Jack Russell Terrier attacks Rottweiler

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Jacks are a big dog in a little body, they are all heart, God help us if Jacks were the size of Rottweiler's, with their energy and brains they take some handling skills


The Rottweiler wants to play, the Jack Russell doesn't. The Rottweiler might be somewhat younger and doesn't seem to entirely understand the other dog's body language.


Jack Russell have got no fear of any dogs


The jack russell is such a fearless dog it's unbelievable... My jack russell stood in front of my 6 Yr old daughter when he was about 10 months old and protected her from a Belgian shepard and gave it a beating... He's my little hero can't think him enough


That Rottie is beautiful. My sister had a Rottie that was 165 pounds and he was absolutely terrified of my 20 pound JRT. He was staying with us one weekend and I actually found him hiding from Jack (the JRT) in the bathtub.


Little JRT isn't attacking the Rott, he's just getting pissed from the Rott following him around. My JRT is grouchy like this also.


JRs = The Boss. No messing around with them . I adore this breed. ❤️


The Jack Russell's like "I ain't having none of it go on somewhere." LOL!


Judging from the wounds and stitches on his withers, that old Jack is still getting over his last battle.


Rottweilers scare the crap out of me, but this one is so adorable and sweet. ❤️❤️😍😍


HAHA never push a JRT too far! I used to take my ol' girl JRT to the dog park. It was like a prison yard. You had the general population yard for the dogs that got along with each other, but I had to take my little badass to the solitary confinement side because she couldn't play nice with others. So I had Kirby, my JRT over in the solitary yard, minding our business. This lady comes up with 2 Irish setters and starts to come in the yard with Kirby and us. I tell the lady "sorry, not trying to be mean, but I wouldn't bring them in here if I were you!" She looks at Kirby and says "What? Why? My dogs won't hurt her!" so I replied "That's not what I'm worried about...I'm worried that my dog will hurt one of yours!" Well, this lady just thought that was hilarious! "That little dog won't hurt anyone!"

OK...Don't say I didn't warn you!

So the lady opens the prison gate and walks in with her Irish setters. Of course, now my Kirby is on full alert. The JRT has 2 types of tail wags- the first is when she's happy and shows it...her little nub tail will be going 1, 000 wags a minute. She actually won a tail wagging contest at a dog show. So you know when its wagging all happy and crazy. Then there's the OTHER wag. This one is where she's on guard and its about to go down...first, her body freezes...then the little nub is wagging...but its a SLOW wag. Just a "ok, I'm not sure about this" wag...well, that's what Kirby had going now that there were 2 huge Irish Setters in the yard. The two setters run right up on Kirby...another big no-no. If she is backed into a corner, shell go at it...no matter what size the others are... tail in defensive wag, fangs bared...I again tell this lady "maam, you might want to take your dogs back out" I can see Kirby reaching Defcon 1...snarls, teeth, tail not wagging at all...its about to go down. Lady says "oh nonsense! they're fine!" and about that time, one of the setters gives a cold nose to Kirby's butt and that's all she wrote...Kirby attacks both dogs and is going bezerk! The setters are yelping and trying to get away so I reach into the melee and pick up my snarling 20lb ball of bad news and get her away from the setters who are now beating a path out of the yard and the lady is furious! "That dog should be euthanized!Why would you have such a violent dog out here! I'm reporting you!" so now I'm pissed...I warned her several times and she wouldn't listen...so I say to her: "look lady...I didn't come to you and insist on bringing my dog into YOUR area...you came over here and insisted on bringing YOUR dogs in this area, even though I told you NOT to...so who are you going to tell? I warned you SEVERAL times to keep your dogs out. Yeah, its unfair. Sorry. But it is what it is.That's why I bring her on THIS side so she can run and play...UNINTERRUPTED. But you INSISTED on coming in anyway. Well, that's what happens. Sorry. " I walked away. I don't know what she expected from me, but when I tell you...over and over...not to bring your dogs in here there's a reason behind it. You didn't listen and this was what happened.

Have a good day!


awww the Rott just wants to be friends, but JRT isn't in the mood


Just like my Jack Russel Terriers hahaha so dominant and fiesty for such a little dog.


look at that jack, cares not a jot, didnt even flinch once...man theyre fearless


I got a jackrussell at home and this is just hilarious 😂


Raised Parson Russell Jacks for over 10 years...loved every single one of them...very active with lots of energy...would love to have another one


jack russels are fearless, ours attacks our collie, but the collie seems to like it kinda, we never let it escalate tho


Jack russells are moody. Which is why mine and I get along 😂😂 moody and moody.


Jack Russel is old. He is not in the mood for games. After a while, it is evident his owners are eating. It is evident that he is after food. Not games


Jack Russell bullying a Rottweiler—-LMAO!!!
