Quattro vs Xdrive (Answer to BMW video)

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There's one really important point that people seem to be missing here. The Q5 used in the BMW X3 vs Q5 video, employs a mechanical centre differential (Torsen C). Mechanical differentials typically require a longer reaction time for torque transfer.

In this video, the presenters use a Q3, which does not employ a mechanical centre differential. Instead, the Q3 uses a haldex (viscous) differential, which, in its current iteration, has a faster reaction time than the Torsen C for torque transfer.

In this case, the X1, albeit in a slightly different configuration, uses similar viscous technology, hence both cars performed nearly identically.

Finally, they should have been using winter tires. The Q3 is actually a front transverse layout, and FWD biased. So, when the rears were spinning, the fronts already had 50% torque, plus a front heavy design = more weight over the front wheels, and less slip on the slush that appears to be on the ramp. I owned a Tiguan 4motion for 4 years, it's identical to the Q3 in all things mechanical, so I'm fairly familiar with how the system performs.

Finally, both systems aren't designed for off road use. And both systems require that electronic controls are on and functioning as designed in order for torque transfer to work as designed. Hence, both systems are compromised, and suitable for on-road conditions.

...and there really is no replacement for proper tires, I don't care which AWD or 4WD system your car employs.


Уважаемые а укажите пожалуйста размерности установленых резин на автомобилях во время теста?
Визуально диаметр шин на АУДИ больше Диаметра шин БМВ,
вследствии этого на одинаковых роликах колеса проваливаются на разную глубину и для "выезда" требуется преодолеть различные углы.
у АУДИ колеса больше - угол  кокторый требуется преодолеть для вызволения задних колес меньше.
у БМВ колеса меньше - угол больше.

заглубите колеса на половину в ролики и вас только краном вывезут!


As a guy who owns both a 2011 Audi S4 and a BMW 5-series with X-drive, I can tell you the quattro system is significantly better. Although it's not usually the going that's the problem, it's the stopping.


Silly you. Arguing over two top of the line 4WD technologies.
I'm over here in Sweden, with my rear wheel driven E90, and before that a front wheel driven A6 without a single problem.
Want to know the solution? Learn to drive and don't put yourself into unecessary road conditions. What are you planning on buying a car so that you can drive through 2meters of snow in a fucking forrest? Buy a fucking tractor.


This is a funny one, not saying they are different tires but looks like the audi has a larger tire diameter than the bmw, therefore it is able to catch on to the side of the box, somewhat bypassing that single roller setup. Just see how the rear tire is slightly compression on either edge of the box for the audi but not the bmw. A quick search for these 2 cars tire size.... Ø26.744" for X1 (225/55ZR17) and Ø27.252" for Q3 (235/50R18)
In conclusion, unless you are driving on this particular setup of rollers on a day to day basis, both car will get up slippery hill with one rear tire on ice just fine. I like both brands but would rather choose subaru, you guessed it, I am a subaru fan boy that drives a honda.


It's simple, Audi had taller tires! Both front and back of the tire makes contact on trap, while BMW was only contacting the front edge, just spinning out.

Look closer!


Shows BMW xdrive is RWD biased AWD, while Audi quattro is FWD biased AWD. 
Put a bracket at the front wheel position like the rear wheel did, then both will even out. 
It's all about what you like. I like the RWDness of BMW. 


I have been to one of these tests for the BMW X5 launch and they did the same thing.  but they put all wheels but one on a roller to demonstrate.  Both the BMW and the Audi were very close in time off the roller.  Also, to Hogwit's point, I did see the driver of the Audi slightly angle the vehicle so that the tire would hit the side of the roller to get traction on most all tests (first test of Audi was left front on side of roller second test was right rear heavy on the side of the roller), while the BMW had to do it straight on with no help.  Watch closely before comparing.  These things are to empower the salesperson to BELIEVE in their product.  Truth be told, both have a great system.  It is all in how you like the bias to be.  I agree with Efthimios on liking rear biased systems.


I think the people that commented below don't realize why this video was made. BMW made a BS video making it appear the audi couldn't climb an incline the BMW could. These guys are showing you that test was rigged to make the Audi appear to fail. How this is not apparent to the posters below escapes me. I literally laughed out loud when the BMW spins helplessly at the end then the driver backs up and makes it pass the course effortlessly. He should've held a mic out the window and dropped it.


As long as all wheels are spinning its really down to grip!


Q3. X1
Q5. X3
Q7. X5
Fair comparison, correct me if I'm wrong.




The result is very forseable, the audi has more weight over front wheels, 60/40 distribution, hence with the  front wheels on rollers the back tyres have less traction.
the bmw has 50/50 distribution meaning same weight on the back tyres ( add in the inclined slope and its more rear traction than the audi) so the result is reveresed. it is also worth noting that the bmw had all 4 wheels turning at the same speed meaning a locked 4 wheel drive system better for snow, the audi was just spinning up the unloaded tyre and having diffculty. but the results are predictable.


Tires, inflation, weight of the car. All matters


this has more to do with tires than the 4wd sistem


I would take either. Both are very well made vehicles and would perform excellent and snow/icy situations.


LOL. You don't win FIA races and WRC rally with XDrive!!! But quattro is the race and rally proven AWD system. It's so advanced that FIA and IMSA banned quattro for racing.


Same conditions, same tires. Quattro rules.


This test is crap the cars are not perfect align with the spinning system so it won't slide like they should instead they get a grip with the margin let the profesionals do the compare


 Here's a quick summary:

A4/S4/RS4 or bigger - traditional quattro
A3/S3 or smaller - Haldex
TT/TT-S/TT-RS - Haldex
R8 - quattro modified (think of the front wheels pushed back to the rear, and everything remains the same. except there is a drive shaft going to the front where the rear shaft would be in normal quattros)
Q3 - Haldex
Q5 - traditional quattro
Q7 - BorgWagner traditional awd (using a traditional transfer case)
