The Story Of The Old Hag.

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What brings us joy? It's something we all look for, yet it can be so difficult to find sometimes. I wrote this short story a month ago. Its style is heavily inspired by Daniel Morden, The Devils Violin. I love old folk tales, feeling like you're around a campfire hearing tales of the old.

It was a personal story I wrote but decided to stick it on YouTube for you lot. This is my favourite short story I've ever written and it's extremely fun to tell. I've realised that my passion for learning and helping others to write stories dwindle if I don't write and tell stories myself. Who'da thought! I hope you enjoy!
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I love this style of writing! It reminds me of my childhood when teachers would have us gather on the floor and would read stories of this fashion. I would get lost in my imagination and for 30 minutes or so, all was right in the world. Those stories made me me want to become a writer. I did not need all of the bells and whistles, just lovely words and my imagination.

Thank you for reminding me why I became a writer in the first place. The only thing missing for me was a cup of hot chocolate and a crackling fireplace as I listened. : )


How deceptive we are to ourselves that we think that the things that didn't bring us joy could give joy to others or to us eventually.


Oh, my, goodness! It's an amazing story! Plz do more like these, they're awesome!


Love this style of video! The story was very enjoyable to listen to. It reminded me of the old tales I would hear as a kid. I would love to see more of these sort of videos from you! Great great stuff 😊👍🏼


Very great. It would be absolutely excellent if you did more videos like this.

Really great acting, really great graphics, very great story and characters as well.

It feels like one of those cultural sotries like Robin Hood or little folk stories like that that encapsulate the morals of a particular culture.

It reflects your channel in many ways: very nice graphics and seemless editing, charming and unique in its style, very professional but also personal. Really well done on this one.


I love this so much! Reminds me a lot of Daniel Morden with the music and the style of the story, and I love the message behind it as well. Amazing ❤️


Amazing style, nice rarely seen characters. I am bad at picking or identifying plot points so don’t know where the beginning, middle, *at least I know the end*, but I sure liked this style of story. I didn’t hear much of this before, or if I did, my bad memory doesn’t recall it, but I enjoyed it, so thank you!
If this made you feel better then even better and better.


Good story structure. Good moral. I'm assuming the moral is "when you want to get something, give it", but even if im off on the true intentions the fact thats what i think the moral is, means it presents as though it has a point :)

My challenge to you for the next one would be to dive into the sensory. We're told she holds joy, but it hits harder if it feel as if we're experiencing it for ourselves. Give her a name, give Us a name, let is feel the joy rather than hear about it. It s got a clear beginning middle and end, but would be good to go from abstract "this happened once upon a time" to concrete "this happened to you, or someone you can relate to. Can visually see in your minds eye, touch in your minds eye, etc." It doesnt need to be told in first person or anything like that (theres a story on youtube i saw where they talked about a box containing paper dragons, and although no one owned the box or interacted with the box in the story, it felt as though we once had through the details we knew the box had), but i challenge you to write as if a main character is going through something we can concretely interact with, as if its happening to us, or the narrator is standing right beside us, guiding us through a situation we can interact with. It can still be told in a "once upon a time" setting, like a distant memory passed down like a fable, but, more interactive detail :)

I liked the theme, liked the setting, liked the voice. Whered you get the music? That was good too.

As always, take this as guesswork. Let me know if giving critique is out of line or missing the point at a time where you'd rather pure encouragement or whatever you need to keep moving forward :)


Excellent, where can I find more of your stories?
