have skepticism on this. Would be great if you can share some research papers to back it up. I am interested to read them.


while fear mongering has adverse fallout, normalising the abnormal ie pesticides in food and now micro plastic seems too sanguine


Actually there are no long term scientific studies because its relatively new thing this does not mean its not harmful. You are choosing only those researchs that support your point of view.
print made a good scientific vedio on microplastic recently


Tyre and road wear particles TRWP, is one of the major source of microplastics in the air and water. In air it contributes to 44% and in water bodies, groundwater situated close to road or in the stormwater it can contribute to 60-90% of microplastic
Note: This percentages are based on source contribution not amount of microplastics found in air and water.
The major problem with microplastics is that it is very hard to detect and test. The test for the presence of microplastics are complicated and expensive. However, The actual effect of microplastics in human health and its dose being harmful is still unknown or rather, it can be said that lack of evident research on human (so people spreading false information about being carcinogenic, like swe already said by Krish, there is no evidence).

What People should be more concerned about right now are the PFAS which are also called as ''Forever chemicals'' that are present in almost everything in this present times and these are extremely harmful to human health.
I am doing my research on PFAS in wastewater. I would be happy if people see this comment and go research about it more and more, so they are aware of this and look for preventive measures.
Note: Please look for information published in research papers.


I liked the video, genuinely! I get the point that he wants to say microplastics are not necessarily harming you. But yaar, where microplastics come from, they are not created out of thin air. They have come into the picture because we have been causing plastic pollution for a hundred years now. The point is to reduce plastic consumption, not as food, but as daily use, that is how you can at least stabilize microplastic content. So, please avoid packaged foods, not in the context of food, but the package that you through in the trash. So, please don't IGNORE. Infant brain/placenta has microplastics. Common man! I am not in for scaremongering, but normalizing these is not helping the big picture. I agree with his last point where he says, to reduce plastic at a personal level. Currently studying in the US, I can see how this poses a global problem. And the current levels of LOW, are "current" not forever, the levels rise in plastic use, the day is not far, when these might pose a serious problem.


Please make a video on how to prevent cancer, especially things like LCINS, they give so much anxiety


Can N95 mask help to decrease the 30- 40% inhalational microplastic contribution?


From what I have read, a litre of bottled water contains around 0.25 Million micro-/nano- plastics.
On the other hand, certain types of tea bags have been found to release several Billions of micro-/nano- plastics per cup.
What is your opinion on this? Would be great if you could touch upon this in a YouTube short.


Thank you so much for clarifying videos❤️🙏🏻
Can you explain about aluminum cans with tomato paste and other canned foods risks? Thank you🙏🏻


Lack of evidence at this juncture, does not essentially guarantee that there is no harm, neither does it rule out the possibility of a probable harm subsequently.

Fallacy of statistics is that it relies on a large set of data that unequivocally leans towards causality, and the time and accuracy for that data to come out is marred by innumerable confounders.

Even though the exposure is regarded is low, the cumulative effect of low exposure over the years is another aspect that needs to be explored and explained.
