10 Animals That Can Live After Death

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10 Animals That Can Live After Death!

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Immortality has long fascinated us humans. Numerous people have searched for the secret of living
forever for centuries. But it seems like we’ve been beaten to it by our animal friends, to an extent.
Today we will be looking at 10 animals that can live after death. Make sure you stay tuned for number
one as this creature just might be immortal.

Number 10. Cockroaches
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that these tiny little bugs would make it to this list. Cockroaches are
infamous for their tenacity, and are often cited as the most likely survivors of a nuclear war. Some even
claim that they can live without their heads.
Well surprise surprise, they can live without their heads. In fact, they can go on living for weeks. To
understand how these bugs can survive decapitation, first we must understand how we fragile humans
First of all, human’s bleed, and when a man’s head comes off, he bleeds a lot. Cockroaches doesn’t have
that problem though. They have an open circulatory system, which translates to little to no blood
pressure. So, if their head’s lopped off, the wound just closes naturally due to clotting.
And secondly, and probably obviously, human heads hold quite a bit important part of our body; our
brain, and without it, humans will not function. Eating, drinking, and breathing are all impossible
without the head. Cockroaches, on the other hand, don’t need their heads to breath, as they do this
process through little holes located on their bodies, called spiracles. Although a headless cockroach will
die of starvation eventually, it will take weeks for them to do so.

Number 9. Bees
This might sound like a cop out to you. No, bees die and they stay dead. However, there is a reason why
they appear on this list, because even though a bee might be dead, it can still sting you.
Not in the way you think of course. Dead bees obviously go fly around and actively sting you, it’s that
their stinging parts, and more importantly, their venom delivery system, will still work even if the bee is
long dead.
When a bee stings, the sting detaches from its body, leaving it embedded into the skin of its victim.
Attached to the sting is a tiny organ that both contains the bee venom, and a tiny muscle that pumps
the venom out. Due to the simple physiology of bees, these actions are not controlled by the bee’s
simple brain, but rather by involuntary impulses.
So, if you think that you’re safe picking up a dead bee, think again.

Number 8. Chickens

There is truth to the expression “running around like a headless chicken” after all. Yes, ask any farmer
and they will tell you; chickens can still run around with their heads cut off, and there is a very simple
reason for this, and it’s not because chickens are zombies. No, the reason is, believe it or not, human
A butcher’s error to be more specific. You see, a chicken’s central nervous system is very different from
us humans. Some basic bodily functions are controlled not by the brain itself, but by certain parts of the
brain stem. So what does this all mean?
Well, if a butcher chops a chicken’s head to high, most of the time it’s just the forebrain of the chicken
that comes off with its head, leaving the brain stem and the cerebellum quite intact. In fact, if the
butcher also misses the jugular, not only will the chicken continue to move, it sometimes can still
breath. Of course, it will eventually starve to death but there is one special case that a chicken survived
18 whole months without its head.

Number 7. Octopus
I’m pretty sure that you’ve seen videos online where an octopus, after being chopped up, continues to
move. In fact, in certain Asian countries, eating fresh octopus is a deadly delicacy. It’s not really the
octopus that survive after being chopped up, but rather their eight wily arms that continue to move
about. And it’s these eight arms that usually gets stuck in someone’s through, resulting into a very bad
The reason why octopus’ arms maintain mobility even after being chopped off is quite fascinating. It’s
because their central nervous system is quite unique; most of an octopus’s nerve cells, 2/3 of them in
fact, can be found, not in the brain where you would expect them to be, but rather in its tentacles. And
these arms can continue reacting to stimuli even after they are no longer connected to the main brain;
in fact, they remain responsive even after the octopus has been long dead and the arms severed.
Researchers in St. George’s University in London conductive extensive experiments on this
Рекомендации по теме

Who else came here because of the headless snake🤣


“Were you killed?”

Animals: Yes, but i lived.


cockroach: _head comes off_

*time for mitosis*


Them: “The Salamander”

Me: That first clip was definitely an axolotl


The test isn’t that confusing

The test:


Actually, bee stingers aren't _supposed_ to rip off. They are serrated to reduce the contact surface (and thus friction) when they sting other insects. That is _supposed_ to make it _easier_ for the stinger to be pulled out again. When a bee stings a soft-skinned animal, however, those same serrations get stuck in the soft tissue and the bee can't escape without ripping off the stinger -- which ends up pulling out their guts too. Getting stung sucks for you, but it sucks _way_ worse for the bee.


Him: then they pinched them
Me: aw poor octopus 🐙


“Were you killed?”
“Sadly, Yes”
“But I lived!”


"and when a man's head comes off he bleeds...

A lot"

Me: oh dear god


i was watching this seriously then suddenly i saw the cockroach flying lmao.


Me: *eats a dead cooked chicken*
Chicken: *flies away*


Living after “death” isn’t considered dead then


i love your vids

this is a good vid


Can’t wait for the upcoming videos;

*10 Poor People that are Rich*
*10 Dogs that are Cats*
*10 Days that are Nights*


Title *10 animals that can live after death*
Me: Then there not dead



*_"Let's chop out its brain and see what the he!! happens."_*


cockroach:gets head cut off
cockroach: aww dammit (slowly walks away)


Wow animals are so cool I love your videos


Me: Are you dead
The insects: Yes but actually no.


Something not mentioned in the video but studies have shown that not only can the flatworm regrow an entire new body from each severed part, but that each and every one of these "new" worms will retain all the memories of the original organism. Those 20, 000+ worms mentioned from the Knottingham experiment, the vast majority of them had to "regrow" a completely new brain from scratch and yet all 20, 000+ will have the same memories as the original up to the point when it was cut apart.

Truly mind-blowing.
