'Prophet Muhammad Didn't Exist!' [Response Video]

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Amateur Youtuber with potato-cam 1 - 0 Professional lecturer with iERA studio


The five stages of grief

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

Seems like they've started simply denying his existence.


Just remember that these people never actually propogate their own religion. They only ever attack Islam. That speaks volumes about them and their religion


No serious Scholar even considers this topic anymore. The evidence is overwhelming and these clowns are embarrassing themselves.


"We take our religion from men who saw the prophet while he was alive, while you take your religion from a man that claims he saw Jesus after he died". MIC DROP!!!


& I thought only the INDIANS graduated from WhatsApp University.


It's a really dumb argument because we have the tomb of the Prophet pbuh in Madinah, not to mention that the current Jordanian royal house came from Banu Hashim and could trace their ancestry to the Prophet pbuh through Hassan r.a.


Historical evidence for the existence of Prophet Muhammad:

(1) The Doctrina Jacobi Nuper Baptizati is a 7th century work by a Christian written in 634 CE, only two years after the Prophet passed away.

In this dialogue between a Christian and some Jews, the author reveals the appearance of a new Prophet among the Saracens (Arabs):

*When the candidatus was killed by the Saracens, I was at Caesarea and I set off by boat to Sykamina. People were saying "the candidatus has been killed, " and we Jews were overjoyed. And they were saying that the prophet had appeared, coming with the Saracens, and that he was proclaiming the advent of the anointed one, the Christ who was to come.*

*- R. G. Hoyland, Seeing Islam As Others Saw It: A Survey And Evaluation Of Christian, Jewish And Zoroastrian Writings On Early Islam, 1997, p. 57*

(2) Chronicle of 640 CE by a Syriac Orthodox priest Thomas the Presbyter records the battle of Dathin between the Romans and the Arabs and it mentions Prophet Muhammad by name:

*On Friday, 4 February, at the ninth hour, there was a battle between the Romans and the Arabs of Muhammad in Palestine twelve miles east of Gaza...*

*- R. G. Hoyland, Seeing Islam As Others Saw It: A Survey And Evaluation Of Christian, Jewish And Zoroastrian Writings On Early Islam, 1997, p. 119*

(3) Khuzistan Chronicle is a short 7th century Nestorian chronicle which gives a brief account of the Muslim invasion of Persia and mentions that they were under the leadership of Muhammad:

*Then God raised up against them the sons of Ishmael, numerous as the sand on the sea shore, whose leader was Muhammad. Neither walls nor gates, armor or shield, withstood them, and they gained control over the entire land of Persians.*

*- R. G. Hoyland, Seeing Islam As Others Saw It: A Survey And Evaluation Of Christian, Jewish And Zoroastrian Writings On Early Islam, 1997, p. 186*

(4) One of the most interesting 7th century accounts about Prophet Muhammad comes from Sebeos who was a Bishop of the House of Bagratunis.

Sebeos is the first non-Muslim author to present us with a theory for the rise of Islam that pays attention to what the Muslims themselves thought they were doing:

*At that time a certain man from along those same sons of Ishmael, whose name was Muhammad, a merchant, as if by God's command appeared to them as a preacher and the path of truth. He taught them to recognize the God of Abraham, especially because he was learnt and informed in the history of Moses. Now because the command was from on high, at a single order they all came together in unity of religion. Abandoning their vain cults, they turned to the living God who had appeared to their father Abraham. So, Muhammad legislated for them: not to eat carrion, not to drink wine, not to speak falsely, and not to engage in fornication. He said: 'With an oath God promised this land to Abraham and his seed after him for ever. And he brought about as he promised during that time while he loved Israel. But now you are the sons of Abraham and God is accomplishing his promise to Abraham and his seed for you. Love sincerely only the God of Abraham, and go and seize the land which God gave to your father Abraham. No one will be able to resist you in battle, because God is with you.*

*- R. G. Hoyland, Seeing Islam As Others Saw It: A Survey And Evaluation Of Christian, Jewish And Zoroastrian Writings On Early Islam, 1997, p. 129*

We can see that Sebeos knows plenty of personal information about Prophet Muhammad. For example, he is aware that Muhammad was a merchant by profession before his Prophethood. He hints that his life was suddenly changed by a divinely inspired revelation.

He presents a good summary of Prophet Muhammad's preaching i.e belief in One God and Abraham as a common ancestor of Jews and Arabs. He even picks out some of the prohibitions which are mentioned in the Qur'an, such as false speech and drinking of alcohol.

All this information that Sebeos presents accurately conforms to the Islamic traditions. Many take such detailed, early and accurate accounts about Prophet Muhammad for granted but it's actually quite rare with figures from ancient history.


Christians choose between either hating on or slandering the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) or saying he didn't exist, challenge IMPOSSIBLE


They can speaks lie about ISLAM and lie about Prophet but they cannot stop the thousands of people converting ISLAM .

I was Christian and I converted to ISLAM, I found peace and happiness since I become a Muslim Alhamdullilah.❤❤


I found it ironic that Jay Smith will argue against the existence of Prophet Muhammad because he is a Christian and the historical evidence we have for Muhammad's existence is better attested than the evidence for Jesus or any other religious figure.

Would he apply the same standard to Jesus? It seems that Christians have become so desperate they don't care about consistency. Most of the Christian arguments made against Islam these days can easily backfire against Christianity 10× harder.


LMAO, nisa'i - section where David buys his clothes from. SAVAGE. Well done as always.


The reference to David buying dresses from women's section was hilarious. Classic Farid


At first they said they moved Makkah now they said Muhammad pbuh
doesn't exist next they will say we all don't exist at all 😳


Notice how they also use the date of DEATH for all these scholars in order to push the dates as far away from the time of the Prophet (PBUH) as possible, as though Al Bukhari, Tirmidhi and Ibn Hisham were writing their Sahihs, Sirat and Tarikhs on their death beds and died immediately after publishing them.


He graduated from McDonald’s university


Always amazed (not really) by how other religions preach their beliefs. Whilst the muslims explain the religion of Islam to others you have these other religions "supposedly" going full analysis mode on Islam, trying to find flaws (which they never will). Time for them to just embrace it instead of remaining at the losing side. That ending tho xD


Imagine two bullies standing next to someone in cafeteria and trying to abuse another kid by asking each other if that kid even exists. Thats the intention behind these two abusers


When the world needed him most, he posted 2 bangers


Farid’s endings are always pure gold Subhan’Allah lol 😂 !
