Tinnitus Descender Cascading Sweeping Noise | 13 kHz to 5 kHz

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This noise masker, the Tinnitus Descender is overlapping downward noise sweeps from 13.4 kHz to 5 kHz. The concept is that the downward shifting frequencies will momentarily pass across the listener's tinnitus frequency and potentially distract the mind away from the ringing sound offering a bit of relief.
Like all the videos in the tinnitus noise masking series, it may work for some of you and not for others. Give it a try and let us know in the comments. The comments are a great way to express what is going on with your own tinnitus, successes and challenges. Remember a positive attitude really does help.
Thanks for listening, Dale

Here are other related videos you may appreciate:

The Tinnitus Zapper:

The Tinnitus Scrubber:

The Noise Masking for Tinnitus Playlist:

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0:00 Introduction
0:05 Explanation
01:10 16 Tinnitus Descender
09:59:45 Outro

DaleSnale is an audio specialist and content creator, not a trained audio therapist.
The Dalesnale - Noise Ambient YouTube channel is for entertainment purposes only, and should never be used to replace any medical advice or treatment. If you have a medical condition or ailment, consult a medical expert, such as an audiologist or ENT physician.
Listening to any sounds at a high level for prolonged periods is unhealthy as stated by OSHA guidelines. Always listen at medium or low levels that feel comfortable.
By using this channel you do so at your own risk. The DaleSnale - Noise Ambient YouTube channel accepts no liability in part or in full for any damages or injury caused by the use of any content provided. Do not operate machinery or drive while listening or viewing DaleSnale - Noise Ambient content.
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Audio downloads and the complete series bundle are available linked in description of each video. Thanks for listening


Let's just appreciate that our uploader didn't put any ad in this 10 hours video.


I cannot believe how much this works, the constant ringing in my ears is driving me insane!!


I just woke up with tinnitus 2 weeks ago for the first time in my life, and I've been losing my mind. I've been looking and trying everything the internet has to say about this horrible thing and one reddit user (God bless him) left the link to this video which is the only one that allows me to breathe normally. Thank you one million times for doing this. I miss music, though.


Lifelong tinnitus sufferer but never bother me much until a recent uptick that has caused me to hear it all the time. Was sent here from a tinnitus subreddit and this is great so far! Glad to see so much support from so many people that suffer with this.


This is the only video that has helped my tinnitus. Ive searched several videos and this one tops them all. I am 41 and Ive had tinnitus off and on for a few yrs, but this year its been more noticeable and only in the left ear. It got to a point where I couldnt sleep because of the constant ringing. After 2 weeks of listening to this with my air pods at night and I stopped drinking coffee It has tremendously helped the ringing to be much lower. Its still there but I hardly notice it. I slept for a whole week without needing to listen to the video now and I feel much rested. I dont wake up in the middle of the night as often as I use to. Ty for creating this video for us tinnitus sufferers. Listening to this video while I write this. Dont give up folks if yr reading this. Ive been eating much healthier which has helped with the process and cutting coffee out of my life definitely has been hard, but I believe it helped with my tinnitus as well. Tysm Dale for all the great work that you do! God bless you.


I developed tinnitus in early 2017. If it weren't for masking videos like this, I never would have gotten through those first two years. Stuff like this allows me to sleep normally again, and has actually trained me to sleep even without masking noises when the tinnitus is mild. Thanks Dale.


Don't ever take these videos down. This is how I fall asleep at night. I appreciate the videos, they help out so much! Thank you.


It's like the pressure feeling is gone while I play this. Sweet relief.


I was about to complain I couldn't hear any cascading or any sweeping, and then I realized I wasn't hearing my tinnitus either. Whatever this is, it works.
If it matters to anyone, I'm using earphones.


All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you! Even though nothing I have tried stops it completely but, my hand to God, yours are the best. Again I thank 😊 you!


I listened to this for the first time last night. I have to say my tinnitus is much less severe today .I have been stressed out of my mind lately. I will definitely listen again tonight.


"Master Blaster" Dalesnale at work!!! From the first seconds, I honestly felt my anxiety and blood pressure dropping. Thank you sir!!!


Thanks a billion! Very helpful and the video is a great distraction. Another option for meditation with my eyes open. I am so grateful for your help. you've made the world a better place, congratulations! now smile.


Great video. I read Tinnitus forums where people are in despair and have no idea these kind of videos exist. I wish there was a way for everyone to know about your amazing masking videos..!


The comments are so positive, I wasn't sure if they were all legitimate, I had it run for almost 4 1/2 hours while I slept and my tinnitus volume was so drastically lowered I struggled to hear it in the morning, where it's normally so loud it drowns out quiet sounds. I will see if it maintains and I will keep using it.


Thank You for all the help that you give to people that suffer with this Condition. 🙏


I’ve had off and on tinnitus for the last couple years — I think it’s related to my terrible sleep patterns and insomnia. This year has been a lot worse and more common. For the last 4 nights, I’ve been unable to fall asleep until maybe 3-5 am due to late night anxiety and letting myself get lost in my ipad screen. The high pitched ringing in both ears has been extra terrible and this video was really nice relief. I hope to listen to a little bit of it for as many days as I can until I train myself to ignore it and get some rest. I tried listening to calming sleep music or soft talking last night but nothing worked and for some reason, my half-asleep anxiety convinced me that the low music was making my dreams into bad ones or that it was brainwashing me. Obviously I have issues and tinnitus is just a symptom 😅 Glad to know this exists! Thank you for creating it!


DJ Dalesnale in the house! LOL He may not have you doing the shake or twist, but will most likely have you feeling relaxed and able to sleep!


My tinnitus was really bad today, so I started looking around for other masking options on YouTube than my usual cricket sounds. This one worked right away! I can’t hear the ringing at all with this on, even when if I focus on hearing it. And this not nearly as loud as the crickets and I forget I’m even listening to it.
