Travel advice | Is it safe to travel to China or elsewhere? -Dr. Ashoojit Kaur Anand|Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Ashoojit Kaur Anand | Appointment booking number: 89715 44066
General Physician & Community Medicine Specialist | PCMH Restore Health, Bangalore
As per the World Health Organization and the center for communicable diseases( CDC), they do not restrict and say no no for a travel, if you do have to travel for work related issues or meet your family which is unavoidable, there is no restriction. You just need to follow certain guidelines that is set by every country so that there is reduction of transmission of infection. People coming from China or any other country having the coronavirus infections are screened at the airports. By screening it means you report to the Airport Authority if you have fever, cough or a cold and they will conduct testing, examination to know if it is just a minor cold and cough by the influenza virus or if it is a coronavirus. If there are people who report with cough, cold and fever, then they are kept in quarantine, that means in isolation, it doesn’t mean a isolated room where anybody wouldn’t enter, but a facility where you do not meet to many people and are not in close contact with people . This quarantine is done for a minimum of 14 days period because that is the it when the virus can be transmitted from one person to another and as soon as the patient recovers or someone relatives from cough, cold and fever, they are sent back to their home, so these are the guidelines that every country follows and we should oblige and follow these rules and regulations and help the system to control the spread of these infection and if to do have nay infection, avoid travelling to any courtiers again you may not be having coronavirus, but if you have influenza also, your body’s immune level goes down and if you go to another country, then you might just contract other infections. So it is better to limit your movements if you are unwell or limit the, movements of people who are unwell and follow the guidelines.
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