St Neots Fake Faith Healer

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St Neots, Cambridgeshire fake faith healer and anti-gay evangelist Paul Shinners performing exorcisms in the Cornerstone Cafe. He preys on people with mental health problems and claims he can cure Cancer.

Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act Returning Soon...
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Western evangelicals from the UK and US have been preaching hate in Uganda which has led to anti-gay legislation that has caused extreme persecution of the LGBT community and led to an increase in violence, rape and murder. It has also led to a rise in HIV infection rates as people no longer have access to health care.

A new law promised as a "Christmas present" to the people of Uganda makes it illegal to provide employment, housing, transport and even health care to members of the LGBT community.

Please donate what you can to help expose the murderous hatred of these western evangelicals and the vile propaganda they tell to the Ugandan people to perpetuate the hatred of and violence towards an already persecuted minority.

The previous bill passed in December 2013 and signed by President Museveni in February 2014 was annulled by the constitutional court on a technicality (not the required quorum) in August. The MPs all signed a petition to bring it back and a draft of a new bill has been leaked. This new bill has been promised as a Christmas present (2014) just like the old one was in December 2012 and includes harsher clauses than the original bill and equates homosexuality to bestiality.
