Homophobic St Neots Charity Owner Paul Shinners Refusing to Apologise (1)

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A protest by the Out and Proud Diamond Group outside the Cornerstone Cafe, St Neots, Cambridgeshire over Paul Shinners support of the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which at the time included the Death Penalty.

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What Shinners does not r address is the fact that he had a whole entire YEAR from the date he stood on that Ugandan stage to the date the Anti-Homosexuality Bill was passed to apologize, explain and/or retract and he did none of that, He should have come out publicly to his Ugandan  friends and told them he deplored the AHA.  By failing to do that in context of his Rally sermon, means he is means he supports the AHA ....and its death penalty. He has said nothing different publicly to those where it matters. He could have done something to reverse the hate he saw all around him. But instead he did NOTHING except play victim...  He had plenty of time to do the right thing and he failed.  I have ALL the emails asking him to do it - and his standard response was "God bless you!"  Nothing more.  


This is brilliant. The live video shows him clearly supporting the Ugandan anti-gay movement, saying that God loves what they're doing. A hypocrite of the lowest order in other words, with the gall to call someone actually armed with the truth a liar & a bigot. Keep up the good work Paul.


I knew Paul Shinners at school. He had a Danish mother and grew up in Denmark until he was 7. So when he started school in London when he was 7 he had a strong Danish accent. He's obviously lost that accent over time. He was a very good footballer. So it was no surprise that he ended up as a professional footballer. His mother was a moderate Christian but I never heard him mention Christianity at any time. So his extreme Christian views must have been developed in later years. Oddly, the manager of the junior football club he played for, who he got on very well with, was homosexual.So his views on homosexuality must have also been a later development. Although we were close friends at school, especially as I am an atheist, I don't feel as if I could even speak to him any more.


This guy is a deceiver....he tries to diagnose issues onto you...to make you feel inferior ! When its him with an illness and deceiver. Its evident he stated that he stated in Uganda...


He clearly advocated for the homosexuality bill!


Western evangelicals from the UK and US have been preaching hate in Uganda which has led to anti-gay legislation that has caused extreme persecution of the LGBT community and led to an increase in violence, rape and murder. It has also led to a rise in HIV infection rates as people no longer have access to health care.

A new law promised as a "Christmas present" to the people of Uganda makes it illegal to provide employment, housing, transport and even health care to members of the LGBT community.

Please donate what you can to help expose the murderous hatred of these western evangelicals and the vile propaganda they tell to the Ugandan people to perpetuate the hatred of and violence towards an already persecuted minority.

The previous bill passed in December 2013 and signed by President Museveni in February 2014 was annulled by the constitutional court on a technicality (not the required quorum) in August. The MPs all signed a petition to bring it back and a draft of a new bill has been leaked. This new bill has been promised as a Christmas present (2014) just like the old one was in December 2012 and includes harsher clauses than the original bill and equates homosexuality to bestiality.


You should have played the 6 min clip infront of him!
