Bounties and the SDLC - Katie Moussouris - Keynote - OWASP AppSec California 2015

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AppSec California 2015 - Day 2, Track 1, Slot 1


Katie Moussouris is the Chief Policy Officer of HackerOne, where she oversees the company’s philosophy and approach to vulnerability coordination and disclosure, advises customers and researchers, and works toward the public good to legitimize and promote security research to help make the Internet safer for everyone. Katie Moussouris’ Microsoft work encompasses industry-leading initiatives such as Microsoft’s bounty programs, BlueHat content chair, security researcher outreach, vulnerability disclosure policies, and MSVR (Microsoft Vulnerability Research). She was honored with the 2011 Executive Women’s Forum Women of Influence Award in the category of One to Watch. Ms. Moussouris is a renowned keynote speaker and has presented at Security Analyst Summit 2014, RSA 2014, and Nordic Security Con 2013 as well as several others. She also was an invited speaker at Harvard Business School, MIT, HitB Malaysia 2012 and the Executive Womens Forum 2012 She is working on a book about vulnerability disclosure do’s and don’ts for vendors.


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