Feeding a Baby Crow

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May 22, 2011-Our local County Wildlife Rescue organization was contacted for assistance after we found this young crow. We were advised to "return the crow to where we found it and let nature take its course." This did not seem to be a very humane option in our neighborhood due to the large population of pet and feral cats patrolling the area. "Baby Crow" would have been a "tasty hors d'oeuvres" within a matter of minutes. So, we will care and feed for the bird until it can fly and will release it back into the local crow population - hopefully within a few short weeks. We believe the baby crow fell out of its nest during a period of high winds/storms.
Update: Once the baby crow began to spread its wings, we took it outside and let it practice sitting in our fruit trees. When it became strong enough to fly from branch to branch, we placed it in a tree near its old nest location. The mother and father crow found it right away, circled overhead, and came down to coax it away. We saw them over the next few weeks taking care and feeding the baby crow. We are certain it has grown, found a mate, and is still in the area.
Update: Once the baby crow began to spread its wings, we took it outside and let it practice sitting in our fruit trees. When it became strong enough to fly from branch to branch, we placed it in a tree near its old nest location. The mother and father crow found it right away, circled overhead, and came down to coax it away. We saw them over the next few weeks taking care and feeding the baby crow. We are certain it has grown, found a mate, and is still in the area.