How to Grow Pumpkins at Home From Seed

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In this video I will show you how to grow pumpkins at home from seed. You can even grow pumpkins in a small space garden or even on a balcony. You can even be growing pumpkins in a container or pot.

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Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

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Thank you for sharing your tips. Where did you find the seeds for those white and black pumpkins?


I LOL'd at being 'double-D optimistic'.. 🤣🤣🤣


I accidentally planted like 300 punmkins this year when I was trying to fertilize my new grass in backyard...and I forgot I had tossed all our Halloween pumpkins in our compost...after watering my grass for a couple days I realized little baby pumnkins popping up literally everywhere in my new beautiful grass. I plucked them all out and transplanted them over in a more appropriate area for em and theyre happy as can be. So I've got a very unexpected unplanned pumnkin patch this year and hopefully some will pollinate and grow some good happy pumnkins this year


Omg! I nearly snarfed the water I was drinking as you mentioned using bras and about being optimistic by going with a double D!!! I LOVE your humor and appreciate the candid, honest, and detailed way you make your educational videos! I'm guessing you and your wife would get along really well, if not become good friends, with my hubby and I if we knew one another in real life.
If my garden was in my backyard, I'd actually try your bra hack out with a few of my old bras😂. Instead, I bought a few yards of fabric on Amazon. It is labeled "solid stretch power mesh fabric". It is similar to the skin toned material you'd use on dance or ice skating costumes to make costumes appear skimpier/sexier while still covering the body with a slightly sheer material that mimics skin. I cut it into wide strips to support larger fruits/veggies that I'm trellising or to protect fruits/veggies/plants from animals, bugs, excessive sun exposure, and from the cold. The material is kinda like a combination of a semi-thick tight and a micro mesh netting.


You saved my garden with that one comment about planting seeds vertically. I live in Florida, we have heavy rains, And my large seeds frequently rot. Now I know why.


The fact that pumpkins spread out and need a lot of space isn't a down side because you can take advantage of that to use that to cover plants that don't like full sun.


Thanks for including the drip installation in the video. Crazy that we just moved into a new build home and to my dismay recently discovered that the soil here is like solid clay with tons of intermixed rock. So I will have to grow everything in raised beds and pots and will need to run a lot of drip lines off the 3/4" irrigation tubing the builder put in. Didn't even think about investigating the soil when we were house shopping--surrounded by orchard and vineyard so assumed it was prime growing area 😏. So your videos on irrigation (and everything else) are truly a godsend! Thank you!


Planted my starts last month and I'm sure glad to get your tips. I need to feed them today when I water. I am going to look into drip system as this watering by hand is getting harder to do at my age, 76. Thanks for your helpful tips.


FYI. Took mint that I pull up constantly. Stripped the leaves n topped off my mulch on my peppers n tomatoes. I was being overrun by insects. Insects gone. Since I have tons of the stuff. Gonna use it a lot.


I have a house like yours. I’m in a historic neighborhood in southern Calif. I love it.


I grew pumpkins once, here in Alaska. I used the pantyhose. They worked great. They were off the ground. We still have a couple of feet of snow here. We have such a short growing season here. Last summer was cold. Everyone had small vegetables and fruit. Hopefully, we'll have a better summer. My daughter is excited to do some gardening with me. We're going to start them inside in about a week, when we're able to get what we need. ❤


Good to seeya cracking up Brian! I use green tulle all the time but never thought to use it in black or on the ground. Thanks for the tips!


Thanks for the video! I planted pumpkins for the first time this year. And that irrigation tool! 😍 I’m definitely going to buy one of those. I appreciate the helpful information! PS I’ve also used tulle in my garden for years! (Used it to protect my apparently delicious sweet potato vines just yesterday.)


I have good luck putting a bucket with the bottom cut out around my squash. I also do that with tomatoes. It seems to get them off to a good start. I don't know if they are warmer, or why it works. I imagine it wouldn't stop squirrels, but I haven't had an issue with them in the garden.


This is great! Im growing my pumpkins, spaghetti squash and melons vertically. I think I'll add mulch around the base to each one after watching this. Thanks so much for the tips!


Lol, double D, it might be better with an H. That was really funny. Tulle is great for protecting plants. You can get it from the dreaded Amazon as well. I learned that trick from a YouTuber who does container gardening in California to keep squirrels out of her vegetables.Who knew something as inexpensive and very fine would deter small animals.


good tips! Planting the pumpkin seeds flat is why I think many of mine didn't germinate here. I likely kept them too wet and planted them flat:(


My soil temperature will never be 65 degrees, not even close. I’m glad I saw this video before I transplanted out my winter squash. I guess they’ll stay in the greenhouse and fight with the zucchini! Thank you for a timely post.


I planted 11 pumpkins six from transplants that I started indoors and five from seed. I think I’ll go get some smaller ones and add in between because mine are 5 feet apart.


You are hysterical! Love ending the video with a good laugh!
We are trying out growing our pumpkins out of jute coffee bean bags this year!
